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  • Hello, and happy Fri-yay, everyone.


  • The Weeknd is here, I'm Coy Wire, and this is CNN 10, where we're finishing out this week strong with the best 10 minutes of news because of you.

    The Weeknd 在這裡,我是 Coy Wire,這裡是 CNN 10,我們將為您帶來本週最精彩的 10 分鐘新聞。

  • I am pumped to get into today's stories with you, so let's get right to it.


  • We're going to start with this incredible story in Venezuela where years of political conflict and controversial elections in July have led journalists to find innovative ways to safely do their jobs.


  • The two anchors you see here are AI avatars of the news program Venezuela Retweets.


  • The show is the brainchild of a group of media organizations who want to protect their real-life journalists from a crackdown on free speech.


  • Venezuela has been experiencing political and economic strife since President Nicolas


  • Maduro took over from his predecessor in 2013.

    馬杜羅於 2013 年接替其前任。

  • Since then, he's used democratic processes like referendums to extend his executive power over government, while imprisoning political enemies and attacking the judiciary branch.


  • Maduro's time in office has seen political corruption, urban violence, astronomical prices and shortages of goods that Venezuelans took to the streets to protest over the years.


  • And deadly protests erupted across the country following its disputed July 28th presidential election that named Maduro the winner with little proof.

    在 7 月 28 日有爭議的總統選舉中,馬杜羅在證據不足的情況下獲勝,隨後全國各地爆發了致命的抗議活動。

  • The authoritarian regime has not stopped cracking down on citizens and journalists since then.


  • Organizations say at least 16 journalists have been detained covering the nationwide protests.

    有組織稱,至少有 16 名報道全國抗議活動的記者被拘留。

  • All but four of them are still behind bars for charges like terrorism.


  • It's that threat that's led these journalists to get creative.


  • Because of government censorship, most folks get their news on social media.


  • While Venezuela Retweets is streamed online, that makes it harder to trace the video and easier for AI avatars to front a newscast.


  • Now artificial intelligence doesn't come without its own risks.


  • In the wrong hands, it can be used to spread disinformation and erode trust in institutions.


  • And some of you on social media even asked if I am AI and I can guarantee you that there are no glitches in this system.


  • Actually, there are a lot of glitches and that's how you know I am not AI.


  • All right, our Stefano Pazzovan has more.

    好的,我們的斯特凡諾-帕佐萬(Stefano Pazzovan)將為您帶來更多報道。

  • Hola CNN, yo soy la Chama.


  • Hey Chama, can you speak in English?


  • Of course.


  • And my partner, El Pana, does too.


  • Hello CNN, thanks for the invitation.


  • And you recognize AI avatars from real journalists.


  • These two avatars were launched by a collective of journalists in Venezuela to protect the identities of reporters after the government intensified cracking down on independent media following July's election.

    這兩個頭像由委內瑞拉的一個記者集體推出,目的是在 7 月大選後政府加強鎮壓獨立媒體後保護記者的身份。

  • Venezuelan authorities proclaimed strongman Nicolás Maduro the winner without showing any proof.


  • And when people took to the streets to protest, hundreds were detained, including 10 journalists.

    當人們走上街頭抗議時,數百人被拘留,其中包括 10 名記者。

  • 24 people died.

    24 人死亡。

  • With avatars, we are, in a way, an expression of the face of journalism that cannot show its face today because of the high risk of being detained and prosecuted under hate incitement laws.


  • While the images are AI, real journalists script and record the voices of the avatars, their identities protected for safety reasons.


  • Imagine that even photos taken of the demonstrations have to be distorted because the government can use them to track down citizens who are protesting the election results.


  • Over 1,500 people have been detained.

    超過 1 500 人被拘留。

  • But how can I be sure that the information you share is real?


  • We always clarify that although we are avatars, we are the result of the intelligence of over 100 Venezuelan journalists.

    我們總是澄清,雖然我們是化身,但我們是 100 多名委內瑞拉記者智慧的結晶。

  • AI is sometimes touted as a threat to reliable information and a risk to democracy.


  • But in this case, it has become part of a journalist's safety kit.


  • Pop quiz, hot shot.


  • Which of the Earth's oceans has the highest salinity or concentration of salt?


  • Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, or Indian Ocean?


  • Put your hands up if you said Atlantic Ocean.


  • Of the five ocean basins, it is the saltiest thanks to factors like large drainage areas and trade winds.


  • This is the Silver Dragon Tidal Bore on the Chianteng River in China.


