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由 AI 自動生成
  • This is my self-study plan to learn AI, which I made using Chachipiti.

    這是我使用 Chachipiti 制定的學習人工智能的自學計劃。

  • This one is for learning Japanese.


  • This one is for learning how to make better YouTube videos.

    這本是用來學習如何製作更好的 YouTube 視頻的。

  • And last but not least, this one is for learning personal finances.


  • These are the four topics, the four study plans that I'm currently following.


  • They're all custom designed to fit my specific goals.


  • Like for the Japanese one, I don't care about how to like speak Japanese or read Japanese.


  • I just want to learn how to understand Japanese so that I can watch anime without subtitles.


  • I know it's pretty specific.


  • But yeah, they're all custom made at my study level, my skill set, my preferred resources, and my preferred study schedule.


  • Before Chachipiti, each of these study plans would have taken me days, if not weeks, to get to this level.

    在學習 Chachipiti 之前,每個學習計劃都要花上幾天甚至幾周的時間才能達到這個水準。

  • But with Chachipiti, I was able to do each of them in less than 10 minutes.

    但有了 Chachipiti,我可以在 10 分鐘內完成每一個動作。

  • After I got the prompt right though, the prompt itself did take me weeks to actually figure out.


  • But luckily for you, in this video, I'm going to just show you guys this prompt to make a really optimized custom study plan using Chachipiti.

    但幸運的是,在本視頻中,我將向你們展示如何使用 Chachipiti 製作真正優化的定製學習計劃。

  • That works for any subject.


  • Plus, I'm going to give you some bonus prompts and tips and tricks on how to use Chachipiti to make the actual studying process faster and also more fun.

    此外,我還會給你一些額外的提示以及使用 Chachipiti 的技巧和竅門,讓你的實際學習過程更快、更有趣。

  • All right, let's have that start running while I explain the prompt.


  • So for this example, I'm going to make a study plan for learning AI.


  • You can change that for any other topic that you want as well.


  • All right, so the prompt.


  • You are an expert learning tutor who is well versed in Scott Young's book, Ultra Learning.


  • So that is from this book over here.


  • I have tried a lot of different frameworks from a lot of different books and resources, and by far the best one for how to create a good study plan using Chachipiti.

    我從許多不同的書籍和資源中嘗試了許多不同的框架,而到目前為止,最好的框架是使用 Chachipiti 來制定良好的學習計劃。

  • This framework in this book works the best.


  • So I actually covered this book in detail.


  • You can check it out on this link over here.


  • So I'm not going to go into much of it now, but just trust me on this one.


  • OK, all right.


  • So moving on.


  • So right now I want to make a study plan for ultra learning AI based on the principle of meta learning and the why, what, how framework.


  • So that is the framework from the book.


  • Why is why I want to learn it.


  • What is what I will learn?


  • This is divided into concepts, facts and procedures.


  • How is how will I learn it?


  • This is based on techniques of benchmarking and emphasize, exclude.


  • Benchmarking means to find common ways people learn it by doing research.


  • Emphasize, exclude means for making modifications to align with the goal.


  • My why for learning AI is because I want to build simple web applications using LMS and other AI products.

    我之所以學習人工智能,是因為我想使用 LMS 和其他人工智能產品構建簡單的網絡應用程序。

  • The why is extremely important.


  • Make sure to think carefully about why it is that you want to learn this topic and tell ChachiBT.

    請務必認真思考為什麼要學習這個主題,並告訴 ChachiBT。

  • The more specific you are, the better.


  • Like my Japanese one is specific for learning how to understand anime Japanese, so I don't have to read subtitles.


  • My personal finance one has specific goals about buying land and property.


  • And for making YouTube videos, I say specifically it's for making video essays to maximize for views.

    至於製作 YouTube 視頻,我特別強調是製作視頻隨筆,以最大限度地提高瀏覽量。

  • I already know how to code in Python and know how to build a Python applications with Django.

    我已經知道如何用 Python 編程,也知道如何用 Django 構建 Python 應用程序。

  • So I understand the components of a web application and how they work, etc.


  • This is where you tell ChachiBT what you already know about that topic, so it's able to adjust its skill level for you.

    在這裡,您可以告訴 ChachiBT 您對該主題的瞭解程度,這樣它就能為您調整技能水準。

  • So let's create a study plan using this framework.


  • Let's start with the what.

    先說 "什麼"。

  • For the what in your study plan, we'll break it down into concepts, facts and procedures.


