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  • We are my sports.


  • Saying that I wanted to be MVP, I wasn't trying to be cocky at all.

    說我想成為 MVP,我一點也沒有自大的意思。

  • I knew that I put a lot of hard work in, in the summer, in the off season.


  • And I just wanted to push myself.


  • And that was about it.


  • And I want to thank the NBA, of course, for giving me this award, because it means a lot.

    當然,我還要感謝 NBA 給我頒發這個獎項,因為這意味著很多。

  • And it means a lot to the city of Chicago and the Bulls organization.


  • And I want to thank my teammates and the coaching staff, because without you all, I would not be up here talking to you all right now.


  • You all push me every single day, making sure that I play hard and play with passion and play team basketball.


  • And last but not least, I want to thank my mom, Brenda Rose, because my heart, the reason I play the way that I play, just everything, just knowing that days that I don't feel like going into practice, or I'm having a hard time, think about her when she had to wake me up, go to work, and just making sure that I'm all right and making sure the family is all right.


  • Those are hard days.


  • My days shouldn't be hard, because I love doing what I'm doing, and that's playing basketball.


  • So you keep me going every day, and I love you.


  • And I appreciate you being in my life.


We are my sports.


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A2 初級 中文 美國腔

德里克-羅斯在 2011 年 MVP 最有價值球員演講中落淚 (Derrick Rose Cries During Most Valuable Player Speech MVP 2011)

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    浩棋 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 27 日