  • A bore occurs when the leading edge of an incoming tide creates a wave that surges up a river.


  • Tide watching is a Chinese tradition of the mid-autumn festival, which falls on a full moon.


  • This year's tide was higher than usual after the recent typhoon Bibingka, the strongest storm to hit Shanghai in 75 years, according to state media.

    據國家媒體報道,最近的颱風 "碧冰卡 "是 75 年來襲擊上海的最強颱風,今年的潮水比往年更高。

  • Every store getting a 10 out of 10, you might go bunkers for these unique houses.

    每家商店都能獲得滿分 10 分,你可能會為這些獨一無二的房子去碉堡。

  • Imagine living in a refurbished bunker 14 feet underground.

    想象一下生活在地下 14 英尺的翻新地堡中的情景。

  • There's a Cold War time capsule.


  • It's one of only 1,500 bunkers ever built in the 1950s post-war Britain to protect up to three people from a nuclear attack.

    它是 20 世紀 50 年代英國戰後建造的僅有的 1,500 個掩體之一,可保護最多三人免受核攻擊。

  • That and more.


  • Take a look with our Jeremy Roth.


  • Looking for a truly bulletproof real estate bargain?


  • How about this honest-to-goodness Cold War era bunker that's going up for auction soon?


  • According to SDL Auctions, the bunker was built in the 1950s and is nestled 14 feet below a country field in Derbyshire, England.

    據 SDL 拍賣行稱,該地堡建於 20 世紀 50 年代,坐落在英格蘭德比郡一處鄉村田野下方 14 英尺處。

  • Roughly the size of a garage, this cozy decommissioned bunker retains some of its original charm, with classic bunker features like an asbestos fire blanket, vintage binoculars, and a still-stocked pantry that's not at all gross.


  • Also, this ominous Cold War hotline phone for literal red alerts.


  • But it also has sought-after upgrades like carpeting, velvet drapes, and an unused chemical toilet.


  • Hey, can't put a price on that.


  • Actually, auctioneers expect buyers will fork over up to $26,000 for this homey piece of history, perfect for those looking to shield themselves from a volatile real estate market.

    實際上,拍賣商預計買家會以高達 26,000 美元的價格買下這塊歷史悠久的宅邸,對於那些想在動盪的房地產市場中避風頭的人來說,這是再合適不過了。

  • And also, you know, a thermonuclear blast.


  • Hey, you know what rocks?


  • This Minnesota home, covered in rocks.


  • If you're passing through the town of Arco, stop and marvel at this craggy crib that was once a gas station, but is now the uber-unique home of the Herzogs, who've lived here for 25 years.

    如果您路過阿爾科鎮,不妨停下腳步,欣賞一下這個曾經是加油站的峭壁小屋,如今這裡已成為赫佐格夫婦獨一無二的家,他們已經在這裡生活了 25 年。

  • Covered in everything from pipestone to pink quartz to volcanic rock, it may seem random, but the owners say there's more here than meets the eye.


  • It's not just a bunch of rocks put together.


  • There are designs on this house.


  • Finally, if you were holding out for a world champion caliber home, sorry, this one is finally taken after 12 years on the market.

    最後,如果您還在苦苦等待一套世界冠軍級別的住宅,對不起,這套住宅在上市 12 年後終於被人買走了。

  • NBA legend Michael Jordan's Chicago-area mansion, originally listed in 2012 and sporting nine bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, and a full-size basketball court, is finally under contract for a reported $14 million.

    NBA 傳奇人物邁克爾-喬丹(Michael Jordan)在芝加哥地區的豪宅最初於 2012 年上市,擁有 9 間臥室、19 間浴室和一個全尺寸籃球場。

  • Eh, you weren't gonna buy it anyway.


  • And now for our favorite part of the day, shout-out time.


  • This one goes to Mr. Wilmer's class at Woodward Academy, right here in the ATL Atlanta, Georgia.


  • Go War Eagles.


  • Heading out to Cali, out to the left coast soon, to interview Simone Biles, as you all know.


  • Thank you for the awesome questions.


  • So this one's going to Castle Park High School in Chula Vista, California.

    這所學校是位於加利福尼亞州丘拉維斯塔的城堡公園高中(Castle Park High School)。

  • Rise up.


  • It's been an awesome week, everyone.


  • Go on out and make someone smile today.


  • Remember, you are more powerful than you know.


  • I'm Kway Wire.


  • This is CNN 10.

    這裡是 CNN 10。

  • It's been a blessing to spend this week with you.


Hello, and happy Fri-yay, everyone.


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