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  • I'm going to just open my very first restaurant in my home country Malaysia and to celebrate


  • We're gonna try to break the world record for most people dress up as uncle Roger


  • We are and this the Guinness World Record adjudicator


  • Nephew Austin now uncle Roger the minimum requirement for this record is 250 people 250

    侄子奧斯汀現在是羅傑叔叔,這個記錄的最低要求是 250 人 250

  • Yes, but surely this record nobody tried before I should win by default. How about just five people?


  • Unfortunately, that would not be acceptable


  • Okay


  • Fine and since you here we're gonna try to out the world record most number of egg crack with one hand and most amount of


  • Rice wok tossed into ladle get you here three record for the price of one save money. I


  • Look forward to seeing your attempts today


  • And now we go back to two week before you went when uncle Roger start my training


  • I


  • Feel uncle Roger


  • Underestimate how hard this one hand a crack is see my motion so awkward some egg uncle Roger need to knock five times to even crack


  • Hi, yeah


  • The current record for this is 18 egg in 30 seconds. That's impossible. Stop

    目前的記錄是 30 秒內吃 18 個雞蛋。這是不可能的。停

  • I'm so slow opening egg with one hand not as easy as it look see this one if eggshell in there


  • You're gonna be disqualified. Hi. So this one disqualified


  • Also shell egg shell egg shell look at this one. This one don't even have egg yolk in there. It's just eggshell


  • Hi, yeah eggshell eggshell


  • So in in the end, we only have one two, three, four, five six seven. Hi. Yeah only seven

    所以最後我們只有一 二 三 四 五 六 七嗨只有七個

  • I cracking on side of plate like this


  • So if I not careful see eggshell fall in there already even though my opening my hand opening


  • Perfect but still eggshell in there because when you crack here the eggshell fly out


  • So maybe if uncle Roger crack egg, I don't crack on side of bowl. I crack outside of bowl here


  • See no eggshell at all, maybe this the way to do it


  • Six seven eight nine

    六 七 八 九

  • So eggshell eggshell


  • Um

  • Is enough you this all the eight we use for my practice, but don't worry


  • We're not wasting it. We use this we cook it and then we serve to stuff including uncle roger see this uncle roger special fried rice


  • We use all the egg to make this hmm


  • So good all the stuff the eating egg for the last two weeks since we start this restaurant 12 people tired of cholesterol already

    自從我們開始這家餐廳以來,過去兩週吃雞蛋的所有東西都很好,已經有 12 人對膽固醇感到厭倦了

  • Uncle roger are you ready of course I ready I understand today the first

    羅傑叔叔,你準備好了嗎? 我當然準備好了。

  • Guinness World Records title you'll be attempting for is


  • The most fried rice tossed and caught with a ladle in 30 seconds of the fried rice must be tossed properly and caught in the ladle afterwards

    在 30 秒內用勺子翻炒和夾取的炒飯最多,炒飯必須翻炒均勻,並在翻炒後用勺子夾取

  • Once caught with a ladle the fried rice must be placed onto a plate that is near the wok


  • Only rice that has successfully left the wok and landed into the ladle will be counted and what the minimum I need to beat 500 grams the Guinness World Record people always make you dress like train conductor

    只有成功離開炒鍋並落入勺中的米飯才會被計算在內,而我至少需要 500 克才能打破金氏世界紀錄。

  • Walk tossing uncle roger can do since I three-year-old come I can do this blindfolded easy in three two one go


  • Honestly, this is the most BS world record ever because uncle roger worried that out of all three record I attempted


  • I can't even achieve single one of them


  • So we ask Guinness World Record people for one easy record to beat 500 gram it too easy

    是以,我們向金氏世界紀錄保持者請教,希望能有一項簡單的紀錄打破 500 克的紀錄。

  • Uncle roger can do that in my sleep. Hi. Yeah


  • Three two one stop


  • What you think what you think a bit messy because I'm gonna have to toss higher to be safe


  • Well, I will need to verify the total number of grams that you have in each plate here


  • What just just look and give me title Guinness World Records. So a no


  • This is an official Guinness World Records title


  • So I do need to verify all of the evidence


  • Do people still buy this book the Guinness World Record book will come out of course every year you come out with the new book


  • Is coming out shortly. He's an F. You only buy it if uncle roger win, okay

    很快就出來了他是個 F,只有羅傑叔叔贏了你才會買,好嗎

  • They even have special calculator


  • Uncle Roger don't remember the last time I used calculator. It's like high school again today


  • Uncle roger attempted the Guinness World Records title of the most fried rice tossed and caught with a ladle in 30 seconds

    羅傑叔叔試圖打破金氏世界紀錄,即在 30 秒內用勺子撈起最多的炒飯

  • And I can announce that you achieved 1240 grams, which is a new Guinness World Records title. Congratulations

    我可以宣佈,你們的重量達到了 1240 克,這是一項新的金氏世界紀錄。祝賀你們

  • You see what I tell you needs a nephew so easy next time we try blindfolded


  • Okay


  • While uncle roger tossing all my minions starting to arrive for the world record of largest gathering of people dressed as uncle roger


  • So uncle roger this next challenge that you will it be attempting is the most eggs cracked with one hand in 30 seconds

    所以,羅傑大叔,你接下來要挑戰的是在 30 秒內單手敲碎最多的雞蛋。

  • Are you ready?


