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  • So I've been staying out here in Bali. This is now my sixth time back here and truly love this island. And not just for its epic waterfalls or beautiful beaches, but because of the lifestyle here and for the bang for your buck that you get here. And I have made videos living here on $20 a day when I was a broke backpacker, but in this video I wanted to showcase what it's like coming here now as a young professional. So let's see how much I spent in one day living here in Bali.

    我一直住在巴厘島。這已經是我第六次回到這裡了,我真的很喜歡這座小島。不僅僅是因為這裡有史詩般的瀑布或美麗的海灘,還因為這裡的生活方式和這裡的物美價廉。當我還是一個身無分文的揹包客時,我曾拍過每天只花 20 美元就能在這裡生活的視頻,但在這個視頻中,我想展示的是現在作為一個年輕的專業人士來到這裡的感受。讓我們看看我在巴厘島生活一天的花費。

  • Oh well good morning from Bali, Indonesia. So in today's video I wanted to take you with me through a day in the life, showcase how much I spent and what the Bali lifestyle is like here as a digital nomad. I have been escaping the past five winters of New York City and coming out here to Bali and in today's video I wanted to show you guys exactly why I keep coming back. But first up let's get some breakfast.


  • So we just made it here to Crate Cafe which is one of the most prominent and popular cafes in all of Canggu. This place does have incredible food, incredible coffee, and acai bowls. I went with this masterpiece of an iced coffee that was three bucks. You have this sculpted ice cube that they put in the middle with a bamboo straw as well as this beautiful acai bowl. Iced coffee was three bucks and the acai bowl five bucks. In New York you got acai bowl for like 15 bucks so it's nice coming out here and getting one that tastes even better for less the price. Oh I feel so good to be back in Bali. Just with acai bowls it's worth coming back here. You just know that coconut was cut down like earlier this morning and it's just so fresh.

    我們剛剛來到 Crate Cafe,它是整個長谷最著名、最受歡迎的咖啡館之一。這裡有令人難以置信的美食、咖啡和巴西莓碗。我點了一杯三塊錢的冰咖啡。他們在中間放了一個雕刻的冰塊和一根竹吸管,還有這個漂亮的巴西莓碗。冰咖啡三塊錢,巴西莓碗五塊錢。在紐約,巴西莓碗大概要 15 美元,所以來到這裡,用更低的價格買到味道更好的巴西莓碗,感覺真好。回到巴厘島感覺真好。只要有巴西莓碗,就值得回來。椰子是今天早上剛砍下來的,非常新鮮。

  • Another thing that is so crazy to come back here to Crate and see is that when I first came here that this was all rice fields. You could even see Mount Pator, the volcano, in the backgrounds and now it's kind of like a mini shopping mall. Yeah I just was looking at my phone and I have pictures from five years ago of the view outside from the back and the front and it's crazy to see that all that just changed. We'll plop them right here. Yep right right here five years. A lot has changed here in Canggu. This is why Canggu changed. No? Maybe?


  • So this morning we are going surfing. I booked this on Get Your Guide and it was about 550 rupee and we're gonna get a two-hour private lesson. I am doing intermediate and I'm really excited to get more of the fundamentals down on how to surf. Surfed many years of my life but now we're gonna get to master how to become a good surfer. What better place than here in Bali too. Super easy to do this with the Get Your Guide and now let's get out there into the water.

    今天早上我們要去衝浪我在 "Get Your Guide "上預訂了這個課程,價格大約是 550 盧比,我們要上兩個小時的私人課程。我學的是中級衝浪,我真的很興奮能學到更多衝浪的基本知識。我已經衝浪多年,但現在我們要學習如何成為一名優秀的衝浪者。還有比巴厘島更好的地方嗎?有了 "獲取指南",衝浪變得超級簡單,現在讓我們下水衝浪吧。

  • Yo where the hell is he?


  • So that was the best surf lesson of my life. Yanto, amazing coach and teacher. We crushed some waves. That was the best surfing I've ever done. Chris unfortunately couldn't spot me because we were so far out and there were so many surfers but caught at least six or seven waves was able to rip it in and my favorite part though I would say was when Yanto, a huge wave was coming at us.


