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  • You have had this extraordinary career, you know, I mentioned the Oscars in the introduction and things but Harry Potter weirdly But that did sort of change your life in a way well, yes a lot of very small people kind of Say hello to me and that way that was nice Whole different lot of people Yes But also so weird that they'd only know you for that one thing like you've never existed before.


  • No, I never had And except one kid once said to me he said were you were you really a cat?


  • I Just pull yourself together So there's so that there's the the Harry Potter a bit of your life which kind of changed your life but then Downton comes along Is That one of those things where you thought you were famous till you were in Downton No, I Didn't I didn't think that at all.


  • It's only since Downton that people seem to know You know who stopped me and and asked me but it's only since Downton and that's that's television for you.


  • Yes, it's common Funny enough I was I was in Waitrose in Storrington my face And a little boy was at the checkout with his mother and he kept looking at me And I thought what am I gonna do?

    是的,這很常見 有趣的是,我當時在斯托林頓的懷特羅斯超市 我的臉 一個小男孩和他媽媽在結賬 他一直看著我 我想我該怎麼辦?

  • But anyway?


  • Kept looking at me and looking at me and I said Can I help you and he said it's so right.


  • It'll come to me in a minute I People coming up to you now like very Americans are very well America, you know, they're not shy Americans No, but I don't go anywhere really where they can get at me It's usually in museums and art galleries and things so that limits things I Keep away from them and Harrods.

    我馬上就會想起來的 我現在就在你身邊 就像美國人一樣 美國人很好 你知道 他們不是害羞的美國人 不 但我不去任何他們能找到我的地方

  • I don't go near So are you in a way sort of glad that Downton's over?

    我不靠近唐頓 你是不是很高興唐頓結束了?

  • Oh, yeah Because honestly she was about by the time everything she must have been 110 Didn't make sense Alex I know you you're a big Downton fan.


  • I am I I shouted it a lot Yeah, I do.


  • Yeah, we watch it and we shouted it because I'm not in it I've got the box You


You have had this extraordinary career, you know, I mentioned the Oscars in the introduction and things but Harry Potter weirdly But that did sort of change your life in a way well, yes a lot of very small people kind of Say hello to me and that way that was nice Whole different lot of people Yes But also so weird that they'd only know you for that one thing like you've never existed before.


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【緬懷瑪吉史密斯】「麥教授」在公共場合被認出來的尷尬瞬間 (Dame Maggie Smith talks about being recognised in public | The Graham Norton Show - BBC)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 30 日