  • I'm going to train so hard for this train so many thing. I broke I think at least 1,000 2,000 egg eggs must be commercially available and weigh a minimum of 50 grams

    我要努力訓練,訓練這麼多東西。我打破了我認為至少要有 1 000 2 000 個雞蛋雞蛋必須是市售的,重量至少 50 克

  • Eggs must be cracked with one hand with the other hand held behind the back if any shells fall into the container with the egg


  • That egg must not be counted towards the final goal this last rule the most annoying rule in three two one go

    最後一條規則是 "三二一 "遊戲中最令人討厭的規則。

  • Hi, yeah, okay


  • Time next round we need to have more bow


  • So uncle roger the record to beat was 18, which was set back in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania in 2022

    是以,羅傑大叔要打破的記錄是 18,而這一記錄是 2022 年在賓夕法尼亞州的機械堡創造的。

  • After going over the evidence here you cracked successfully seven eggs. What does seven?


  • Hi


  • That very bad. There are a few eggshells


  • That I can observe here. Unfortunately, your first attempt was unsuccessful


  • Meanwhile outside even more people coming now


  • We have hosts in area entertaining them don't want people getting bought this little girl is lost


  • We even get people from all over the world


  • And now back to second attempt of a cracking that previous try uncle roger break 23 8

    現在回到第二次嘗試破解前一次嘗試的羅傑大叔破門 23 8

  • But because I go too fast 16 8 got eggshell in them

    但因為我走得太快,16 8 個蛋殼都掉進去了

  • That way they only count seven this time uncle roger gonna try to be more careful more technique

    這樣,他們這次就只數 7 個數了,羅傑叔叔會更加小心的。

  • But this time uncle roger gonna try to break it on surface not right here


  • In three two one go


  • Five four three two one stop

    五 四 三 二 一 停

  • Should have been more careful with this one you scaring me this one. Okay. See this one. I can just you know


  • And


  • The table too small no space to throw


  • Uncle Roger regarding your second attempt here today


  • You improved from your first attempt. I could confirm 13 eggs successfully cracked 13 so you are still five short. I

    你比第一次嘗試有進步。我可以確認 13 枚雞蛋成功擊碎了 13 枚,所以你還差 5 枚。I

  • Can't permit you one final attempt


  • Uncle roger so stressed, but these nephews so happy where they get this shirtless photo


  • I try to run family-friendly channel. Hi


  • More and more people dressed like me coming for the largest gathering of uncle roger world record not the forming group


  • Remember niece and nephew at this point uncle roger have no idea at all what going on outside because I focusing on my final a crack attempt


  • Okay, let's do this during your first attempt you had seven during the second attempt you achieved 13

    好吧,讓我們這樣做吧,在第一次嘗試時,你有 7 次機會;在第二次嘗試時,你取得了 13 次機會。

  • I wish you all the best for your third attempt pressure pressure. Are you ready? Yes in three two one go


  • Are you ready? Yes in three two one go


  • Five maybe this is the way to do it 15 seconds 20 seconds

    5 也許這才是正確的方法 15 秒 20 秒

  • Oh

  • You need to count first


  • Okay, this one to yoke that mean to egg correct that to egg at first only one egg what it to yo

    好的,這個 "軛 "的意思是 "蛋",正確的說法是 "蛋",起初只有一個蛋,是什麼意思呢?

  • Uncle


  • Roger I have just

    羅傑 我剛

  • Confirmed the number of eggs that you successfully cracked for your third and final attempt today


  • I can confirm that you successfully cracked 15 eggs

    我可以確認你成功地敲開了 15 個雞蛋

  • Which unfortunately is shy of the Guinness World Records title


  • So I cannot award you a record for that today, but that one to egg even so 15 is still a lot to be proud of

    所以,今天我不能給你破紀錄,但那一個雞蛋,即使是 15 個,也是值得驕傲的。

  • Very good attempt today, and I'd like to welcome you back in the future to


  • Attempt this or an additional Guinness World Records title again sometime. You know it very expensive to fly you out here, you know


  • Oh

  • That training for nothing


  • Roger fail my egg crack attempt now. We're driving to gathering point


  • We're gonna see if we can achieve the record of largest gathering of people dressed up as uncle Roger


  • Let's hope my niece and nephew don't let me down


  • Oh

  • Okay who here watch my video make some noise


  • Thank you, thank you what your name little boy


  • Jero how are you?


