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  • Back in the year 2000, Stephen King published his book, On Writing, a memoir of the craft.

    2000 年,斯蒂芬-金出版了《論寫作》一書,這是一本關於寫作技巧的回憶錄。

  • Since then, it's become the go-to book for new writers.


  • It's hard to find a list of books for writers that doesn't include this one, and if you look at the best books for writers on Goodreads, this one is number one.

    很難找到一份不包括這本書的作家書單,如果你查看 Goodreads 上最適合作家閱讀的書籍,這本書名列第一。

  • The only problem is, it's packed full of bad, unhelpful advice for new and amateur writers.


  • In this video, I'm going to walk you through the bad advice in the book, why it's wrong, and what you can actually do to level up your craft as a writer.


  • My name is Tim Grawl.


  • I'm the CEO of StoryGrid, where we help you build the skills, write a book, and leave your legacy.

    我是 StoryGrid 的首席執行官,在這裡,我們幫助你培養技能、寫書並留下你的財富。

  • My partner Sean Coyne is the creator and founder of StoryGrid, and he is a writer and editor with over 30 years of experience.

    我的合作伙伴肖恩-科因(Sean Coyne)是 StoryGrid 的創建者和創始人,他是一位擁有 30 多年經驗的作家和編輯。

  • Let me tell you something about Steve King.


  • Steve King wishes he could write like me.


  • So first off, I'm a big fan of Stephen King.


  • I love his writing.


  • My favorite novel of all time is 112263.


  • I love his writing in Green Mile, Gwendy's Button Box, Joyland, Needful Things, and many other books.


  • I even love On Writing.


  • And what I love about Stephen King is he loves writing.


  • He loves the storytelling, the act of writing, everything that goes into it.


  • The only problem is, it's not very helpful to new writers.


  • The thing is that Stephen King submitted his first story for publication to a magazine called Spaceman way back in 1960.

    事實上,早在 1960 年,斯蒂芬-金就向一本名為《太空人》的雜誌投稿,發表了他的第一篇小說。

  • He was 12 years old.

    他當時 12 歲。

  • Fast forward 14 years, it's 1974, and he publishes his first book, Carrie, which went on to be a huge bestseller, and he was 26 years old.

    快進到 14 年後的 1974 年,他出版了自己的第一本書《嘉莉》(Carrie),這本書後來成為暢銷書,那一年他 26 歲。

  • By the year 2000, when On Writing came out, he was 53 years old and had been writing for over 40 years.

    到 2000 年《論寫作》問世時,他已經 53 歲,從事寫作 40 多年。

  • And all of this extensive knowledge and experience as a writer leads to three problems with this book.


  • The first problem is he's forgotten what it's like to be a beginner.


  • The last time he was a newbie writer, he was a tween.


  • Like, imagine that.


  • First of all, just try to think back to when you were a tween and anything you were doing at that point.


  • And then think about something that you've been doing for over 40 years.

    再想想你已經做了 40 多年的事情。

  • It's almost impossible to put yourself back in the shoes of a beginner.


  • Which leads us to the problem number two.


  • The advice given in this book is from someone that knows how to consistently write well.


  • So much advice in the book is tied to this idea that he can write consistently well, and so his first drafts are pretty good.


  • He doesn't require a ton of editing because he's an expert that's been doing this, and that is not the position new and amateur writers find themselves in.


  • Problem number three is that almost everything he does in writing is intuitive.


  • What you find when you work with professional writers is that most of them do it very intuitively, and they don't really understand how they do it.


  • However, if you ask them how they write, they will talk for a long time.


  • They just won't say stuff that will actually help you become a better writer.


  • There is a huge gap between being really good at something and being able to teach something.


  • This is why Tiger Woods, even at the height of his golf career, still had a golf coach.


  • Because being able to do something is different than being able to teach it.


  • So now let's just break down the bad advice, and I'm just going to start with the just straight up condescending bits of this book.


  • About halfway through the book, he pauses to give his thesis, and part of that thesis is this.


  • While it is impossible to make a competent writer out of a great writer out of a good one, it is possible, with lots of hard work, dedication, and timely help, to make a good writer out of a merely competent one.


  • So this just isn't true.


  • Like, I know this in my own life.


  • I was a horribly bad writer.


  • I became a competent writer, and now I'm a pretty good writer.


