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  • Hello everyone, welcome to Business School 101.

    大家好,歡迎來到商學院 101。

  • The 80-20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is a concept in economics that suggests that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

    80-20 法則,又稱帕累託原則,是經濟學中的一個概念,認為大約 80% 的效果來自 20% 的原因。

  • It has been applied to a wide range of fields which include economics, sociology, education etc.


  • So what does it come from?


  • What are its applications within the business sector and other areas?


  • Are there any limitations associated with it?


  • In this video, I will discuss these questions with you.


  • Section 1.

    第 1 節.

  • The Origin.


  • The 80-20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, originated from the observations of Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

    80-20 法則又稱帕累託原則,源於 19 世紀末 20 世紀初意大利經濟學家維爾弗雷多-帕累託的觀察。

  • Pareto noticed a pattern in the distribution of wealth in Italy, where approximately 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the population.

    帕累託注意到意大利財富分配的一種模式,即大約 80% 的土地被 20% 的人口所擁有。

  • This principle was later popularized and generalized by Joseph M.


  • Huron, a Romanian-born American engineer.


  • He used the principle as a tool for quality control, suggesting that 80% of the problems in any process are usually caused by 20% of the possible defects.

    他將這一原則作為品質控制的工具,認為任何流程中 80% 的問題通常是由 20% 的可能缺陷造成的。

  • Over time, the 80-20 Rule has been applied to a wide range of fields beyond economics and quality control, including sales, marketing, personal productivity, and more.

    隨著時間的推移,80-20 法則已被廣泛應用於經濟學和品質控制以外的領域,包括銷售、市場營銷、個人生產力等。

  • Section 2.

    第 2 節

  • Business Applications.


  • In a business context, the 80-20 Rule can manifest in various ways.

    在商業環境中,80-20 法則有多種表現形式。

  • Number 1.

    1 號

  • Sales and Revenue.


  • Often, a company will find that around 80% of its sales and revenue are generated from approximately 20% of its products or services.

    通常情況下,一家公司會發現,其 80% 左右的銷售額和收入來自於約 20% 的產品或服務。

  • This implies that a small number of top-selling items or services are driving the majority of the business's income.


  • Number 2.

    2 號

  • Customers.


  • The principle can also be applied to customer behavior.


  • It is common for businesses to find that 80% of their profits come from 20% of their customers.

    企業通常會發現,80% 的利潤來自 20% 的客戶。

  • This can be due to factors such as customer loyalty, purchasing frequency, or the size of their orders.


  • Number 3.

    3 號

  • Marketing Efforts.


  • When it comes to marketing, the 80-20 Rule suggests that 80% of the results may come from 20% of the marketing channels used.

    在營銷方面,80-20 法則表明,80% 的結果可能來自 20% 的營銷管道。

  • This means that some channels are significantly more effective than others.


  • Number 4.

    4 號

  • Personal Finance.


  • In terms of personal finance, it might be observed that 80% of a person's spending goes towards 20% of their purchases, such as housing, transportation, and entertainment.

    在個人理財方面,我們可以看到,一個人 80% 的支出用於購買 20% 的物品,如住房、交通和娛樂。

  • By identifying these key areas, individuals can make more informed decisions about where to cut back and save, leading to better financial health.


  • Section 3.

    第 3 節

  • Other Applications.


  • Beside the business field, the 80-20 Rule can also be applied in the following areas.

    除了商業領域,80-20 法則還可應用於以下領域。

  • Number 1.

    1 號

  • Personal Productivity.


  • The principle can also be applied to personal productivity.


  • It suggests that 80% of the results a person achieves are often due to 20% of their efforts.

    這表明,一個人所取得的 80% 的成果往往歸功於其 20% 的努力。

  • This encourages individuals to identify the most impactful tasks and activities and prioritize them to maximize their productivity and effectiveness.


  • Number 2.

    2 號

  • Health and Nutrition.


  • In terms of diet and health, the principle might suggest that 80% of the nutritional value comes from 20% of the foods consumed.

    就飲食和健康而言,這一原則可能表明,80% 的營養價值來自於 20% 的食物。

  • This could mean focusing on a smaller selection of nutrient-dense foods to ensure a balanced diet.


