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Fun fact: When the original N64 Paper Mario was in development, it had a completely different
- and more fitting - name: Super Mario RPG 2. Which I suppose would make Thousand Year
- 更合適的--名字:超級馬里奧RPG 2。 我想這將使千禧年
Door Super Mario RPG 3. So what was Super Paper Mario? Popular opinion seems to lean
門超級馬里奧RPG 3。那麼《超級紙牌馬里奧》是什麼呢?大眾的觀點似乎傾向於
toward “A misstep,” a valiant effort at playing around with the established mechanics
向著 "誤打誤撞 "的方向發展,在玩弄既定機制方面做出了勇敢的努力。
of the 2D platformer, but ultimately a much shallower experience than expected. It wasn’t
RPG enough. A trend had been established, after all. Paper Mario: Sticker Star goes
back over that divide between platformer and RPG, trying to smooth out the lumps and kinks
like a... man, there’s a perfect analogy here somewhere, but heck if I can think of
就像一個... 男人,有一個完美的比喻 這裡的某個地方,但赫克 如果我能想到的
it right now.
In another example of “We need to instigate events in a Mario game, make up a Mushroom
Kingdom holiday,” there’s a massive festival planned for the arrival of the wish-granting
Sticker Comet, which distributes adhesives all across the land and can grant wishes.
(Stick with me, it gets better). Bowser, troublesome bastard that he is, crashes the party and
pokes the comet, which is apparently something you just DON’T DO, gets a crown stuck to
戳彗星,這顯然是什麼 你只是不這樣做,得到一個冠卡住了。
his head and goes all holo-foil like some sweet Pokemon card. (Though full-arts are
still at least 58% spiffier.) Despite Mario’s intervention, the city of Decalburg is trashed,
and as the sentient sticker Kirsti informs us the only way to restore peace and order
就像有情貼紙Kirsti告訴我們的那樣 恢復和平與秩序的唯一方法是:
is by retrieving the five Royal Stickers (which seems like two too few) that have been scattered
to the ends of the local geographical area. Thus begins our adventure, powered by... stickers.
到當地地理區域的盡頭。我們的冒險之旅就這樣開始了,由... 貼紙驅動。
Yes, as you’ve probably read, stickers are EVERYTHING in this game. Every attack costs
a sticker, be it a jump, hammer swing, POW block, fire flower, what have you. Battles
play out in the turn-based format familiar to fans of the series, though the increased
emphasis on resource management means that skirmishes play out a little differently.
Efficiency is tested, and the question of the day becomes “Can I get away with using
檢驗效率,今天的問題就變成了 "我能否擺脫使用。
a cheaper sticker and simply nail the timing, as opposed to using up a more valuable attack?”
And that’s awesome. Adding to the formula (and the abject absurdity of it all) are a
number of “Thing Stickers,” available by taking seemingly out-of-place 3D objects
數量的 "事物貼紙",可以通過將看似不合時宜的3D對象進行
to a kiosk in town and chucking them against a wall. These can be deployed to manipulate
reality, or used in battle for huge, high-damage attacks akin to Final Fantasy’s summon spells
(though Ramuh and Alexander got nothing on GOAT).
The design of the game takes a much more modular, level-based format, with discrete stages accessed
via a Super Mario World-style map. And while there are only six areas, each level is a
mission unto itself, be it an investigation of a giant Yoshi Sphinx (interrupted by a
throwdown with a Shyguy mariachi band) or the exorcism of a haunted mansion. Frequently
與Shyguy mariachi樂隊的對決)或驅魔的鬼宅。經常
you’ll find weird rips in the fabr... in the paper of reality, requiring you to track
down the dislocated object and replace it via Kirsti’s Paperization power. It’s
more involved than it appears at first glance, and is sure to appeal to folks who may have
felt Super Paper Mario was a bit too two-dimensional. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t bring something
up that really blew me away like... something. (Man, I’m having a bad analogy day today.)
了,真的讓我大吃一驚,就像... ... 東西。(男人,我有一個糟糕的類比今天。)
The soundtrack to this game is one of the best I’ve heard in years, meriting the occasional
stop down just to sit and listen for a minute. It’s like an attempt to compensate for the
viral proliferation of steel drums that has been festering since Super Mario World by
bringing in a small jazz combo and telling ‘em to just go nuts. There’s lots of trumpet
帶來了一個小的爵士組合 並告訴他們只是去瘋狂。有很多小號
and a healthy dose of sax wherever you go, whether you’re combing the desert or rooting
through a trash heap in a jungle temple. (Wherein I found some of Birdo’s poetry, a piece
of a recipe for something, and Goombella’s term paper.) Sticker Star is what Super Paper
Mario wanted to be but wasn’t: A reality-manipulating good time that stays true to its RPG roots
while diversifying into more platformy gameplay. It succeeds in this attempt, while also modularizing
the content to better fit a portable system. This game deserves a gold star... but since
的內容,以更好地適應便攜式系統。這款遊戲應該得到一顆金星... 但由於... ...
“gold star” isn’t an actual attack, we’re going to settle for a giant cat statue
"金星 "不是真正的攻擊,我們要解決的是一個巨大的貓咪雕像。
of massive annihilation.