  • He looks at me and just goes we're all and then does this evil laugh and then I didn't know what to do. I just dunked over but we got destroyed. I remember that he's like oh we are. That was my favorite part. If you guys do want to do a surf lesson with Yanto I will leave a link to book a lesson for yourself on Get Your Guide. Get Your Guide is where I book a majority of the activities that you guys see in my videos since they do have over 60,000 curated experiences from over 3,600 destinations worldwide from tickets to top sites to one-of-a-kind local tours. So whether you're looking to do a dinner cruise in Paris or team labs in Tokyo or even go to Summit One Vanderbilt in NYC, Get Your Guide is the go-to place to find all of the best activities. Even when I'm planning the itineraries for my travels and for these videos I do just go to Get Your Guide and see all the best experiences in that city. A little travel hack for you guys. Get Your Guide also offers 24-7 support, free cancellations up to 24 hours in advance, as well as an awesome app that makes it super easy to download and get access to your tickets so you don't have to print out all the papers. Get Your Guide is a partner of mine and I do earn affiliate commission if you guys do use my link down below to book anything on Get Your Guide. So if you're traveling to Bali and want to go surfing or if you want to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower it would really mean a lot and help out this channel if you click that link down below. All right, now back to Bali.

    他看著我,說我們都是,然後發出邪惡的笑聲,然後我就不知道該怎麼辦了。我只是灌籃,但我們被摧毀了。我記得他說 "我們都是那是我最喜歡的部分如果你們想和楊託一起上衝浪課,我會在 Get Your Guide 上為你們留下一個預訂課程的鏈接。我在我的視頻中看到的大部分活動都是在 Get Your Guide 上預訂的,因為他們有來自全球 3600 多個目的地的 6 萬多種精心策劃的體驗,從頂級景點的門票到獨一無二的當地旅遊。是以,無論你是想在巴黎參加晚餐巡遊,還是在東京參加團隊實驗,甚至是去紐約的範德比爾特一號

  • Another thing I forgot to mention when traveling here to Bali, definitely recommend getting some wheels. This is the scooter I went with. You can get one for about six bucks, but this one was around ten dollars. Has a bit more power, makes it a lot more fun to cruise around Chengdu.


  • So something that's so great about coming here to Bali is that you can get into a good routine and they do have some incredible gyms where you get to work out overlooking the rice fields, but they aren't that affordable. So one that Chris and I have been going to is called Elite

    來到巴厘島的好處是,你可以養成良好的生活習慣,這裡確實有一些令人難以置信的健身房,你可以在那裡鍛鍊身體,俯瞰稻田,但這些健身房的價格並不便宜。克里斯和我一直在去的一家名為 "精英 "的健身房。

  • Bali Fitness and it is super nice. You have cold plunges and saunas and great lifting rooms. For one week it is a hundred and four dollars. It is super nice here though, so let's show you guys around. Also, it's got a lift in.


  • And this is called the Dubai Summer Room. If you don't want to pay $104 a month, just go to the Middle East anytime during July and August and you'll have the same record temperatures. Time for the cold plunge.

    這就是所謂的迪拜夏日客房。如果你不想支付每月 104 美元的費用,只要在七八月間隨時去中東,就能享受到同樣創紀錄的溫度。是時候來個冷水浴了。

  • Wow.

  • Went for a full dunk.


  • Just like back home. We're in New York City right now.


  • Do you miss it?


  • Not at all. I'm getting out.


  • So I would consider myself a fairly fit guy. I go to Equinox back home in New York, which is a very nice gym, and I fit in. But here in Bali, going to Elite Fitness,

    是以,我認為自己是個相當健康的人。在紐約老家,我去 Equinox 健身,那是一家非常不錯的健身房,我很合群。但在巴厘島,我去的是 Elite Fitness、

  • I've never felt more scrawnier in my life. They're people that would be my height, but four times wider and were stronger than most rhinos.


  • They also sounded a little bit like rhinos when they were finishing their last set, because from a mile away you could hear these guys just yelling.


  • It is a great gym. The people are so nice. Everyone there, super huge, super jacked, super beautiful as well. Anyway, now time to get to work.


