字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This country is famous for its vibrant night markets where locals and tourists alike can enjoy a variety of street food, snacks, and unique merchandise. 這個國家以其充滿活力的夜市而聞名,當地人和遊客都可以在這裡品嚐到各種街頭美食、小吃和獨特的商品。 Hello, welcome to Opentiera. 您好,歡迎來到 Opentiera。 Today we're exploring Taiwan, an enchanting blend of traditional charm and modern innovation, where ancient temples stand beside crowded night markets, and mountain landscapes meet the dynamic urban energy of its cities. 在這裡,古老的廟宇與熱鬧的夜市相映成趣,山間風光與城市活力交相輝映。 Join us as we explore its geography, history, and culture. 與我們一起探索其地理、歷史和文化。 Taiwan is an island located off the eastern coast of Asia, about 100 miles from mainland China, with a total area of 13,974 square miles. 臺灣是位於亞洲東海岸的一個島嶼,距離中國大陸約 100 英里,總面積為 13,974 平方英里。 It is similar in size to the Netherlands. 它的面積與荷蘭相似。 Taiwan is very mountainous, with over 100 peaks rising over 9,800 feet. 臺灣多山,有 100 多座山峰海拔超過 9800 英尺。 The tallest mountain is Yushan, which reaches 12,966 feet. 最高的山峰是玉山,海拔 12966 英尺。 A spine of mountains runs from north to south, down the middle of the island. 一條山脈脊樑自北向南從島中央穿過。 There are also rolling hills and plains along the western coast. 西海岸還有連綿起伏的丘陵和平原。 Taiwan has a subtropical climate, with warm weather year-round, with a mean temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 degrees Celsius. 臺灣屬亞熱帶氣候,全年溫暖,平均氣溫為華氏 70 度或攝氏 21 度。 The northern part of the island has a rainy season from January to late March, while the southern part experiences rain from March to late May. 島嶼北部的雨季從 1 月到 3 月下旬,南部則從 3 月到 5 月下旬。 Typhoons are common in the summer and fall. 夏季和秋季常有颱風。 Four major rivers cross Taiwan, the Zhuoshui, Kaoping, Beigang, and Danshui rivers. 四條主要河流橫穿臺灣,分別是濁水溪、高屏溪、北港溪和淡水河。 Due to the mountainous terrain, rivers in Taiwan are short with steep gradients and fast flow. 由於地形多山,臺灣的河流短小,坡度陡峭,水流湍急。 There are also several lakes, reservoirs, and dams across the island. 全島還有多個湖泊、水庫和水壩。 The eastern side of Taiwan faces the Pacific Ocean and has a rugged coastline with cliffs, inlets, and coral reefs. 臺灣東部面向太平洋,海岸線崎嶇不平,有懸崖、海灣和珊瑚礁。 The coastline along the Taiwan Strait in the west has sandy beaches and mangrove swamps. 西部臺灣海峽沿岸有沙灘和紅樹林沼澤。 Major cities like Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taichung are located along the western coast. 臺北、高雄和臺中等主要城市位於西海岸。 Taiwan has a diverse ecology, with subtropical forests at lower elevations and coniferous forests at higher elevations. 臺灣的生態環境多樣,低海拔地區為亞熱帶森林,高海拔地區為針葉林。 However, much of the natural vegetation has been impacted by human development. 然而,大部分自然植被已受到人類開發的影響。 Still, there are national parks and protected areas that conserve Taiwan's natural habitats and wildlife. 不過,還是有國家公園和保護區來保護臺灣的自然棲息地和野生動物。 Taiwan is home to 23 million people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. 臺灣擁有 2 300 萬來自不同民族背景的人口。 About 95% of the population is Han Chinese, descended from early settlers from mainland China. 約 95% 的人口為漢族,是早期中國大陸移民的後裔。 The remaining 5% includes indigenous Austronesian peoples, as well as more recent immigrants. 剩下的 5%包括原住的奧斯特羅尼西亞人以及最近的移民。 Taiwan's indigenous peoples belong to 16 recognized groups, with distinct languages and traditions. 臺灣原住民屬於 16 個公認的族群,擁有獨特的語言和傳統。 