  • We're going to lay great writer off to the side, because it's even hard to wrap our heads around what that is.


  • But this idea that you can't be a bad writer and then become a competent and then good writer is just nuts.


  • Like, again, if I went back to when he was 10 years old and trying to write, I'm sure his first writing was bad writing, and yet he's forgotten what that's like.

    就像,同樣,如果我回到他 10 歲時嘗試寫作,我敢肯定他的第一篇作文寫得很糟糕,但他卻忘記了那是什麼滋味。

  • And we see this all the time in the story grid, is we can take somebody that's just a legitimately bad writer, and if they learn the basic skills, they can become a competent and good writer.


  • Let's look at the next one.


  • This is where he addresses this idea of talent.

    在這裡,他談到了 "天賦 "這一概念。

  • He says that talent renders the whole idea of rehearsal meaningless.


  • Now, I get what he's saying.


  • In the context of this passage, what he's saying is writing shouldn't feel like work.


  • You should look forward to it.


  • You should be excited to sit down and write.


  • And if it feels like work, then you don't have the talent.


  • You should basically give up.


  • And again, I just don't think this is true.


  • Most of us that are coming to writing when we're later in life, the problem is we've wanted to do it a long time, and now we're actually trying to sit down and do it.


  • And just because it takes some work to get us in that chair and typing the words, doesn't mean we don't have this magical thing called talent.


  • What we do have is responsibilities and jobs and decades of voices in our head from family members saying we're wasting our time.


  • We have all of those things that we're trying to work past.


  • So when I read this, I feel like it can just be really demoralizing if you're a new writer just trying to get in the seat and start writing.


  • And you read this, and you think, well, maybe I just don't have the talent.


  • And that isn't necessarily true.


  • Next up, let's look at this advice around read a lot and write a lot.

    接下來,讓我們圍繞 "多讀 "和 "多寫 "來看看這些建議。

  • He has lots of passages on this one.


  • If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others.


  • Read a lot and write a lot.


  • There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of.


  • No shortcut.


  • Can I be blunt on this subject?


  • If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.


  • Simple as that.


  • I like to get 10 pages a day, which amounts to 2,000 words.

    我喜歡每天寫 10 頁,相當於 2000 字。

  • That's 180,000 words over a three-month span, a good-ish length for a book, something in which the reader can happily get lost.

    在三個月的時間裡,這本書的篇幅達到了 180,000 字,對於一本書來說,這個篇幅還算不錯,讀者可以樂在其中。

  • I suggest 1,000 words a day.

    我建議每天寫 1000 字。

  • And because I'm feeling magnanimous, I'll also suggest that you take one day a week off, at least to begin with.


  • You learn best by reading a lot and writing a lot.


  • And the most valuable lessons of all are the ones you teach yourself.


  • Now, I have a whole video dedicated to this advice of read a lot and write a lot, and why it isn't true, and it doesn't work, and it is full of this idea of survivorship bias.

    現在,我有一整段視頻專門講述 "多讀多寫 "這個建議,以及為什麼它是不正確的、行不通的,它充滿了 "倖存者偏差 "這個概念。

  • But I'm just going to stop here and say, this idea that the only way that you can learn writing is to just churn out 1,000 words a day and then read a lot of books is, again, kind of nuts.


  • First of all, there's lots of people that read a lot, and they can't write.


  • There's lots of people that write a lot, and they also are writing bad.


  • This is what we teach all the time at Story Grid, that there are basic skills that you can learn as a writer, and actually focusing on those and working on those is a shortcut.

    這也是我們在《故事網格》(Story Grid)一直教授的內容,作為一名作家,你可以學習一些基本技能,而真正專注於這些技能並在此基礎上進行創作是一條捷徑。

  • You still have to learn them.


  • It's still hard work, but it's not random.


  • This idea that you just read a lot and then churn out 1,000 words a day and write these really long manuscripts where none of it works, and you just kind of hope one day it'll work, that's not how writing and learning how to write should work.

    這種想法是,你只需要大量閱讀,然後每天寫出 1000 個單詞,寫出這些很長的手稿,但其中沒有一個是有用的,你只是有點希望有一天它會起作用,這不是寫作和學習如何寫作應該有的方式。

  • It should be a systematic process of learning skills.


  • So if you want to hear more about this, go down the description.


  • I have a link to my video talking about this myth of read a lot and write a lot.

