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  • Hi everyone, she's Ashley Park and she's Lily Collins and here are some of the things that we love about Paris Paris is a great food city and here are some famous foods.

    大家好,她是阿什利-帕克(Ashley Park),她是莉莉-柯林斯(Lily Collins),以下是我們喜愛的巴黎的一些事物 巴黎是一座美食之都,以下是一些著名的美食。

  • They're known for the croissant It's it's really the go-to in Paris.


  • It really is and I feel like they have the perfect Well, let me just tear this one apart.

    真的是這樣,我覺得他們做得很完美 好吧,讓我把這個拆開看看。

  • Let's do it.


  • Listen to it I Could hear some crunch.


  • Yeah.


  • Yeah, I Could definitely hear some crunch.


  • I'm always the kind of person who likes to take out the center of the croissant Do you put jam in it?


  • Do you?


  • Yeah, I used to put like some jam or like honey So that there's like a little bit of filling in there, which is which is pretty baller But also with this dipping it in like a hot beverage is really nice.


  • Wait, what?


  • All these ways to eat a croissant?


  • I just grab it and go.


  • If you like take a little bit of it and you dip it in like coffee It kind of like soaks it up a little bit.


  • Ooh, and then there's like that hard Like texture to the croissant.


  • Yeah.


  • Yeah soft and these are macaroons Which are also is a macaroon macaroon or macaroon?


  • There's a real a real like skill to making macaroons because we did a class and we won and we like made them They I have to say did not look that pretty though No But I think we tried to make it didn't we like put little designs on it to try to hide the fact that they weren't really Ideas are really big and the fun thing about macaroons.


  • Is there gluten-free?


  • Right, they are no, right.


  • Yeah, they're gluten-free.


  • I did not know that they were gluten-free.


  • Well, this is great We made like pistachio rose chocolate vanilla.


  • We love it was one of our first bonding experiences I think in the show and honestly we took them to set the next day and no one believed us that we made them I know but we had proof we did have we do have what was the Airbnb experiences?

    老實說,第二天我們把它們帶到片場,沒有人相信是我們做的,我知道,但我們有證據,我們確實有,我們確實有什麼 Airbnb 的經歷?

  • We did a lot of those season one.


  • We did actually and this is a French 75, which is a famous French drink and the ingredients are gin Simple syrup Chairman and champagne She knows what I'm pretending like I do Honestly, these actually do have oh it has like the lemon alcohol in it Smells like this will be a fun time if we part.

    她知道我在裝什麼,就像我知道她在裝什麼一樣 說實話,這些酒裡確實有檸檬酒的味道 聞起來好像我們分開後會很開心。

  • Oh, oh my god.


  • We're gonna have fun.


  • We're so Parisian Okay on to the next thing there are a lot of cool things to see in Paris So we are gonna talk about some of our favorites So here as you can see, we have a lovely map of the city.

    我們是如此的巴黎人 好了,進入下一個話題 巴黎有很多好玩的地方,所以我們要談談我們最喜歡的一些地方。

  • This is the Sun running right down nice nice Yeah, see that I knew Here is Luxembourg Gardens Love walking our dog.


  • Mm-hmm right in here.


  • It's a beautiful area of town.


  • Actually Emily's apartment is right there Wait Hartman is right there by the Pantheon.


  • Yeah, that's right.


  • You and I we walked a lot around the Tuileries and stuff The Tuileries the Tuileries She loves it Yeah, and also, where is it?

    你和我在杜樂麗宮附近走了很多遍 她喜歡杜樂麗宮 她喜歡杜樂麗宮

  • We like to walk around the museum.


  • Oh, they're safe right there No, well, yeah the door say but the Louvre right here is where we've taken many funny photos just like wandering around.

    哦,他們在那裡很安全 不,好吧,是的,門上是這麼說的,但盧浮宮就在這裡,我們在這裡拍了很多有趣的照片,就像四處閒逛一樣。

  • It's true Well, we love being in like the Marais.


  • Oh, yeah, Martin.


  • There's a lot of good shot I'll say Martin is a park to boot Shamal boot Shamal.


  • What'd you call me?


  • part the park the bush Amal That is the most stunning park.

    公園的一部分,灌木叢 阿瑪爾 這是最迷人的公園。

  • It's the most beautiful view of the city Love that except also Sakura Kerr, which is also so amazing, which Why could I not find it?

    這是這座城市最美的景色 愛,除了櫻花科爾,它也是如此令人驚歎,為什麼我找不到它呢?

  • We are not Picasso Museum is amazing.


  • We love yes.

    我們愛 "是"。

  • Yes.


  • Yeah, there's a lot of cool like pop-up museums and galleries and stuff in the Marais area Yeah, let's not sleep on the old Eiffel Tower.

    是啊,馬萊區有很多很酷的博物館和畫廊之類的東西 是啊,我們還是別去想老埃菲爾鐵塔了。

  • Let's not sleep on her.


  • Let's not sleep on that She would not be thrilled.


  • You can kind of see her from all over the city Yeah, it's great and moving right along Croatians have a lot of their own lingo that you should know and here are some of them Buffet means to eat.

