We have been on the tour for over 20 years, and we met a lot of new people, and at the end, what really will make me feel really proud and happy is when I leave this world, if the tournament directors, the people who work on the tournaments, staff, ATP, talks good about who I was on the tour or who I am as a person more than a tennis player, because as a tennis player, at the end, we have the titles, we have the achievements, and that's how it is. I achieved more than what I ever dreamed about. For me, at the end, the legacy in terms of a human being, even for me, after achieving all the things that we achieved, I think, for me, is the most important thing, without a doubt.
我們已經在巡迴賽上征戰了 20 多年,認識了很多新朋友。最後,真正讓我感到自豪和開心的是,當我離開這個世界時,如果賽事總監、賽事工作人員、ATP 的工作人員都能很好地談論我在巡迴賽上的身份,或者我作為一個人而不是一名網球運動員的身份,因為作為一名網球運動員,最後我們擁有的是冠軍頭銜,我們擁有的是成就,就是這樣。我取得的成就比我夢想的還要多。對我來說,最後,即使對我來說,在取得了所有成就之後,作為一個人的遺產,我認為對我來說,毫無疑問是最重要的事情。