  • So I'm currently staying here in this villa in Canggu. I do highly recommend exploring other parts of the island, but to post up somewhere here in Bali, I do love coming here to Canggu. It's just very relaxing. There's surfing, there's amazing cafes, there's a lot of co-working spaces, and there's just so many other digital nomads, and it's great to network here. But it is probably the most expensive area here in Bali. You can still find some deals, though. I was able to find this two-bedroom villa for $104 per night on And for the location, it is pretty amazing. So once you come in from the private pool and our backyard, you enter into the living room, where we have a decent-sized couch where we can host some guests or some friends over. And over here, we have the kitchen and our content station. Chris, working hard or hardly working?

    我現在就住在倉谷的這棟別墅裡。我強烈建議大家去巴厘島的其他地方遊玩,但在巴厘島的某個地方,我確實很喜歡來長谷。這裡非常放鬆。這裡有衝浪,有很棒的咖啡館,有很多聯合辦公空間,還有很多其他的數字遊民,在這裡建立聯繫非常棒。但這裡可能是巴厘島最昂貴的地區。不過你還是能找到一些優惠。我在 上以每晚 104 美元的價格找到了這套兩居室別墅。就地理位置而言,它非常棒。從私人泳池和後院進來,就到了客廳,客廳裡有一張大小合適的沙發,可以招待客人或朋友。這邊是廚房和我們的內容站。克里斯,你是在努力工作

  • Sorry, I was so focused. Yeah, I'm working hard. Then this place also luckily came with a water filter, since if you do have a weak American stomach like myself, definitely don't recommend drinking out of the sink. Even have a stove and an oven to cook, but let's be real, definitely not going to be using those. Then this was clutch. It came with a washer machine, did have to buy detergent. You sweat so much when you are here in Bali that you have to wash your clothes like every day. We also started the trip, it's most like, it truly isn't their fault, but I think we both started with like over eight pairs of socks and now we're down to three. Yeah, yeah, that's the thing about like using all these laundry places all over the world that you sometimes don't get what you gave them all back. It's a little bit of a donation, you know, leave them a little souvenir from their American friends. Then if we come on upstairs, we have the two bedrooms. So this here is my bedroom that I've been staying in and I think it's safe to say that this is at least twice the size of my New York City apartment back home. It is crazy to compare what I get back home in New York City to other places like here in Bali and how you get so much more space, a lot more nature, but New York City is the greatest city in the world. And then here we have Chris's room, which is pretty much the same as mine. There's a lot of closet space over here, nice bed, as well as even a bathroom for him. It is a little bit messy right now, but this villa really does feel like home.

    對不起,我太專注了是啊,我工作很努力。幸運的是,這個地方還配備了淨水器,因為如果你像我一樣有一個脆弱的美國胃,絕對不建議從水槽裡喝水。甚至還有爐子和烤箱可以做飯,但實話實說,我肯定不會用這些東西。然後就是這個了。自帶洗衣機,但得買洗滌劑。在巴厘島出汗太多,每天都得洗衣服。我們也開始了這次旅行,這真的不是他們的錯,但我覺得我們一開始都帶了八雙襪子,現在只剩三雙了。是啊,是啊,這就是在世界各地的洗衣店洗襪子的好處 有時候,你給了他們什麼,他們就會還給你什麼。這有點像捐贈,你知道的 給他們留點美國朋友的紀念品上

  • Now my go-to spot to work here in Bali is a place called Zen Cafe and they have a free co-working space as well as a two-story restaurant. And also it's just a super cool place to be in nature, be able to work, as well as order food. Since the co-working space is not money, this is just if you buy a coffee, a water, or some food, you get to work here and post up as long as you'd like. But their food is quite delicious. I went with the chicken wrap and it's a must-try here.

