字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What single thing can any individual do to maximally increase the probability that humans thrive beyond what we can imagine? 每個人都能做什麼事情來最大限度地增加人類超越我們想象的繁榮的可能性? There are three main ideas. 主要有三個想法。 Number one, blueprint. 第一,藍圖。 Blueprint is an algorithm that takes better care of me than I can care for myself. 藍圖是一種算法,它對我的照顧比我對自己的照顧還要周到。 We humans struggle to act in our best interests. 我們人類努力為自己的最大利益而行動。 We will look both ways before crossing the street to avoid getting hit by a car, but we will do so while smoking a cigarette. 為了避免被車撞到,我們會在過馬路前朝兩邊看,但我們會一邊看一邊抽菸。 Every day, we do things that accelerate aging. 我們每天都在做加速衰老的事情。 And while we may think we can stop those things anytime we want, we are powerless to stop them all. 雖然我們可能認為自己可以隨時阻止這些事情的發生,但我們卻無力阻止它們的發生。 Don't believe me? 不相信我? Try stopping all of your self-destructive behaviors. 嘗試停止所有自我毀滅的行為。 These include eating too much food or junk food, not exercising, smoking, excessive drinking, drugs, staying up past our bedtimes, pornography, excessive social media, and dozens more. 這些問題包括:吃太多食物或垃圾食品、不運動、吸菸、酗酒、吸毒、熬夜、色情、過度使用社交媒體等等。 All of these things shorten our lives. 所有這些都會縮短我們的生命。 All of them make life less enjoyable in the long run. 從長遠來看,所有這些都會減少生活的樂趣。 They are payday loans, and the interest is taken from the well-being, happiness, and health of future you. 它們是發薪日貸款,利息來自未來你的幸福、快樂和健康。 To protect ourselves from the raw reality that we are powerless to stop these behaviors, we create pretty stories to justify them. 我們無力阻止這些行為,為了保護自己,我們編造了一些美麗的故事來為這些行為辯解。 Live a little. 活一點 We're all going to die anyway. 反正我們都會死。 We are masters at hiding the truth we don't want to see. 我們善於隱藏自己不願看到的真相。 Blueprint plays a new game called Don't Die. 藍圖玩一款名為 "不要死 "的新遊戲。 We, in fact, play it every day right now. 事實上,我們現在每天都在玩這個遊戲。 We wear seatbelts, we change the batteries in our smoke alarms, and throw out moldy food. 我們系安全帶,更換煙霧報警器的電池,扔掉髮黴的食物。 This is how I personally play the game Don't Die. 我個人就是這樣玩 "別死 "遊戲的。 My team and I gather hundreds of biomarkers from my body. 我和我的團隊從我的身體中收集了數百種生物標誌物。 This allows my heart, lungs, liver, and 70 other organs to speak for themselves. 這讓我的心臟、肺、肝臟和其他 70 個器官都能為自己說話。 After evaluating hundreds of scientific papers, we then create a health protocol. 在對數百篇科學論文進行評估後,我們制定了一套健康方案。 This algorithm determines what and when I eat, when I go to bed, and so forth. 這種算法決定了我吃什麼、什麼時候吃、什麼時候睡覺等等。 My mind does not have the authority to order from a menu, eat a gallon of ice cream because it's nighttime, or peruse the pantry because I'm bored. 我的大腦沒有權力從菜單上點菜,沒有權力因為是晚上而吃一加侖冰淇淋,也沒有權力因為無聊而翻看儲藏室。 My body's organs and biological processes oversee the whole thing, not my mind. 是我身體的器官和生物過程在主導一切,而不是我的大腦。 Sounds dystopic, right? 聽起來很荒誕,對嗎? This isn't the future you imagined? 這不是你想象中的未來? Just wait, it gets worse. 等等,情況會更糟。 The goal of Blueprint is the autonomous self, where each of us improves at the speed of science and technology. 藍圖的目標是實現自主的自我,讓我們每個人都能以科學技術的速度不斷進步。 Every year, we get new versions of almost everything. 每年,幾乎所有的東西都會有新版本。 Meanwhile, every day, we humans reliably get one day closer to death. 與此同時,我們人類每天都在可靠地向死亡靠近一天。 Your autonomous self reverses this trend by building upon the foundation of Blueprint to interconnect your well-being and personal growth with the progress of science and technology. 