  • So it tells me the concepts that I need to learn, such as AI and machine learning basics, natural language processing, pre-trained models and APIs, web application architecture for AI apps and ethics and bias in AI.


  • And for facts, key libraries and frameworks, data formats, pre-trained model specs and performance metrics.


  • And for procedures, the actual steps I need to take.


  • So all of this is very specific to my goal and looks very reasonable.


  • By the way, the reason why I didn't give you like one massive prompt and I said to start with the what is that this way it offers you flexibility.

    順便說一下,我之所以沒有給你一個大規模的提示,而是讓你從 "什麼 "開始,是因為這樣可以給你提供靈活性。

  • Like, for example, maybe I don't care about ethics and bias.


  • I should care about ethics and bias, but I could say something like, I don't care about ethics and bias.


  • Please remove that.


  • But yeah, so yeah, this is how you can kind of iterate on top of it so that you get the concepts, facts and the procedures that you want to have.


  • All right, let's actually add it back in.


  • OK, so let's now move on to the how of the framework.


  • All right, we asked ChachiBT to do benchmarking, which is to research common methods of learning.

    好吧,我們請 ChachiBT 來做基準測試,也就是研究常見的學習方法。

  • So you and I are not the first people who want to learn how to use AI to build applications.


  • So instead of trying to come up with something from scratch, we can actually ask ChachiBT to research the collective knowledge of people who have come before us and what they figured out is the best way to learn.

    是以,與其從頭開始想辦法,我們其實可以請 ChachiBT 研究前人的集體知識,看看他們發現了什麼是最好的學習方法。

  • And based on that, we're doing emphasis slash exclude.


  • So we're emphasizing things that are targeted towards my goals and excluding things that are not useful towards my goal.


  • So in this case, from doing that research, we know that people use beginner friendly courses such as Anjanine's course on Coursera or

    是以,在這種情況下,通過研究,我們知道人們會使用初學者友好型課程,如 Coursera 上的 Anjanine 課程或。

  • People use APIs and library documentation.


  • Project based learning is really important.


  • Online communities and GitHub and for ethics and bias, looking at case studies and ethical guidelines.

    在線社區和 GitHub,以及道德和偏見,研究案例和道德準則。

  • So we're emphasizing project based learning and API integration of web applications because we want to build a web app using LLMs and AI models through APIs.

    是以,我們強調基於項目的學習和網絡應用程序的 API 集成,因為我們希望通過 API 使用 LLM 和人工智能模型構建網絡應用程序。

  • We need to have AI fundamentals with a focus on large language models specifically and for bias, identification and mitigation.


  • What we're excluding is in-depth theoretical ML slash deep learning knowledge.

    我們不包括深入的 ML 理論知識和深度學習知識。

  • Since I said that I wanted to be applied, I just want to build these applications, not like build my own models and deeply understand them.


  • That's why we're excluding this.


  • And also we're excluding data set creation and fine tuning.


  • These are things that we might want to do later on.


  • But since I just want to build an application right now using the APIs, we can keep things simple and exclude that in this current study plan.

    不過,由於我現在只想使用 API 構建一個應用程序,所以我們可以保持簡單,將其排除在當前的研究計劃之外。

  • All right.


  • Now we want to combine together the why, when, how and come up with a comprehensive study plan that also has resources and timelines.

    現在,我們要把 "為什麼"、"何時"、"如何 "結合起來,制定出一個全面的研究計劃,同時還要有資源和時間表。

  • So I said combine these things together and make a week by week study plan with specific deliverables.


  • For these deliverables, I said make specific assignments and projects with rubrics and specs that you can grade and provide feedback for.


  • This is going to be really helpful so that it doesn't just tell you to like learn something very vague.


  • We wanted to give you specific assignments that have objectives.


  • And later on, I'll talk about this as one of the later prompts.


  • You also want ChatGBT to be able to provide you with feedback as you're completing the assignments and going through the study plan.

    您還希望 ChatGBT 能夠在您完成作業和學習計劃的過程中為您提供反饋。

  • So we want to bake that in while we're making a study plan itself.


  • And we want corresponding relevant resources.


  • I said that I can study six hours a week with three hours on Monday and Wednesdays.


  • And I want resources that are primarily text or video courses because that's just how I learn best.


  • All right.


  • And here we go.


  • Week one, introduction to AI, APIs and LLMs.

    第一週,人工智能、API 和 LLM 簡介。

  • The objective is to understand AI basics and how pre-trained models and APIs works.


