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  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  • Merry Christmas!


  • Happy New Year!


  • Can you hear it, the song of bell?


  • Heals me like when I see the shining stars Can you feel it, just take a breath On this stage our breath will beat the breeze On and on, rings in my ears I can't stop thinking about you anymore So special, when you day by day My desire just for you Target, everyday, everywhere Your voice coming to me, rushing to me Fill me up with your wish and make me smile Highway, can't you see it, we only shine In this story of us, so marvelous Take me to paradise and make me smile King of life, every night, will you be my lullaby?

    你能感覺到嗎,深吸一口氣 在這個舞臺上,我們的呼吸將拍打微風 不停地,在我耳邊響起 我無法停止對你的思念 如此特別,當你日復一日 我的渴望只為你 目標,每天、你的聲音向我走來,向我襲來 用你的願望填滿我,讓我微笑 高速公路,你沒看見嗎,我們只閃耀 在我們的故事裡,如此奇妙 帶我去天堂,讓我微笑 生命之王,每個夜晚,你會是我的搖籃曲嗎?

  • I can't start, get on, when I look behind You are, always with me Yes you are Can you find it, the missing line?

    我無法開始,上不去,當我往後看時 你在,永遠與我同在 是的,你在 你能找到嗎,那根缺失的線?

  • You are the only one who saves the night What if everyday, always overlaid, shaded grey What if all the stars, faded with the day They will shine on brighter, day by day When I think, I'm alone I still feel like you are always behind me Finally, it's about time There is something to tell you, will you hear me out?

    你是唯一一個拯救黑夜的人 如果每天都是灰色的陰影 如果所有的星星都隨著白天褪去 它們會一天比一天閃亮 當我想,我是孤獨的 我仍然覺得你總是在我身後 終於,是時候了 有件事要告訴你,你能聽我說完嗎?

  • Looking for a long time, but today here we are Are you ready?

    找了很久,今天終於找到了 你準備好了嗎?

  • Because I will give it all for you Target, everyday, everywhere Your voice coming to me, rushing to me Fill me up with your wish and make me smile Highway, can't you see it, we only shine In this story of us, so marvelous Take me to paradise and make me smile Every night, will you be my lullaby?

    因為我願意為你付出一切 目標,每天,每處 你的聲音向我走來,向我奔來 用你的願望填滿我,讓我微笑 海威,你沒看到嗎,我們只在我們的故事中閃耀,如此奇妙 帶我去天堂,讓我微笑 每晚,你會是我的搖籃曲嗎?

  • Can't start, get on, when I look behind You are, always with me Yes you are

    無法啟動,繼續前進,當我向後望去 你在,永遠與我同在 是的,你在

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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