Mandarin Chinese is the official language spoken by the majority of Taiwanese. 中文國語是大多數臺灣人使用的官方語言。 Many also speak Taiwanese Hokkien, a dialect that originated in southern Fujian province. 許多人還講臺灣福建話,這是一種源自福建南部的方言。 Hakka, another Chinese dialect, is spoken by about 15% of the population. 客家話是另一種中國方言,使用客家話的人口約佔 15%。 Taiwan's indigenous languages are now endangered, though efforts are underway to preserve them. 臺灣的原住民語言現已瀕臨滅絕,但仍在努力加以保護。 Its main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, folk religions, and Christianity. 其主要宗教有佛教、道教、民間宗教和基督教。 Over 35% of the population practices folk religions involving ancestor worship and animism. 超過 35% 的人口信奉涉及祖先崇拜和泛靈論的民間宗教。 Buddhists make up over 30% of the population. 佛教徒佔總人口的 30% 以上。 Christians account for about 4% of the population, while Taoists make up under 3%. 基督教徒約佔總人口的 4%,而道教徒不到 3%。 Religion plays an important role in public and private life, with many temples and shrines across Taiwan. 宗教在公共和私人生活中發揮著重要作用,臺灣各地有許多寺廟和神社。 Taiwanese cuisine is delightfully diverse, blending Chinese influences with local indigenous ingredients and Japanese flavors. 臺灣菜餚種類繁多,既有中國菜的影響,也有當地的本土食材和日本料理的風味。 Here are iconic Taiwanese foods that you must try. 以下是您一定要品嚐的臺灣特色美食。 A beloved snack in Taiwan is fried chicken cutlets coated in a crisp batter or flaky breadcrumbs. 炸雞排是臺灣人喜愛的小吃,它裹著酥脆的麵糊或薄薄的麵包屑。 Street vendors serve up piping hot pieces paired with salty or spicy seasonings. 街邊小販會提供熱氣騰騰的小吃,配以鹹味或辣味調料。 The chicken is juicy and flavorful, a perfect night market treat. 雞肉鮮嫩多汁,味道鮮美,是夜市的絕佳美食。 Bubble tea was invented in Taiwan in the 1980s and has spread globally. 泡沫紅茶於 20 世紀 80 年代在臺灣發明,現已傳遍全球。 The signature drink contains chewy tapioca pearls, or bubbles, mixed with sweetened tea. 這種招牌飲品含有嚼勁十足的木薯珍珠或氣泡,與甜茶混合在一起。 Popular flavors include classic milk tea, as well as fruit infusions like mango or passion fruit. 受歡迎的口味包括經典奶茶以及芒果或百香果等水果茶。 Bubble tea is refreshing and fun to drink through an extra-large straw. 用特大號吸管喝泡泡茶,清爽又有趣。 These savory soup dumplings originate from Shanghai, but are also loved in Taiwan. 這種鹹味湯圓源自上海,但在臺灣也很受歡迎。 Hot broth and meat fillings are wrapped in delicate dao. 熱湯和肉餡都裹在精緻的餃子裡。 You eat them carefully with a spoon so the flavorful soup doesn't spill out. 用勺子小心翼翼地吃,以免美味的湯汁溢出。 Xiao long bao make a warming, comforting snack. 小籠包是一種溫暖舒適的小吃。 The guabao sandwich truly encapsulates Taiwanese flavors. 瓜寶三明治真正體現了臺灣風味。 Braised pork belly, pickled vegetables, cilantro, and crushed peanuts are stuffed into a steamed bun. 將紅燒豬肚、醃菜、香菜和花生碎塞進饅頭裡。 The balance of tender meat, crunchy texture, and tangy flavors makes guabao a sublime street food experience. 鮮嫩的肉質、鬆脆的口感和濃郁的風味相得益彰,讓瓜包成為一種極致的街頭美食體驗。 Taiwan has been inhabited for thousands of years by indigenous peoples, but significant Chinese settlement did not begin until the 1600s. 數千年來,臺灣一直有原住民居住,但直到 16 世紀才開始有大量華人定居。 The Dutch and Spanish established trading outposts in the 17th century, but were later driven out by Ming loyalists, led by Zheng Chenggong. 荷蘭人和西班牙人在 17 世紀建立了貿易前哨站,但後來被以鄭成功為首的明朝忠臣趕走。 In 1683, Taiwan became part of the Chinese Qing Empire. 1683 年,臺灣成為中華大清帝國的一部分。 Large numbers of Han Chinese immigrated to Taiwan at this time. 此時,大量漢人移民到臺灣。 In 1895, China ceded Taiwan to Japan after losing the First Sino-Japanese War. 1895 年,甲午戰爭失敗後,中國將臺灣割讓給日本。 