  • Additionally, it can be applied to exercise routines, where 80% of fitness results might come from 20% of the exercises performed, encouraging individuals to prioritize the effective workouts.

    此外,它還可應用於日常鍛鍊,80% 的健身效果可能來自於 20% 的鍛鍊,從而鼓勵人們優先進行有效的鍛鍊。

  • Number 3.

    3 號

  • Education and Learning.


  • The 80-20 Rule can be used to optimize learning strategies.

    80-20 規則可用於優化學習策略。

  • It is often the case that a small percentage of the study methods or resources used, like active learning techniques or focus practice, can lead to a significant 80% improvement in understanding and retention of information.

    通常情況下,使用一小部分學習方法或資源,如主動學習技術或重點練習,就能使資訊的理解和保持率顯著提高 80%。

  • By focusing on these more effective methods, learners can achieve better academic outcomes.


  • Number 4.

    4 號

  • Environmental Conservation.


  • In environmental science, the 80-20 Rule can be used to identify the most significant sources of pollution or environmental degradation.

    在環境科學中,80-20 法則可用於確定最重要的汙染或環境退化來源。

  • For instance, it might be found that 80% of the pollution in a river comes from 20% of the sources, such as specific factories or agricultural runoff.

    例如,可能會發現一條河流中 80% 的汙染來自 20% 的汙染源,如特定的工廠或農業徑流。

  • By addressing these primary sources, more substantial improvements can be made in environmental conservation efforts.


  • Section 4.

    第 4 節.

  • Limitations.


  • Although the 80-20 Rule have many benefits, it also suffers from many limitations.

    雖然 80-20 法則有很多好處,但也有很多侷限性。

  • Number 1.

    1 號

  • Not a Mathematical Law.


  • The 80-20 Rule is not a precise mathematical formula.

    80-20 規則並不是一個精確的數學公式。

  • The percentages can vary, and in some cases, the distribution might be 70 30ths or 90 10ths.

    百分比可能各不相同,在某些情況下,分配可能是 70 的 30 次方或 90 的 10 次方。

  • For example, this means that it should be used as a guide rather than a strict rule.


  • Number 2.

    2 號

  • Potential for Misinterpretation.


  • There is a risk that people might focus on the top 20% and neglect the remaining 80%.

    人們有可能只關注最高的 20%,而忽視其餘的 80%。

  • This oversight can lead to imbalances and missed opportunities.


  • Number 3.

    3 號

  • Historical Data Focus.


  • Pareto analysis is based on past data, which may not accurately predict future trends or issues.


  • It's essential to consider current and emerging factors when making decisions based on the 80-20 Rule.

    在根據 80-20 規則做出決策時,必須考慮當前和新出現的因素。

  • Number 4.

    4 號

  • Oversimplification of Complex Issues.


  • The principle may sometimes lead to an oversimplified view of complex problems.


  • Not all situations can be neatly categorized into 20% causes and 80% effects, and other factors may be at play.

    並不是所有情況都可以簡單地歸類為 20% 的原因和 80% 的影響,可能還有其他因素在起作用。

  • Number 5.

    5 號

  • Diversification Consideration.


  • In some cases, diversification might be a better strategy than concentrating on the top 20%.

    在某些情況下,分散投資可能是比集中投資前 20% 更好的策略。

  • For instance, businesses should not ignore the potential of niche markets or the long tail effect.


  • Section 5.

    第 5 節

  • Summary.


  • To sum up, the 80-20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is a concept in business and economics that suggests that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

    總而言之,80-20 法則又稱帕累託原則,是商業和經濟學中的一個概念,它認為大約 80% 的效果來自 20% 的原因。

  • It has significant implications across various fields, including business, personal development, and more.


  • However, it is essential to consider its limitations and use it as a heuristic rather than a rigid formula.


  • Alright, that's all for today's topic.


  • If you have any questions regarding this video, please leave your thoughts in a comment below.


  • I hope you guys have enjoyed this video, and if you did, make sure you give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel.


  • Thanks for watching, and I will see you next time.


Hello everyone, welcome to Business School 101.

大家好,歡迎來到商學院 101。

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什麼是 80/20 原則(帕累託原則)?| 一位商學教授的觀點 (What is 80/20 Rule (The Pareto Principle)? | From A Business Professor)

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