    現在,我在巴厘島最常去的工作地點是一個叫 Zen Cafe 的地方,那裡有一個免費的聯合辦公空間和一個兩層樓高的餐廳。而且,這裡也是一個超酷的地方,既可以在大自然中工作,又可以點餐。因為聯合辦公空間是不要錢的,所以只要你買一杯咖啡、一杯水或一些食物,你就可以在這裡工作,想工作多久就工作多久。但他們的食物相當美味。我點的是雞肉卷,一定要嚐嚐。

  • All right, time to clock back in. So the reason I came out here to Bali is because I am starting a tea business and knew this place was great to come and focus. You guys can check out my previous video where I spent three days in solitude here in Bali showcasing behind the scenes of starting this business. So now we've just been here to La Brisa, which is one of my personal favorite day clubs here in Bali. It is massive and gives a bit of a Tulum jungle vibe. They have all the palm trees that you're surrounded by, as well as just steps away from the ocean. And the best part is, it is completely free to get in here. But if you do want to get a good seat down by the beach, then you do have to pay a minimum of about $25 per person. Otherwise, if you want to just sit, get a coconut, or get some drinks, then it's free. Love this spot. And now one of my favorite people here in Bali just made it. What's up, Koda? Hey, Koda. So good to see you. That is the last time

    好了,該打卡了。我之所以來到巴厘島,是因為我正在做茶葉生意,我知道這個地方非常適合我專注於茶葉生意。你們可以看看我之前的視頻,我在巴厘島獨處了三天,展示了創業的幕後故事。現在我們來到了 La Brisa,這是我個人在巴厘島最喜歡的日間俱樂部之一。它規模宏大,有點圖盧姆叢林的感覺。棕櫚樹環繞四周,距離大海僅幾步之遙。最棒的是,進入這裡完全免費。但如果你想在海灘邊找到一個好座位,那麼每人至少需要支付 25 美元。否則,如果你只是想坐下來,吃個椰子,或者喝點飲料,那麼這裡就是免費的。我喜歡這個地方。現在,我在巴

  • I bring him out. So you live here full-time. I get to come during the winter and it's so incredible. Why do you choose to live here full-time in Bali? For me, I came here seven years ago. It was a time where I traveled, traveled, traveled. And you know how it feels, you start missing things, like a closet, a lifestyle, a stability. And I found this place that had gyms, fast internet, coffee shops. Coffee shops I could actually afford, especially when I was a broke backpacker at the start. So it just had this amazing lifestyle. You're in a coffee shop working, and then the next day you're up at a waterfall or at a sunset on a cliffside. For me, coming from Canada, it just felt like everything I had ever wanted was in one place. And even seven years later, it's changed a lot, but I still have everything I want here, and more. It's actually,


  • I think people complain a little bit of how much it's changed, but you can still find the old Bali by leaving Canggu. But if you enjoy the development, it's also got some positives.


  • Christian makes a lot of videos about living here in Bali, and it's always tempting me to move here full-time. Go check out his channel down below. Oh, hey, want to see my pickup line? Hey, are you an angel? Because you look like you fell from heaven. Wait, yeah. That's kind of, that's kind of cute. Dang bro, Christian's pickup lines really do work. He's, look at that, he's got that girl. Three times out of ten, it works every time. Just kidding. Ruby, so good to see you. Nice to see you again. My favorite Bali couple. How does it compare to New York?


  • You know, it's no New York, but still pretty good pizza. I'll agree with that. Not bad. I'll agree.


  • Not bad at all. Village Slice still has it. Yeah, Village Square Pizza, best pizza in the world, but for Bali, not so bad. Yeah. So now to end today, we are going out to a place called Pretty Poison, since here in Canggu, every night there's a different bar that everyone goes out to.

    還不錯。Village Slice 還是有的。是啊,鄉村廣場披薩 世界上最好的披薩 但對巴厘島來說,還不錯是啊今天的最後,我們要去一個叫 "漂亮毒藥 "的地方 因為在長谷,每晚大家都會去不同的酒吧

  • Tonight is Thursday night, so everyone is going to Pretty Poison, and to get there, we are being responsible, not drinking and driving on our motorbikes, so we called a grab. What's funny about this is he just called Chris, and he didn't come down our road, and we have to walk a couple blocks to get to him. He said he's too tired. I don't know. I can't understand. All right, well, hopefully he's not too tired to get us to Pretty Poison. Sorry, long journey. Hello.