  • Concepts are going to be AI and machine learning basics and natural language processing and LLMs.

    概念將是人工智能和機器學習基礎知識、自然語言處理和 LLM。

  • The facts.


  • So it lists out what the facts are and what the procedure is going to be.


  • It has a deliverable.


  • So it says create a Python script that calls the OpenAI API to generate text based on the prompt.

    也就是說,創建一個 Python 腳本,調用 OpenAI API 根據提示生成文本。

  • It was very specific about what it is that I actually need to accomplish.


  • And this rubric is helpful because it gives you an understanding of what should be included in the deliverable.


  • And we have our little resources as well.


  • So week two is going to be integrating APIs into Django applications.

    第二週的主題是將 API 集成到 Django 應用程序中。

  • So week three is working with image recognition models, so not just LLMs.

    是以,第三週的內容是圖像識別模型,而不僅僅是 LLM。

  • And we have a deliverable to create a web app that accepts an image input of a plant and returns information about the species using a pre-trained image recognition API.

    我們的交付成果是創建一個網絡應用程序,接受植物圖片輸入,並使用預先訓練好的圖像識別 API 返回有關物種的資訊。

  • Very interesting.


  • I don't know why it's about a plant, but seems good.


  • Week four is your ethics and bias.


  • And week five is when we build our full stack AI application.


  • Very excited for that.


  • And week six is going to be for debugging, testing and refining.


  • Overall, it's going to be six weeks.


  • And by the end of it, it looks like we would have built a AI application just like how I want it to.


  • It tells you exactly what it is that you need to learn.


  • And it has a project-based deliverables that you can apply to skills that you learn.


  • And it even has a rubric so you know what are the components that make up that project.


  • And of course, the resources based upon what other people have used in the past and they found to be good.


  • Not to toot my own horn here, but I'm genuinely pretty proud of this prompting sequence to get to this point.


  • You have no idea how long it actually took me to get to this point.


  • So, yes, just let me have this one, OK?


  • But we're actually not done.


  • There is one more final step.


  • I hope this video has made you realize how useful ChatGPT is in terms of learning things.

    希望這段視頻能讓你意識到 ChatGPT 在學習方面的作用。

  • But actually, that's just the beginning.


  • It's relevant to increasing your productivity across all aspects of your life.


  • HubSpot has a whole bundle of resources designed to help you understand and make the most out of ChatGPT.

    HubSpot 提供了一整套資源,旨在幫助您瞭解並充分利用 ChatGPT。

  • It will make you super productive.


  • It's very well laid out and gives you lots of ideas on ways you can incorporate ChatGPT.

    它佈局合理,為您提供了許多結合 ChatGPT 的方法。

  • For example, using ChatGPT to consolidate research materials like different articles, tutorials and resources.

    例如,使用 ChatGPT 整合研究資料,如不同的文章、教程和資源。

  • So you can directly ask questions instead of having to flip through all of them yourself or keeping you up to date with industry news and updates.


  • They also have this nice flowchart on when it's appropriate to use ChatGPT to solve a problem or streamline your workflow.

    他們還提供了一張漂亮的流程圖,說明何時適合使用 ChatGPT 來解決問題或簡化工作流程。

  • My favorite part is that it has over 100 prompts to start playing around with, which is great since, as you can see, prompting is extremely important to getting the most out of ChatGPT.

    我最喜歡的部分是,它有 100 多條提示可供開始玩轉,這一點非常好,因為正如你所看到的,提示對於充分發揮 ChatGPT 的作用極其重要。

  • The best part is that it's completely free.


  • I highly recommend that you download it using this link over here, also linked in description.


  • Thank you so much, HubSpot, for providing free resources to help us leverage the power of AI.

    非常感謝 HubSpot 提供免費資源,幫助我們利用人工智能的力量。

  • And for sponsoring this portion of the video.


  • Now, back to the video.


  • Ideally, you want an expert, someone who already knows the content of your study plan, to look over your study plan and just sort of double check that things make sense.


  • You can do this if you actually know someone who already knows AI or knows Japanese or is really good at personal finances and they can look over your plan.


  • But assuming you don't know anybody, this final step is you're going to ask ChatGPT to now be an expert AI engineer that specializes in developing AI applications.

    但假設你不認識任何人,最後一步就是讓 ChatGPT 成為專門開發人工智能應用程序的人工智能工程師專家。

  • And we're asking this AI engineer to look at the study plan above as if it's for the first time and to provide feedback on what they think and also what they think should be changed.