The Japanese occupied Taiwan for 50 years, investing in infrastructure but ruling harshly. 日本人佔領臺灣長達 50 年,投資建設基礎設施,但統治嚴酷。 At the end of World War II in 1945, Japan relinquished control of Taiwan. 1945 年第二次世界大戰結束後,日本放棄了對臺灣的控制。 The Republic of China government, led by Chiang Kai-shek, took over Taiwan after being forced off the mainland by Chinese communists. 蔣介石上司的中華民國政府在被中國共產黨人趕出大陸後接管了臺灣。 When the Kuomintang, KMT, arrived in Taiwan, they imposed martial law and single-party rule. 國民黨到達臺灣後,實行戒嚴和一黨專政。 Political dissent was suppressed during this period, known as the White Terror. 在此期間,持不同政見者遭到鎮壓,被稱為 "白色恐怖"。 However, Taiwan began rapid industrialization and economic development in the 1960s and 70s, becoming one of the Four Asian Tigers. 然而,臺灣在 20 世紀 60 和 70 年代開始快速工業化和經濟發展,成為亞洲四小龍之一。 Democratic reforms began in the 1980s, leading to Taiwan's first direct presidential election in 1996. 臺灣從 20 世紀 80 年代開始進行民主改革,並於 1996 年舉行了首次總統直選。 Tensions have remained between Taiwan and mainland China, which claims Taiwan as its territory. 臺灣與聲稱臺灣是其領土的中國大陸之間的關係依然緊張。 However, Taiwan has emerged as a prosperous democracy with a distinct identity. 然而,臺灣已崛起為一個繁榮的民主國家,具有鮮明的特色。 Momentous political transitions, such as the election of Chen Shui-bian in 2000, ended the KMT monopoly. 重大的政治轉型,如 2000 年陳水扁的當選,結束了國民黨的壟斷地位。 Today Taiwan is a global leader in technology and manufacturing. 如今,臺灣已成為全球技術和製造業的領導者。 It boasts a dynamic, open society. 它擁有一個充滿活力的開放社會。 Looking ahead, relations with China and Taiwan's international status remain pivotal issues. 展望未來,與中國的關係和臺灣的國際地位仍是關鍵問題。 Taiwan's history reveals an island at the crossroads of Asian civilizations, developing its own unique culture and democracy. 臺灣的歷史展現了一個處於亞洲文明十字路口的島嶼,發展了自己獨特的文化和民主。 Let's take a look at how this island nation transformed itself into a global leader in technology and manufacturing. 讓我們來看看這個島國是如何將自己轉變為全球技術和製造業的領導者的。 Our first stop is Taipei, the capital and financial center. 我們的第一站是首都和金融中心臺北。 Taipei 101, one of the world's tallest skyscrapers, stands as a symbol of Taiwan's economic ambitions. 臺北 101 大樓是世界上最高的摩天大樓之一,是臺灣經濟雄心的象徵。 Companies like TSMC and UMC helped establish Taiwan as a powerhouse in semiconductors. 臺積電和聯電等公司幫助臺灣成為半導體強國。 Taiwan now dominates the market, supplying chips used worldwide in cars, smartphones, and more. 目前,臺灣在市場上佔據主導地位,向全球供應用於汽車、智能手機等的芯片。 Next, we'll head south to the port city of Kaohsiung, which handles millions of shipping containers annually. 接下來,我們將向南前往港口城市高雄,這裡每年要處理數百萬個海運貨櫃。 Massive shipyards here build vessels exported around the globe. 這裡的大型造船廠建造的船隻出口到世界各地。 Manufacturing remains crucial to Taiwan, producing electronics, machinery, petrochemicals, and other goods. 製造業對臺灣仍然至關重要,生產電子產品、機械、石化產品和其他商品。 Taiwan evolved from made-in-Taiwan to designed-in-Taiwan. 臺灣從 "臺灣製造 "演變為 "臺灣設計"。 As firms focused on high-tech design, its economy impressed the world with its stellar GDP growth for decades. 由於公司專注於高科技設計,幾十年來,其經濟以驚人的 GDP 增長速度令世界刮目相看。 While growth has slowed, Taiwan still boasts low unemployment and a high standard of living and a $790 billion. 雖然增長放緩,但臺灣仍然擁有低失業率、高生活水準和 7,900 億美元的財富。 Its resilient economy weathered shocks like the 1997 Asian financial crisis. 其彈性經濟經受住了 1997 年亞洲金融危機等衝擊。 