    你可以從城市的各個角落看到她 是的,這很好,繼續前進 克羅地亞人有很多自己的行話,你應該知道,這裡有一些 自助餐的意思是吃飯。

  • Is that where buffet comes from?


  • Oh, yeah.


  • Oh, maybe it is buffet We're gonna go buffet later Yeah, so to eat I didn't know that like like it's just a mech a guy a guy a dude.

    哦,也許是自助餐 我們待會要去吃自助餐 是啊,所以要吃東西 我不知道,就像只是一個機械人 一個傢伙,一個傢伙,一個花花公子。

  • Yeah a fellow Yeah, I'm bored Alice like a mess chaos.

    是啊,一個傢伙 是啊,我很無聊 愛麗絲像一個爛攤子混亂。

  • I'm bored.


  • Oh Yeah, there's a lot of mess or chaos in this show.


  • Yeah, maybe like Lay bordels.


  • Yeah.


  • Yeah, because it's like a lot of mess.


  • Mm-hmm.

  • Shwet.


  • Shwet is like Cool neat.

    Shwet 就像酷一樣整潔。

  • She's Shwet I'll make a Shwet The guy is He's gonna buffet later, these are some Paris landmarks if we like it We're gonna tell you why we like it and if we don't like it, then we're gonna hit this.

    她叫 Shwet,我叫 Shwet,那傢伙叫 Shwet,他待會兒要去吃自助餐,這些是巴黎的地標,如果我們喜歡,我們會告訴你為什麼我們喜歡,如果我們不喜歡,那我們就打這個。

  • Oh See Eiffel Tower I Will say going to the top is like pretty cool.


  • Oh, yeah, the view is amazing I don't think I've been to the top because you filmed up there.


  • Yeah to the restaurant on top Yeah, it's it's it's a sight to see I've been in like the middle part and it's it's a fun way to get up there But also the park in front of it's really nice to like have a picnic at and you're like, that's a definite Go to yeah.


  • Yeah I mean, it's so beautiful at night But yes, of course you have to go to see that totally and it's in the is that the aisle it's oh, yeah Which is beautiful.

    是的,我的意思是,它的夜晚是如此美麗,但 是的,當然你必須去看看,完全 它是在是過道 它是哦,是啊,這是美麗的。

  • It's so beautiful.


  • We had to be I would I would suggest not to do if you go there Yeah, don't go scooter with your friend there.

    如果你去那裡,我建議你不要這樣做 是的,不要和你的朋友去那裡玩滑板車。

  • Yeah, we filmed a scene.


  • They're scootering and I fell it was a oh I just wanted to hit it Don't do that, but definitely go to that definitely go to that.


  • Yeah Arc de Triomphe, I'm gonna say yes.


  • Yes.


  • We live near there.


  • Yeah season Yeah, you gotta go to see that especially if there's bikers like that.


  • I've never seen the bikers there Oh Yes, I mean you can't miss that and it's so night this especially is nice to walk around it at night Yeah, I mean it does get a little crowded, but I would still wait in line.

    是的,我的意思是你不會錯過的,而且這裡的夜景很美,晚上在這裡散步特別好 是的,我的意思是這裡確實有點擁擠,但我還是會排隊等候。

  • Yeah I Actually haven't been but I've been a crazy horse many many times like the best burlesque club Yeah, but I would definitely go maybe I want to go.

    是啊,我其實還沒去過,但我當過很多次瘋馬,比如最好的歌舞伎俱樂部 是啊,但我肯定會去,也許我想去。

  • I haven't been either.


  • So we should probably go We're not gonna be but we should probably go yeah, we filmed outside of it actually.

    所以我們也許該走了 我們不會走的 但我們也許該走了 是啊,我們其實是在外面拍的

  • Oh, yeah, we did.


  • Oh That's oh I'm forgetting the name of it, but it's a very famous Cemetery, what it's a cemetery.


  • No, no, no.


  • No It's very cool.


  • It's beautiful in terms of cemeteries.


  • This is like it's a stunning Are you talking about the cave stuff with the skulls?


  • Absolutely Absolutely, you should visit don't listen to Ashley Park fun fact We actually really liked all these places and pretty much suggest that you go to all of them So yeah in conclusion just visit Paris visit Paris and make sure you have plenty of days to see everything Mm-hmm.

    絕對絕對,你應該去看看,別聽阿什利-帕克(Ashley Park)瞎說。 事實上,我們真的很喜歡所有這些地方,建議你都去看看。

  • Well, she's still Ashley Park and she's still Lily Collins We hope you guys enjoyed all of our places in Paris and get to visit them soon

    好吧,她還是阿什莉-帕克,她還是莉莉-柯林斯 我們希望你們喜歡我們在巴黎的所有景點,並能儘快前往遊覽。

Hi everyone, she's Ashley Park and she's Lily Collins and here are some of the things that we love about Paris Paris is a great food city and here are some famous foods.

大家好,她是阿什利-帕克(Ashley Park),她是莉莉-柯林斯(Lily Collins),以下是我們喜愛的巴黎的一些事物 巴黎是一座美食之都,以下是一些著名的美食。

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