  • So as an AI engineer, here are some strengths.


  • Project-based learning is good, balanced approach, API-centric, rubric for deliverables, ethics, and bias consideration.


  • So some suggestions for improvement.


  • Maybe you want to have more emphasis on debugging and error handling because building AI applications often involves dealing with unforeseen edge cases, especially when integrating multiple APIs.


  • And it gives you like specific changes, like increasing focus on error handling and then adding a mini project in week three where you intentionally introduce errors or unexpected inputs and learn to handle them.


  • This is actually very common practice when you're debugging an application.


  • So a very good point here.


  • Also introduce real world data earlier and more frequent iterations and refactoring.


  • So you can choose to incorporate some of this feedback or you can choose to ignore it.


  • So in this case, I'm going to choose to include some of this feedback.


  • Thank you.


  • These include suggestions one and two into the study plan.


  • And voila, there you have it.


  • We have created a custom study plan for learning how to build AI applications.


  • Don't worry if you didn't catch everything.


  • I'll leave a link in the description that has the prompt sequence in it.


  • So now that we have the study plan, the next step is that we actually have to study.


  • I also want to share with you guys some of the prompts and the little techniques that I use where I can get through the study plans so much faster and a lot more fun as well.


  • First, one of my favorite chat2BT study use cases is using chat2BT to create test questions.

    首先,我最喜歡的哈拉 2BT 學習用例之一是使用哈拉 2BT 創建測試問題。

  • A couple of months back, I had to take the knowledge section of my driver's exam, but I didn't really feel like reading the hundreds of pages of rules related to driving.


  • So instead, I just gave chat2BT those documents and told it to ask me questions.

    是以,我把這些文件交給 chat2BT,讓它來問我問題。

  • If I don't know how to answer a question, I would just ask it to explain it to me.


  • And that was just a much more fun learning experience.


  • You can use this technique even if you're not actually studying for an exam.


  • But in this case, since I was studying for an exam, I also gave it samples of some of the exam questions from the test.


  • So this is even more effective because as I learned, I was also actually like practicing taking the test multiple times as well.


  • I'm happy to report that I did pass the exam and it took me two hours of studying.


  • I also like to use the Feynman technique with chat2BT.

    我還喜歡在 chat2BT 中使用費曼技巧。

  • This was named after Richard Feynman, who has this method for deeply understanding concepts that he's learning.

    這是以理查德-費曼(Richard Feynman)的名字命名的,他用這種方法來深刻理解所學的概念。

  • He's a Nobel Prize winning physicist who is known for really deeply, intuitively understanding things.


  • So step number one is to choose a topic.


  • For example, I want to learn the role of emotions and how it relates to storytelling as part of my study plan in making better YouTube videos.

    例如,我想學習情感的作用以及它與講故事的關係,這是我製作更好的 YouTube 視頻的學習計劃的一部分。

  • So step two is to write down what you know.


  • And I'm just writing this down to chat2BT.


  • Step three is to teach it.


  • So in this case, I'm going to be teaching chat2BT about everything that I know.

    是以,在這種情況下,我要把我所知道的一切都教給 chat2BT。

  • So, for example, during that process, I realized I don't actually understand the relationship between positive emotions and negative emotions.


  • Like, are we supposed to have one positive, one negative?


  • Or does it really matter?


  • Which is when I can do step four, which is identify the gap in my knowledge and try to fill that in.


  • In this case, I can just directly ask chat2BT to help me fill in that gap.

    在這種情況下,我可以直接請 chat2BT 幫我填補這個空白。

  • So much faster than having to flip through resources using the traditional Feynman technique.


  • In fact, I realized I can do this even faster when instead of having to write everything down, I can actually use chat2BT's speech functionality and actually say it instead.

    事實上,我意識到我可以更快地完成這項工作,因為我可以使用 chat2BT 的語音功能說出來,而不是寫下來。

  • I want to try using the Feynman technique with you to learn about the relationship between emotions and storytelling.


  • So the Feynman technique, first I'm going to choose a topic which is relationship between emotions and technique.


  • Next, I'm going to write down what I have to know and then I'm going to teach it.


  • And then finally, I'm going to identify gaps.


  • So actually, I'm not sure about the role of emotions in storytelling.


  • Like, are all the emotions equivalent to each other or are some emotions more powerful than others?


  • Emotions tend to have a stronger impact on audiences depending on how they're used.


