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  • I Am flying to California tomorrow Here with Sunny and we're eating Chinese hot pot It's her first time at my house, oh my god, oh we're matching So Coco and I, hello, come on, attention Coco and I are here getting some Japanese ramen Our food's out We're having a date What is this place called?

    我明天要飛去加利福尼亞 我們和桑尼在這裡吃中國火鍋 這是她第一次來我家 天哪 我們太般配了 可可和我 你好 來吧 注意 可可和我在這裡吃日本拉麵 我們的食物已經吃完了 我們在約會 這地方叫什麼來著

  • It's in Itaewon The one that's on Main Street that everyone knows It's this place Wait What's the name of this place?

    在梨泰院 大街上的那家 人人都知道 是這個地方 等等 這個地方叫什麼名字?

  • Menya Sundae Yeah, what he said Today I'm bringing my friend G with me It's gonna be her first time Working out at Train True And I'm really excited for her to come work out with me And I think she should be here She's up there waiting for me right now I'm a little late There she is I'm vlogging today I didn't eat anything So I have to get kimbap I'm gonna eat kimbap Like samgak kimbap I'm hungry, I can't work out when I'm hungry Let's go eat first Three left for me You can't do rice You can't do rice?

    今天我要帶我的朋友G一起去 這是她第一次在Train True健身 我很期待她能來 我覺得她應該在這裡 她現在就在上面等我 我有點晚了 她在那裡 我今天在錄視頻 我什麼都沒吃 所以我得去吃拌飯 我要吃拌飯 就像三格拌飯 我餓了我餓的時候不能鍛鍊 我們先去吃飯吧 還剩三個給我 你不會做米飯 你不會做米飯?

  • You can't do rice?


  • This reminds me of When I was in school You ate a little one?


  • My classes were all No break Oh really?

    我的課程都是不休息的 哦,真的嗎?

  • So you didn't have text Yeah, I would only eat this It's her first time On this machine But you have to like Thrust, like you have to go up Really quickly, exciting news I am flying to California tomorrow It's a very unexpected trip My flight was actually supposed to be scheduled for March End of March But with everything going on right now I think right now is the perfect time To go back to California And then spend time with family And then come back to Korea So yeah, that's the plan I plan on going to California, spending time with my family And then And visiting New York for a few weeks Possibly a month I've always wanted to try living in New York Before things get a little bit more busier for me I just thought right now is the best time to do that So overwhelmed with everything right now It was such an unexpected trip I literally got my ticket Like two days ago And I just have so many things I need to take care of Like I need to send my giveaway gifts I just wrote my card to the winner And now I need to run to the post office To send off These goodies There's so many products This is the gift for my 2018 Holy Grail skincare products So yeah, I'm gonna go send these off Right now So So I am probably the world's Worst packager That took me like 30 minutes to do So Barbie, if you get your package And it's terrible I'm so sorry, I apologize in advance Oh, so embarrassing Happy birthday Thank you So romantic So Hey guys, so right now I'm with He's my only viewer But he brought his friends and we're all eating lunch Calvin and Thomas We were gymming together And then I met Gilbert Through them So we're just gonna enjoy our curry I'm like so bad at vlogging A lot of you guys Asked me if you can hang out with me If you visit Korea And I always said yes See, even though he doesn't really watch My videos, he just subscribed Today Thank you for Lunch, Thomas Anything for Michelle Choi Anything Are you gonna keep Videoing this?

    是的,我只吃這個 這是她第一次上這臺機器 但你必須像推力一樣,像你必須上去 真的很快,令人興奮的消息 我明天將飛往加利福尼亞 這是一次非常意外的旅行 我的班機實際上應該安排在三月底 但現在發生了這麼多事 我認為現在是回加利福尼亞的最佳時機 然後和家人在一起,然後回韓國和家人團聚,然後去紐約待上幾周,可能一個月 我一直想在事情變得更忙之前,去紐約生活一下我兩天前才拿到機票,還有很多事情要處理 比如我得把贈品寄出去 我剛給獲獎者寫了賀卡 現在我得去郵局把這些好東西寄出去我可能是世界上最糟糕的包裝工 我花了大概

  • Yeah I'm a victim He came to help Take my luggage To the airport What I will never forget This day What would I do Without you So I just made it to Incheon airport And I'm traveling with Three baggage And it is not fun Right now This is a must When flying Korea Hi baby Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god He's gonna cry Do you remember me?

    是的,我是受害者,他來幫我把行李送到機場 我永遠不會忘記這一天,沒有你我該怎麼辦 我剛到仁川機場,我帶著三件行李,這可不好玩 現在,這是飛韓國時的必備品 嗨,寶貝,哦,我的天,哦,我的天,哦,我的天 哦,我的天,哦,我的天,哦,我的天 哦,我的天,哦,我的天,哦,我的天,哦,我的天 哦,我的天,哦,我的天,哦,我的天,哦,我的天 他要哭了,你還記得我嗎?

  • He doesn't remember He doesn't remember me He's like who the hell Are you Monkey Right now it is 5.36am And I'm about to Get some McDonald's Let's see What we got in here Got a hash brown I was craving this so much Sausage burrito and a Sausage McGriddle Okay I'm gonna go home and eat this I'm not gonna eat this in the car At 5am in the parking lot Yeah no we're not doing that I'm super jet lagged And I'm editing my vlog Right now it's 4am And my dad is awake And he's about to go to work He baked banana bread earlier And he's really excited about it So he's gonna give me some To eat while I edit Bye Mmm Very good Right Tell me what you wanna do Call up my squad Go round With

    他不記得了,他不記得我了 他說你是誰啊,你是猴子嗎?36 am And I'm about to Get some McDonald's 看看有什麼 Let's see what we got in here Got a hash brown 我好想吃這個 I was craving this so much 香腸捲餅和香腸麥格卷 Sausage burrito and a Sausage McGriddle Okay 我要回家吃這個 I'm gonna go home and eat this 我才不要

I Am flying to California tomorrow Here with Sunny and we're eating Chinese hot pot It's her first time at my house, oh my god, oh we're matching So Coco and I, hello, come on, attention Coco and I are here getting some Japanese ramen Our food's out We're having a date What is this place called?

我明天要飛去加利福尼亞 我們和桑尼在這裡吃中國火鍋 這是她第一次來我家 天哪 我們太般配了 可可和我 你好 來吧 注意 可可和我在這裡吃日本拉麵 我們的食物已經吃完了 我們在約會 這地方叫什麼來著

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A2 初級 中文 美國腔

每週 Vlog | 在韓國與我的觀眾們一起玩耍,自發前往卡利 (Weekly Vlog | Hanging out with my viewers in Korea, spontaneous trip to Cali)

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    林美鳳 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 30 日