Taiwan evolved from an agricultural society to export-driven industrial powerhouse to leader in services and technology. 臺灣從一個農業社會發展成為出口驅動型工業強國,並在服務業和科技領域處於領先地位。 Of course, no trip to Taiwan is complete without a visit to the iconic night markets, bustling with delicious snacks and bargains. 當然,如果不去夜市逛逛,那就不算完整的臺灣之旅。 Its dynamic SME sector powers these markets where entrepreneurs hawk treats and the latest gadgets. 在這些市場上,企業家們兜售美食和最新的小玩意兒。 From the glittering skyline of Taipei to the industrial heart of Kaohsiung, it's clear Taiwan's open, trade-based economy has yielded prosperity. 從臺北璀璨的天際線到高雄的工業中心,臺灣開放的貿易型經濟顯然帶來了繁榮。 In the years ahead, Taiwan aims to become a hub for innovation. 未來幾年,臺灣的目標是成為創新中心。 Its skilled workforce, infrastructure and strategic location position Taiwan well for the future. 臺灣擁有技術熟練的勞動力、基礎設施和戰略位置,這一切都為臺灣的未來奠定了良好的基礎。 Our economic tour reveals how this island turned itself into the Silicon Valley of Asia. 我們的經濟之旅揭示了這座島嶼是如何變成亞洲硅谷的。 Taiwan's complex political status and foreign relations stem from its history. 臺灣複雜的政治地位和外交關係源於其歷史。 Let's examine how Taiwan transformed into a democracy and the key international dynamics shaping the island today. 讓我們來看看臺灣是如何轉變為民主國家的,以及今天影響臺灣的主要國際動態。 Taiwan has effectively functioned as an independent nation since 1949, when the KMT lost the Chinese Civil War and rebased on the island. 1949 年,國民黨在中國內戰中戰敗,並在島上重建基地,此後臺灣實際上一直作為一個獨立國家運作。 Over the decades, a distinct Taiwanese identity formed. 幾十年來,形成了鮮明的臺灣特色。 However, China continues claiming sovereignty over the island. 然而,中國繼續聲稱對該島擁有主權。 Taiwan resists, arguing its de facto autonomy makes it a sovereign state. 臺灣對此表示抵制,認為事實上的自治使其成為一個主權國家。 Most countries acknowledge only China due to its political pressure. 迫於政治壓力,大多數國家只承認中國。 Despite this, Taiwan maintains diplomatic ties with 14 nations. 儘管如此,臺灣仍與 14 個國家保持外交關係。 China and Taiwan have been governed separately since 1949. 1949 年以來,中國和臺灣一直分治。 Tensions have fluctuated between conflict and cooperation. 緊張局勢在衝突與合作之間徘徊。 Recently, China has aggressively opposed Taiwan's nationhood. 最近,中國積極反對臺灣建國。 China conducts military drills near Taiwan and blocks its international participation. 中國在臺灣附近舉行軍事演習,並阻止其國際參與。 However, economic ties remain important. 然而,經濟聯繫依然重要。 Many advocate diplomatic solutions like China's one country, two systems framework, but disagreements persist. 許多人主張外交解決方案,如中國的一國兩制框架,但分歧依然存在。 The US recognized Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War, but switched recognition to China in 1979. 美國在中國內戰後承認臺灣,但在 1979 年轉而承認中國。 However, the US maintains a crucial, if unofficial, relationship with Taiwan. 然而,美國與臺灣保持著至關重要的關係,儘管這種關係是非正式的。 The US sells weapons for Taiwan's self-defense against China. 美國出售武器,用於臺灣對中國的自衛。 While the US acknowledges Chinese sovereignty claims, it opposes resolution by force. 美國承認中國的主權主張,但反對以武力解決問題。 Taiwan also lobbies the US for protection and recognition. 臺灣還遊說美國保護和承認臺灣。 This triangle of tensions dominates regional geopolitics. 這種三角緊張關係主導著地區地緣政治。 If you enjoyed this video on Taiwan, you'll love this next one. 如果您喜歡這段關於臺灣的視頻,您一定會喜歡下一段。
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 臺灣 中國 夜市 小吃 經濟 亞洲 13 分鐘解讀臺灣(歷史、地理和文化) (Taiwan Explained in 13 Minutes (History, Geography, And Culture)) 159 4 CC 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字