  • For example, emotions like fear, love and hope are often seen as...


  • Speaking of chat2BT's audio function, my next tip is by using the audio function as a way to do things like mock interviews or practicing speeches.

    說到 chat2BT 的音頻功能,我的下一個建議是使用音頻功能進行模擬面試或練習演講。

  • It is a game changer.


  • I'm applying for a data science position and I have an interview next week.


  • Could you act as the recruiter, the interviewer, and ask me some behavioral questions?


  • Sure.


  • Let's get started.


  • Here's the first behavioral question.


  • Tell me about a time when you had to solve a complex problem using data.


  • How did you approach it and what was the outcome?


  • During that time, I was working for a pretty traditional company as a consultant.


  • They had a lot of data, but it was scattered all over the place, like in different databases, even Excel files.

    他們有很多數據,但分散在不同的地方,比如不同的數據庫,甚至 Excel 文件。

  • So the first thing I had to do with that data was to put everything together.


  • That was definitely the hardest part.


  • I used SQL, I used Python, and then just to establish that source of truth.

    我使用了 SQL、Python,然後只是為了建立真相的來源。

  • And then after I did that, I was then able to take that data and then do a dashboard that they wanted me to do.


  • After that, I made sure to help everybody and all the stakeholders understand that this was the source of truth and try to also get the teams to start putting all the data into a single database instead.


  • The outcome was that things were a lot more organized and also there was now a dashboard that had the metrics on it.


  • That's a great example of taking initiative and organizing a complex data set.


  • Here's a follow up question.


  • Another tip, you can also ask it to provide feedback.


  • For my previous question, can you also help provide feedback in terms of my answer and how I can improve?


  • Your answer did a great job of showing that you can handle complex, disorganized data and take initiative to improve processes.


  • You demonstrated key skills like using SQL and Python, creating dashboards and managing stakeholder expectations.

    你展示了使用 SQL 和 Python、創建儀表盤和管理利益相關者期望等關鍵技能。

  • That's exactly what data science employers are looking for.


  • Here's some feedback to make your response even stronger.


  • One, structure.


  • It could help to use the STAR situation, task, action, result format to make your answer more organized.

    使用 STAR 情境、任務、行動、結果格式可能會讓你的答案更有條理。

  • This makes it easier for interviewers to follow your thought process.


  • Two, highlight impact.


  • You mentioned the outcome, but could emphasize more measurable results.


  • For example, you could mention any improvement in efficiency or how the dashboard helped the business make better decisions.


  • Three, teamwork, collaboration.


  • While you focused on the technical aspects, adding detail.


  • OK, so I have so many other like little tips and tricks and prompts for ChachiBT for study.

    好了,我還有很多其他的小技巧、小竅門和小提示,供 ChachiBT 學習使用。

  • But I feel like this video is already like hideously long.


  • So I'm just going to leave you with one last one, which is when you want to practice something specifically, for example, when I was learning computer science stuff, something that really tripped me off was dynamic programming.


  • I was just like dynamic programming boggled my mind.


  • So I needed to drill into that and just like really understand it.


  • So I asked ChachiBT to specifically only give me questions related to dynamic programming.

    是以,我要求 ChachiBT 只給我出與動態編程相關的問題。

  • I also asked her to give me different question types and for me to identify which ones would have dynamic programming as a good solution to kind of build that intuition for when dynamic programming is useful or not.


  • Another example, if I'm trying to learn how to draw and I'm just like very bad at drawing noses, I would ask ChachiBT if you can give me examples of different types of noses that I can drill and master the art of drawing noses.

    另一個例子是,如果我想學習畫畫,而我又非常不擅長畫鼻子,我就會問 ChachiBT,你能不能給我舉例說明不同類型的鼻子,讓我鑽研並掌握畫鼻子的技巧。

  • All right.


  • That is all that I have for you guys today.


  • Thank you so much for watching.


  • Please let me know in the comments what you're studying and then also link some of your study plans.


  • I want to see what you guys have as well.


  • And yeah, I will see you guys in the next video or live stream.


This is my self-study plan to learn AI, which I made using Chachipiti.

這是我使用 Chachipiti 制定的學習人工智能的自學計劃。

由 AI 自動生成

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如何使用 ChatGPT 制定最完美的自學計劃(逐步提示指南) (How To Make The ULTIMATE Self Study Plan With ChatGPT (step by step prompting guide))

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    Casandra 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 30 日