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  • Sydney's new city metro is already proving so popular, it's drawing passengers away from the old train network with fewer commuters at major city stations.


  • Businesses near the metro are also doing well as foot traffic takes off.


  • On the new metro with a ministerial inspection, not just the staff, the trains, the stations, but what's happening around them.


  • Not just for people and the way they move about, but the businesses that are also benefiting.


  • Success measured in taps and caps.


  • At Victoria Cross, it's been instant.


  • Before the metro we were doing maybe 150, 200 couples a day and then as soon as the metro opened we're at 500.

    地鐵開通前,我們每天接待 150 到 200 對新人,地鐵開通後,我們每天接待 500 對新人。

  • That's incredible.


  • In the CBD.


  • Already we're finding an increase in business.


  • It's now bringing more pedestrians up the hills, up to Martin Place.


  • As travellers are switching.


  • Compared with last week, Tuesday saw 10,000 fewer passengers tapping off at Town Hall as 14,000 went through the new Gadigal metro station.

    與上週相比,本週二在市政廳下車的乘客減少了 10,000 人,但有 14,000 人通過了新的加迪加爾地鐵站。

  • In North Sydney, the train station fell from 27,000 to 17,000 Tuesday tap-offs as nearby Victoria Cross metro had 14,000 go through.

    在北雪梨,火車站週二的分接次數從 2.7 萬次降至 1.7 萬次,而附近的維多利亞十字地鐵站的分接次數為 1.4 萬次。

  • The move to metro taking pressure off trains, improving their reliability.


  • Because metro is so fast and frequent, people could move from the CBD to perhaps have lunch in Victoria Cross.


  • James making a metro day of it.


  • I went to Chatswood for lunch and now I'm back for a cleansing now, right in Sydney.


  • Next trip's Barangaroo.


  • Further west, twin breakthroughs at Olympic Park for the twin tunnels of Metro West.


  • The machines will next dig towards Westmead.


  • Here, 27 metres below the ground is the station that will be dealing with the biggest surge in passengers on the new Metro West line.

    在地下 27 米處的這個車站,將迎來新地鐵西線最大的客流高峰。

  • Sydney Olympic Park, designed to handle some 40,000 passengers an hour.

    雪梨奧林匹克公園,每小時可接待約 40,000 名乘客。

  • Set to open in 2032.

    定於 2032 年開放。

  • And Paul Caddack is in Parramatta tonight where there's more trouble for the new light rail.

    保羅-卡達克(Paul Caddack)今晚在帕拉馬塔(Parramatta),那裡的新輕軌遇到了更多麻煩。

  • Angela, that's right.


  • News that probably won't go down too well here on Church Street.


  • That the Parramatta light rail has run into problems during testing, which means its launch will have to be pushed back again to late this year.


  • There's apparently been issues with power supply and Opal card payments.

    顯然,電源和 Opal 卡支付出現了問題。

  • We don't want passengers to be used as guinea pigs.


  • We want to make sure this service is running exactly how it should.


  • That'll make the nearly $3 billion project around a year late, Angela.

    這將使這個耗資近 30 億美元的項目遲到一年左右,安吉拉。

  • OK, thanks so much, Paul.


Sydney's new city metro is already proving so popular, it's drawing passengers away from the old train network with fewer commuters at major city stations.


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雪梨新地鐵熱潮 "舊貌換新顏" | 7NEWS (Out with the old, in with the new, when it comes to Sydney’s new Metro boom | 7NEWS)

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    郭婷文 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 26 日