你的自主性可以扭轉這一趨勢,在藍圖的基礎上,將你的福祉和個人成長與科技進步聯繫起來。 You can think of zeroism as a version of future literacy, a mindset and toolkit to navigate a rapidly changing and completely unknown future. 你可以把歸零主義看作是一種未來素養,是駕馭瞬息萬變、完全未知的未來的思維方式和工具包。 Let's put future literacy in context. 讓我們來了解一下未來掃盲的背景。 In 1820, only 12% of the world's population could read and write. 1820 年,全世界只有 12% 的人口會讀寫。 Imagine what our daily lives would look like right now if we hadn't achieved an 86% basic literacy over the past two centuries. 試想一下,如果我們沒有在過去兩個世紀中實現 86% 的基本識字率,我們現在的日常生活會是什麼樣子。 We'd probably be significantly less prosperous, healthy, and interesting. 我們的繁榮、健康和有趣程度可能會大大降低。 Historically, future literacy was not imminently needed. 從歷史上看,未來掃盲並非迫在眉睫。 Things changed slowly over the course of generations. 經過幾代人的努力,情況慢慢發生了變化。 Knowing seasonal weather patterns was good enough for most people. 對大多數人來說,瞭解季節性天氣模式就足夠了。 Today, there are tectonic, technological, and cultural shifts that happen on the timescales of weeks, months, and years. 如今,構造、技術和文化的變化以周、月和年為時間尺度。 The pace of change will continue to accelerate. 變革的步伐將繼續加快。 We are accustomed to thinking about human evolution on the timescale of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, not in single lifetimes. 我們習慣於在幾萬年甚至幾十萬年的時間尺度上思考人類的進化,而不是在一生的時間尺度上思考人類的進化。 But that's where we are now. 但這就是我們現在的處境。 We need to be alert to the changes in store for individuals and humanity to triage the right path forward. 我們需要對個人和人類所面臨的變化保持警惕,以分流正確的前進道路。 This is a question of survival. 這是一個生存問題。 Personally, after observing my own thoughts and behavior for 46 years, I do not trust my conscious mind. 就我個人而言,在觀察自己的思想和行為 46 年之後,我不相信自己的意識。 Not in a pantry full of junk food, not with my best long-term interests, not in explaining away my irrational behaviors. 不是在滿是垃圾食品的儲藏室裡,不是為了我的長遠利益,也不是為了解釋我的非理性行為。 I do not think that humanity, as we are configured today, can cooperate well enough and fast enough to avoid catastrophic outcomes. 我認為,人類目前的結構無法進行足夠好、足夠快的合作,以避免災難性的後果。 I think we need to hand over the reins of power. 我認為我們需要交出權力韁繩。 Humanity has reached its cognitive and attentional limits in managing a complex, ultra-interconnected world. 人類在管理一個複雜、超級互聯的世界時,其認知和注意力已達到極限。 Zeroism is a way to understand, think, and behave in a rapidly changing future. 在瞬息萬變的未來,零度主義是一種理解、思考和行為的方式。 A way to anticipate and prepare for the unknown. 一種預測和準備迎接未知的方法。 Throughout history, the number and concept of zero revolutionized math and physics, art, philosophy, and religion. 縱觀歷史,"零 "這個數字和概念徹底改變了數學、物理學、藝術、哲學和宗教。 Our modern society depends on the power of zero, enabling computers, gaming, social media, GPS, and medical technology. 我們的現代社會依賴於 "零 "的力量,電腦、遊戲、社交媒體、全球定位系統和醫療技術都離不開 "零"。 Some of history's most monumental breakthroughs are, as I like to call them, zero discoveries. 歷史上一些最不朽的突破,我喜歡稱之為 "零發現"。 In the past, discoveries of zero happened every few decades or centuries. 過去,每隔幾十年或幾個世紀就會有一次 "零 "的發現。 For example, that the Earth was not the center of the universe. 例如,地球並不是宇宙的中心。 A few decades or even a century was enough time for society to reconfigure and update its beliefs, technology, and culture. 幾十年甚至一個世紀的時間足以讓社會重新配置和更新其信仰、技術和文化。 Zero discoveries are now happening at a much faster pace. 現在,"零 "發現的速度更快了。 That is because AI is a zero manufacturer. 這是因為人工智能是一個零製造商。 