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  • I asked a bunch of doctors what is the worst thing that a patient ever said to them.


  • I'll go first.


  • I had a patient come in and actually express to me that my mother in the afterlife had sent them a message to bring to me.


  • They weren't even interested in receiving medical care, they just wanted to give me the message.


  • Weird visit. My name is Jake Goodman and I'm in my last year of psychiatry residency.

    奇怪的拜訪我叫傑克-古德曼 現在是精神病學住院醫師的最後一年

  • The worst thing that a patient has ever said to me was "you are a Harry Shrink." Yeah, I can't even be mad at that.

    病人對我說過的最難聽的話就是 "你是個哈里-斯林克"。是啊,我甚至不能為這句話生氣。

  • That was pretty creative. Hi, my name is Ben Schmidt, also known as Doc Schmidt, and I'm a gastroenterologist, also known as a GI doctor.


  • Now, as a GI doctor, I take care of a lot of people with liver disease.


  • One consequence of a liver disease called cirrhosis is that patients can develop fluid in their belly called ascites that causes their belly to balloon out and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Now, sometimes we have to drain that fluid out using a large needle.


  • It typically has a yellowish clear color, so it looks a little bit like urine.


  • I was doing the drainage procedure on a patient for the first time and he told me that he thought the fluid looked like beer.


  • I laughed it off, kind of shrugged it off at first, but he kept coming back to it, stating he thought it looked like beer and he wondered what it would taste like.


  • At one point, he even wondered if he could sell it.


  • I told him no. Hi, I'm Dr. Glockenflecken.


  • I am actually a board certified ophthalmologist.


  • A patient once told me that they saw my skits and that they were kind of funny. Hi, I'm Dr. Siobhan Deschauer, although online you may know me as ViolinMD.

    曾經有一位病人告訴我,他們看過我的短劇,覺得很有趣。大家好,我是 Siobhan Deschauer 醫生,不過在網上你們可能只知道我是 ViolinMD。

  • I'm a rheumatologist, so I specialize in joints and autoimmune diseases.


  • You know, I can't really think of something outrageous or terrible.


  • I don't know, maybe Canadian patients are just a little bit more polite. But I did recently have this older patient in the hospital who kept calling me sweet cheeks.


  • I still don't know how I feel about that.


  • I kind of wanted to say that's Dr. Sweet Cheeks to you, sir. I'm Dr. Gary Linkov.


  • I'm an ENT specialist with subspecializations in facial plastics and hair restoration surgery.


  • Most of my patients know by now that I have an autoimmune hair loss condition, but some of them don't quite know.


  • So they might look at me and say, hey, you know, if you're doing hair restoration and you're going to try to make my hair better, why don't you go and try to fix your hair first?


  • That can sometimes be a bit hurtful.


  • But when I explain to them what's actually going on, then they get it.


  • And they usually respond quite well to that. What's up, guys?


  • I'm Dr. Antonio Webb, a board certified orthopedic spine surgeon, also called the back doctor, just because patients after surgery, they just keep coming back.

    我是安東尼奧-韋伯(Antonio Webb)醫生,是一名經過認證的骨科脊柱外科醫生,也被稱為 "背部醫生"。

  • One of the worst things a patient has ever said to me as a spine surgeon is, hey, doc, I googled my symptoms and I think you're wrong.


  • I find it funny that a 10 minute search on Google trumps my 10 plus years of medical school and training. Hello, my name is Danielle Bilardo.

    我覺得很有趣,在谷歌上搜索 10 分鐘就能勝過我在醫學院接受的 10 多年培訓。你好,我叫丹妮爾-比拉多。

  • I'm a cardiologist in Los Angeles, California, and I specialize in cardiovascular disease prevention.


  • A patient with triple vessel coronary artery disease and systolic heart failure once told me they plan to continue taking over 100 supplements recommended to them by a naturopath they saw on TikTok.

    一位患有三血管冠狀動脈疾病和收縮性心力衰竭的病人曾告訴我,他們計劃繼續服用在 TikTok 上看到的自然療法醫生向他們推薦的 100 多種保健品。

  • Instead of following lifesaving guideline directed medical therapy.


  • I have a deep empathy for patients like this because it breaks my heart to see them fall victim to so much online misinformation.


  • It is not their fault.


  • They're overwhelmed and misled by the sheer volume of conflicting advice that they find online. My name is Dr. Anthony Yoon, and I'm a board certified plastic surgeon.