  • 12 and your mom let you watch my video

    12 歲,你媽媽讓你看我的視頻

  • Your mom fucked up your mom fuck


  • We are we ready are we ready to count


  • Okay, I like that billboard show black pink woman show uncle Roger who's that woman


  • Jenny who care about Jenny


  • She not here with you I hear with you correct adjudicate the better keep us world record we're gonna pull you


  • Remember this face if you don't give us world record remember this face


  • We're a parking lot


  • Before you pop b2 c3 that way parking

    在你彈出 b2 c3 之前,這樣停車

  • How did you know uncle Roger people following you? We know everything?


  • any last word


  • As the official adjudicator my job here today is to measure


  • Officiate and judge attempt for the Guinness World Record title of the largest gathering of people dressed as uncle Roger all

    擔任金氏世界紀錄 "打扮成羅傑叔叔的人最多的一次聚會 "的主持和評審

  • Participants must be wearing a full uncle Roger costume which must consist of a plain orange polo shirt tucked in to a pair of black shorts or jeans a black phone case

    參賽者必須身著羅傑叔叔的全套服裝,包括一件普通的橙色 Polo 衫,內襯一條黑色短褲或牛仔褲,一個黑色手機殼。

  • Attached to the hip and a pair of shoes the record to beat for this attempt was 250 I

    與臀部和一雙鞋子相連,這次嘗試要打破的記錄是 250 I 英尺。

  • Can now confirm that with 388 you have achieved

    現在可以確認,您在 388 中實現了

  • I'm gonna start doing YouTube 2020 cold with time. I just talk shit talk shit talk shit

    隨著時間的推移,我要開始做 YouTube 2020 冷。我只是說廢話說廢話說廢話

  • Never expect one day. I'm gonna have my very own restaurant that a dream come true


  • But that all thanks to niece and nephew uncle Roger really love you all


  • Our restaurant only have 80 seat so today we're gonna try to get as many of you in there

    我們的餐廳只有 80 個座位,所以今天我們要儘量讓更多的人進去。

  • Okay


  • But please bear with us also because kitchen pick kitchen people still new and they're not used to this many people there


  • So if we slow don't worry, okay


  • If you like our food leave five-star review on Google if you don't like our food that it made by Jamie Oliver

    如果您喜歡我們的食物,請在谷歌上留下五星級評論;如果您不喜歡傑米-奧利弗(Jamie Oliver)製作的食物,請在谷歌上留下五星級評論。

  • And this and that you watch you on YouTube leave comment that uncle Roger know where I should bring my restaurant next

    還有這個,你看你在 YouTube 上留下評論,羅傑叔叔知道我下一步應該把我的餐廳開到哪裡。

  • But the China China uncle Roger cannot go to China. I cannot sorry


  • USA okay USA we coming uncle Roger want to introduce some people

    美國 好的 美國 我們來了 羅傑叔叔要介紹一些人

  • Important to me in my life. So first of all, do you want to meet uncle Roger mom?


  • Please mom. Where are you mom? Where is she?


  • Mom, hi. Yeah, my mom. Why am I listening? Hi


  • Give it up. This is uncle Roger mom for you


  • Another important woman in my life is nephew Nigel nephew Nigel new girlfriend and fiance


  • Do you want to meet nephew Nigel fiance, okay, please welcome Sabrina


  • She pretty or not she pretty or not

    她漂亮與否 她漂亮與否

  • We need to have you we did it. We want Guinness World Record three two one

    我們要讓你知道我們做到了。我們要金氏世界紀錄 3 2 1

  • We


  • Cut yes. All right, let's pack up. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Nice job. So hands are hands are dirty

    是的好了,收拾東西吧謝謝 - 謝謝 - Thank you.謝謝 - 謝謝 - Thank you.幹得好 - Thank you.幹得好 Nice job.So hands are hands are dirty

  • Thank you


  • Yeah, you know, you know how to play the suspense I do I think


  • Oh, we got one one more shot I forget sorry, sorry


  • Austin Austin, thank you. Thank you. You can go back down now you guys both stay here

    奧斯汀奧斯汀,謝謝你。謝謝你們可以下去了 你們倆都待在這兒

  • Sorry quiet quiet for one second and these enough you watch you on YouTube leave comment

    對不起,安靜一秒鐘,這些足夠你看你在 YouTube 上留下評論

  • Let uncle Roger know where I should bring my nice. Thank you nephew Austin. You're gonna come to eat our fire rice


  • Unfortunately, I'm unable to do that. Why?


  • Conflict of interest conflict of it


  • Just fire eyes Guinness World Record people so serious


  • He's caught


  • Camera look at him. Look at him


  • That is level of dedication, you know


  • Well, sorry, sorry


  • Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, please. Okay. Ignore the camera. You know the camera. Thank you. Thank you

    謝謝。Thank you. - Yeah.謝謝 - 謝謝好的,謝謝好的,別管攝像頭你知道相機。謝謝 - 謝謝 - Thank you.謝謝

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you


  • Thank you, thank you


I'm going to just open my very first restaurant in my home country Malaysia and to celebrate


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羅傑叔叔開餐廳啦!究竟老饕們買不買單呢?一起看下去! (Uncle Roger Start A Restaurant... And Break World Record)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 30 日