    我有一個關於 "多讀多寫 "這一神話的視頻鏈接。

  • About a third of the way through the book, Stephen King introduces this idea of a toolbox.

    在本書大約三分之一的篇幅中,斯蒂芬-金提出了 "工具箱 "這一概念。

  • I want to suggest that to write to your best abilities, it behooves you to construct your own toolbox and then build up enough muscle so you can carry it with you.


  • Then, instead of looking at a hard job and getting discouraged, you will perhaps seize the correct tool and get immediately to work.


  • This part I can get on board with.


  • The idea that you have a toolbox and then you're going to put tools in there and build up the skills to use those tools is exactly what we teach at Story Grid.

    你有一個工具箱,然後把工具放進去,並培養使用這些工具的技能,這正是我們在 Story Grid 所教授的。

  • But when we talk about what these skills are, this is where I split ways from Stephen King and what he writes and on writing.


  • Because he spends a lot of time talking about things that aren't that important, and then on the things that are important, he gives really vague and unhelpful advice.


  • So first, let's look at the thing that most of us have heard about this idea of adverbs.


  • His basic idea is avoid them at all costs.


  • So at one point he says the adverb is and then he says I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs.


  • But then if you back up about a 80 pages from when he wrote that, he has this sentence.

    但是,如果你從他寫這篇文章的時候往回翻大約 80 頁,就會看到這樣一句話。

  • They were boringly wholesome.


  • And I don't know about you, but that's kind of a weird adverb.


  • I actually thought he put it in there tongue-in-cheek, but it was so far before his opinions on adverbs that, well, I think he meant to put it there.


  • Now the real problem comes when you read these writers' books is they use adverbs.


  • And so this idea that so many authors, including Stephen King, talks about how evil adverbs are and how you shouldn't use adverbs, and then you read their writing and you're like, there's an adverb, there's another adverb, there's an adverb.


  • So how do you know when to use adverbs and when not to use adverbs?


  • Because they just kind of say this blanket, be careful and don't use that many, but they don't really tell you how to know.


  • Well, thankfully, we actually know how to use adverbs here at StoryGrid.

    幸好,StoryGrid 知道如何使用副詞。

  • And there's a really simple rule and it takes a minute to explain it.


  • So I've already done a video on it.


  • So that's down in the description as well.


  • That one's called how to unbore your writing.


  • And it's just a really simple idea about when you should use adverbs and when you shouldn't.


  • And once you do that, you'll understand.


  • And this is one of those first moments in the book where the advice is just so vague.


  • It's not really helpful.


  • When you read it, it feels like, Ooh, I'm learning something.


  • And then when you go to put it into practice, it's not actually helpful.


  • So let's look at the next one.


  • So the next one, he starts talking about paragraph length.


  • He says in fiction, the paragraph is less structured.


  • It's the beat instead of the actual melody.


  • But then when you keep reading and you try to see what his advice is, it's something around read books that are like yours and then try to make the paragraphs about the same amount of length.


  • But again, it's so vague as to be unhelpful.


  • Then we move on to about it.


  • As with all the other aspects of fiction, the key to writing good dialogue is honesty.


  • And if you are honest about the words coming out of your character's mouth, you'll find that you've let yourself in for a fair amount of criticism.


  • Again, this is where I want to tie back to this idea that he's been doing this for 40 years at this point.

    我想再次強調的是,在這一點上,他已經做了 40 年。

  • And when he has characters, they're so clear in his mind and they are locked in so clearly.


  • He really does feel like he's just listening to what they say and writing it down.


  • Unfortunately for new and amateur writers, it doesn't work that way because I've actually read the writing where people just kind of say what they think the character is saying, and it's not very good.


  • There are some specific things that you can learn that will make your dialogue better.


  • The first is objects of desire, being really, really clear on what your characters want, understanding essential tactics, which is how your characters go about getting the things that they want and making sure that there's plenty of tension and conflict in your scenes with competing objects of desire.


  • Now, again, I've addressed this in another video, but the idea here is that every character in every scene should have differing and conflicting objects of desire.


  • This is what drives the conflict.


  • And once you have that conflict in place, knowing what your character should say and when becomes a lot easier, but it is not just as telling the truth, whatever that really is when it comes to fiction.


  • If you want to use that kind of language, take it out in the street.


  • For me, I think the most frustrating part of this book is when he started talking about themes.