    他們被網上大量相互矛盾的建議所迷惑,不知所措。我叫 Anthony Yoon 醫生,是一名經過委員會認證的整形外科醫生。

  • I'm a YouTuber and a podcaster.


  • When I first started my practice, I had a patient who told me that she wanted to hit me with her car and she was so angry with me.


  • She said, I'm going to send you back to LA where the only people who will let you operate on them are the whores.


  • The whores, she screamed at me.


  • Now I had performed a facelift on her a couple of months earlier, and honestly, she looked really good, but she was very unhappy with the results.


  • So unhappy that she threatened that if I didn't pay her $150,000 in cash, that she was going to all sorts of bad things to me.

    她很不高興,威脅說如果我不付給她 15 萬美元現金,她就會對我做各種壞事。

  • Well, this was my first foray as a young plastic surgeon with body dysmorphic disorder.


  • And many years later, she actually tried this whole thing on another plastic surgeon as well. Hey, I'm Dr. Davo Banasali, a board certified dermatologist here in New York City.

    很多年後,她還在另一位整形外科醫生身上 試過這整件事。嘿,我是達沃-巴納薩利醫生 紐約市皮膚科認證醫師

  • The meanest thing a patient's ever said to me, probably not what they said.


  • I've had a bunch of patients come in here with sunburns and broke my heart. Hi, I'm Dr. Brian Boxer-Wachler.

    有很多晒傷的病人來找我 我都心碎了你好,我是布萊恩-博瑟-瓦克勒醫生

  • I'm an aka eye surgeon.


  • There was one day when my office was just super busy with patients and some people were waiting excessively long time, which we really don't ever like to have happen.


  • But this one patient was just dropping all these F-bombs with me.


  • And I said, sir, if you're going to continue like this, we're just going to not continue this relationship.


  • And he kept dropping F-bombs.

    他還不停地扔 F 炸彈。

  • So as a result, despite his frustration, I had to fire him.


  • You are done.


  • Fired. Hello, my name is Austin Chang, and I'm an interventional gastroenterologist.


  • The worst thing a patient has actually said to me is probably that they've lost faith in science or medicine in general, and that they'd rather trust something that they read on the internet or through social media.


  • I get it.


  • If you have a complex chronic condition that you've seen doctor after doctor for and gotten no satisfying answers, it can be really, really frustrating.


  • And if medical training has taught me anything, it's that we don't know everything about the human body and we have limitations and we can only treat people based on the best available evidence at the moment.


  • But that doesn't mean that you can trust something on the internet that people come up with out of thin air that sound really appealing because they're easy solutions but aren't based on any evidence and might not have any clear benefit. Hello, my name is Mauricio, but everybody calls me Dr. Mao.


  • I'm triple board certified in internal emergency and obesity medicine.


  • We were about to see a patient and then the patient in front of everybody explicitly said he did not want to be seen by me.


  • Everybody looked at me and gasped.


  • And I politely said, why?


  • And he said, I don't know.


  • You don't give me a good vibe.


  • And needless to say, I felt terrible. Hey, everyone.


  • My name is Dr. Sanjay Janeja, and I'm a hematologist and medical oncologist, otherwise known as a blood and cancer specialist.

    我叫 Sanjay Janeja 博士,是一名血液和腫瘤內科醫生,也就是血液和癌症專家。

  • The worst thing a patient ever said to me was something along the lines of having to wait a while before being seen for their benign blood problem.

    病人對我說過的最難聽的話莫過於 "良性血液問題要等一段時間才能看病"。

  • And what I had mentioned, you know, it's a difficult conversation.


  • Proceeding, which was a young patient with stage four cancer, it kind of replied with basically saying, well, you never know what that person probably had done to deserve that diagnosis.


  • That taught me that there is a lot of need for education and kind of understanding about one of these challenging processes like cancer. Hi, my name is Dr. Alok Patel.


  • I'm a pediatric hospitalist.


  • If a child is hospitalized, my people are on it.


  • What is the worst thing a patient's ever said to me?


  • It's sad that, like, I have multiple options to choose from.


  • I've had multiple patients accuse me of profiting from death or illness or being in bed with big pharma.


  • But the winner, or I should probably say loser, I did have one patient threaten me and say that he was going to find my address and kill me.


  • Obviously, the situation was handled.


  • We called the cops.


  • It's no longer a thing.


  • But still, harsh.


  • These are things you should never do in the hospital.


  • Click here to check that out.


  • And as always, stay happy and healthy.


I asked a bunch of doctors what is the worst thing that a patient ever said to them.


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