    今晚是週四晚上,所以大家都要去 Pretty Poison,為了到達那裡,我們要負責任,不能酒後駕駛摩托車,所以我們叫了一輛搶手貨。有趣的是,他剛給克里斯打了電話,但他沒從我們的路上過來,我們得走幾個街區才能找到他。他說他太累了我不知道 我不明白 I don't know.I can't understand.好吧,好吧,希望他不是 太累了,讓我們漂亮的毒藥。抱歉,路途遙遠你好

  • Look at this. Yeah, see, that says. Where did you stay? We stayed right over there. The green dot.


  • The green dot. Yeah, but Google is strange. Where did you stay? Where? We stayed like right up there to the right. You're not too tired, right? I have so many. Look, this is air-conditioned, but where did you stay? Where? Where? Where? So see where the motorbike is about to turn?

    綠點對,但谷歌很奇怪你住在哪裡?哪兒?我們就住在右邊那裡你不會太累吧?我有很多聽著,這裡有空調,但你們住在哪裡?哪兒? 哪兒?哪裡? 哪裡?在哪兒?看到摩托車要轉彎的地方了嗎?

  • You take a right there. You take a right where the dogs are, and then down that road into the left. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I come to jungle. This is not Google. It's all Google's fault. It's all good, my man. You're Balinese. Do you like that a lot of foreigners come to Bali, or do you not like it? Yeah. You like it? Yes. How come? How come? Yeah. So many. You like the people? Yes.

    在那裡右轉在有狗的地方右轉 然後沿著那條路左轉對 - 對 - Yeah.Yeah. - Yeah.對,對我來到了叢林這不是谷歌的錯都是谷歌的錯 It's all Google's fault.沒事的,夥計你是巴釐人你喜歡很多外國人來巴厘島 還是你不喜歡?喜歡你喜歡?喜歡怎麼會?為什麼?怎麼會?這麼多你喜歡這些人?喜歡

  • I call you brother, right? Yeah, we're brothers. Yeah, I call you brother.


  • Welcome to Bali, and then I hope you always be healthy. Oh, thank you. Thank you.


  • For you, brother. All right. We'll see you soon. Yeah. Best driver I've ever met in my life.


  • I have your number. I'm not tired either. Yeah. All right. You're good. Thank you. Thank you.

    我有你的電話號碼我也不累我也不累好吧 你很好 All right.You're good.謝謝 - 謝謝 - Thank you.Thank you.

  • What a guy. Well, that was the most interesting taxi driver I've ever had in my life. Now it's time to go to one of my favorite bars in the world.


  • I'm going to see if a local let me borrow their board. Hold my beer.


  • Pretty poison. Incredible. Now it started raining.


  • Khatun is back to save us, though. I love this guy.


  • So after covering food, gym membership, transportation, a private jet, and a great villa, co-working space, cocktails, and even a night out with a driver, I spent a total of one hundred and forty six dollars. Now, you can easily live here for a fraction of that cost.

    是以,在支付了食物、健身房會員費、交通費、私人飛機費、大別墅費、聯合辦公空間費、雞尾酒費,甚至晚上和司機出去玩的費用後,我總共花了 146 美元。現在,你只需花很少的錢就能輕鬆在這裡生活。

  • But this is what a more moderate to luxury lifestyle is like here on the islands.


  • But in my next video, I will be showing you guys the best days here in Bali for every budget. Until next week, let's get out and get busy in the next one.


So I've been staying out here in Bali. This is now my sixth time back here and truly love this island. And not just for its epic waterfalls or beautiful beaches, but because of the lifestyle here and for the bang for your buck that you get here. And I have made videos living here on $20 a day when I was a broke backpacker, but in this video I wanted to showcase what it's like coming here now as a young professional. So let's see how much I spent in one day living here in Bali.

我一直住在巴厘島。這已經是我第六次回到這裡了,我真的很喜歡這座小島。不僅僅是因為這裡有史詩般的瀑布或美麗的海灘,還因為這裡的生活方式和這裡的物美價廉。當我還是一個身無分文的揹包客時,我曾拍過每天只花 20 美元就能在這裡生活的視頻,但在這個視頻中,我想展示的是現在作為一個年輕的專業人士來到這裡的感受。讓我們看看我在巴厘島生活一天的花費。

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我在巴厘島生活的一天 (What I Spend in a Day Living in BALI)

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    Daiki Oka 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 24 日