Insights generated by AI will introduce reality-bending zeros and demand that we quicken our adaptation. 人工智能產生的洞察力將帶來顛覆現實的零,並要求我們加快適應。 So there you have it. 就是這樣。 Three ideas. 三個想法 Blueprint. 藍圖。 We humans are going to be run by algorithms because they are superior to us. 我們人類將被算法管理,因為算法比我們優越。 Autonomous self. 自主的自我。 We will begin improving ourselves at the speed of science and technology because we can. 我們將開始以科學技術的速度提升自己,因為我們可以。 Zeroism. 歸零主義 In a rapidly changing future, our best attribute is learning a new form of intelligence, which is not knowing, also known as future literacy. 在瞬息萬變的未來,我們最好的特質是學習一種新的智能,即不知道,也稱為未來素養。 Zeroism is a response to the fact that humanity is facing at least three imminent and existential risks. 零點主義是對人類正面臨至少三種迫在眉睫的生存風險這一事實的迴應。 The risk of an unsustainable biosphere. 不可持續的生物圈的風險。 Misaligned AI. 錯位的人工智能。 Mass destruction via nukes, biowarfare, societal collapse, etc. 通過核彈、生物戰、社會崩潰等手段造成大規模破壞。 Could it be the case that humanity would be better off rethinking how we make decisions going forward? 人類是否最好重新思考一下我們今後的決策方式? In the same way that I did with my health, empowering science to care for me better than I can care for myself. 就像我對自己的健康所做的那樣,讓科學來更好地照顧我,而不是我自己照顧自己。 Imagine empowering Earth's biosphere to manage its own well-being. 想象一下,賦予地球生物圈管理自身福祉的能力。 We humans are currently in charge of deciding how much pollution and toxicity we generate and whether the oceans become more acidic, the planet warms and more life becomes extinct. 我們人類目前負責決定我們產生了多少汙染和毒性,以及海洋是否會變得更加酸性、地球是否會變暖、更多的生命是否會滅絕。 If our biosphere were in charge, we'd use the same blueprint process to fix its problems. 如果我們的生物圈由我們來掌管,我們也會用同樣的藍圖程序來解決它的問題。 Measuring the biosphere via oceans, atmosphere, land, etc. via millions of data points. 通過數百萬個數據點測量海洋、大氣、陸地等生物圈。 Our biosphere sets the standards for pollution, toxins, wildlife, and weather. 我們的生物圈設定了汙染、毒素、野生動物和天氣的標準。 Humanity deals with it and adapts. 人類與之打交道並適應它。 In hearing these ideas, many confidently assert that my motivation for Blueprint is a fear of death. 聽到這些想法,許多人自信地斷言,我創作《藍圖》的動機是對死亡的恐懼。 I do not fear death. 我不懼怕死亡。 I sat at its doorstep for a decade alongside chronic depression, desperately wishing I didn't exist. 我在它的門前坐了十年,長期抑鬱,絕望地希望自己不存在。 Had it not been for my three children, I probably would have taken my own life. 如果不是因為我的三個孩子,我可能早就自殺了。 I know what it's like to be locked into a staring contest with death. 我知道與死神對視的滋味。 Here, right now, wanting life can be hard for so many reasons. 在這裡,此時此刻,由於種種原因,想要生活可能很難。 The depths of depression taught me a thing or two about this. 抑鬱症的深淵讓我明白了一兩件事。 I dream of an existence where we all want to keep playing the game of life, even in our darkest moments. 我夢想有這樣一種生活:即使在最黑暗的時刻,我們都想繼續玩人生遊戲。 For thousands of years, it's been the same story. 幾千年來,故事都是一樣的。 We're born and then we die in predictable fashion. 我們出生,然後以可預見的方式死去。 Don't die is the ultimate game to play. 不要死是玩遊戲的終極目標。 Existence is the highest virtue. 存在是最高的美德。 Blueprint is not just for me, it is for everyone. 藍圖不僅適合我,也適合所有人。 Blueprint is a plan to save ourselves. 藍圖是一個拯救我們自己的計劃。 May we have the courage to believe that right now may be the very beginning. 願我們有勇氣相信,現在可能就是一個開始。 BLUEPRINT BLUEPRINT
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 藍圖 人類 算法 遊戲 照顧 權力 這種演算法能阻止死亡嗎? (Could This Algorithm Stop Death?) 533 8 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字