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  • So, in the last video, I introduced my staircase plan for explaining spinors, which starts with the simplest explanations at the bottom and ends with the most complicated explanations at the top.


  • We're going to start at the bottom of the staircase, which is basic examples of spinors in physics.


  • In the next four or five videos, I'm going to talk about two examples of how spinors come up in physics, the polarization of light waves and quantum spin states.


  • We're going to find that both of these phenomena can be described by spinors, in the form of two-by-one columns with complex number entries.


  • Afterward, we'll see how we can visualize these spinors as flagpoles on a sphere, called the Poincaré sphere or Bloch sphere.

    之後,我們將看到如何把這些旋量可視化為一個球體上的旗杆,這個球體被稱為 "波昂卡萊球體 "或 "布洛赫球體"。

  • In this video, we're going to discuss all the different polarizations of light waves and their corresponding spinors, which are called Jones vectors in this specific case.


  • And in the next video, we will discuss how to rotate between these polarizations using SU2 matrices.

    在下一個視頻中,我們將討論如何利用 SU2 矩陣在這些極化之間進行旋轉。

  • So I'm hoping you're familiar with electric and magnetic fields.


  • The electric field is a set of vectors everywhere in space that point in the direction that a positive charge will be pulled in due to electric forces.


  • The magnetic field is another set of vectors everywhere in space that tell us which direction a compass will point due to magnetic forces.


  • According to the laws of electricity and magnetism, it's possible for electric and magnetic field vectors to vibrate back and forth together in a wave, called an electromagnetic wave.


  • The light we see is an example of electromagnetic waves.


  • Usually, electromagnetic waves are traveling waves, meaning they travel through space over time.


  • The image you're seeing here is a snapshot of an electromagnetic wave at a single instant in time.


  • But as time passes by, the wave will travel forward.


  • Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves.


  • This means the direction of the wave oscillations is always perpendicular to the direction of travel.


  • So if an electromagnetic wave is traveling in the z direction, the wave can oscillate in the x-y plane perpendicular to the direction of travel, but the wave cannot oscillate in the z direction, parallel to the direction of travel.

    是以,如果電磁波沿 z 方向傳播,電磁波可以在垂直於傳播方向的 x-y 平面上振盪,但電磁波不能在與傳播方向平行的 z 方向上振盪。

  • The polarization of a given electromagnetic wave is the geometric orientation of the wave.


  • We only use the electric field E to define the polarization of an electromagnetic wave, so we ignore the magnetic field when talking about polarization.

    我們只用電場 E 來定義電磁波的極化,是以在討論極化時,我們忽略了磁場。

  • Let's look at an electromagnetic wave propagating in the z direction.

    讓我們來看看沿 Z 方向傳播的電磁波。

  • Again, here we're looking at a snapshot of a traveling wave at one instant in time.


  • When the electric field oscillates up and down along the y-axis, we call this vertical polarization.

    當電場沿 y 軸上下襬動時,我們稱之為垂直極化。

  • If we rotate this wave by a quarter turn, it is now oscillating left and right along the x-axis, and we call this horizontal polarization.

    如果我們將這個波旋轉四分之一圈,它現在就會沿著 x 軸左右擺動,我們稱之為水準偏振。

  • If we rotate the wave by another quarter turn, we end up with vertical polarization again, although with the wave shifted by a half cycle compared to the original wave.


  • Let's look more closely at a vertically polarized wave.


  • Remember, the electric field is a vector field, meaning it is represented as an arrow at every point in space and time.


  • The arrow has components in the x, y, and z directions, which we can write like this, using a linear combination of the x, y, z basis vectors.

    箭頭在 x、y、z 三個方向上都有分量,我們可以用 x、y、z 基向量的線性組合來這樣寫。

  • We can also write this as a three-component column like this.


  • For a vertically polarized wave, the electric field only exists along the y-axis, so the x and z components of the electric field go to zero.

    對於垂直極化波,電場只沿 y 軸存在,是以電場的 x 和 z 分量為零。

  • If we were to write out the y-component of the electric field for this traveling wave, it would be an amplitude A times a cosine wave.

    如果我們要寫出這個行波的電場 y 分量,它將是振幅 A 乘以餘弦波。

  • That depends on both time and space.


  • Here, t is time, and z is the location along the z-axis.

    這裡,t 是時間,z 是沿 Z 軸的位置。

  • Omega is the angular frequency, and k is the angular wave number.

    Omega 是角頻率,k 是角波數。

  • I find traveling waves are easiest to visualize on a spacetime diagram, with time moving into the future as we move upward.


  • Let's say that we have a wave that travels in the positive z direction over time.

    比方說,我們有一個波,它隨著時間的推移沿著正 Z 方向傳播。

  • We could draw out this traveling wave as a surface in our spacetime diagram.


  • The density of the waves in the spatial direction is given by the wave number, and the density of the waves in time is given by the frequency.


  • One thing we can do to modify our traveling wave is to add an extra phi value inside the sinusoid function.

    要修改我們的行波,我們可以做的一件事就是在正弦函數中添加一個額外的 phi 值。

  • You can think of this as indicating the wave's starting value at the origin z equals zero when time t equals zero.

    您可以認為這表示當時間 t 等於零時,波在原點 z 處的起始值等於零。

  • This starting value is called a phase, and changing the phase value will shift the wave back and forth along the axis of travel.


  • Applying a phase shift of negative pi over two to a cosine will shift the wave ahead a quarter cycle, which is equivalent to a sine wave.

    對餘弦波進行負 pi 超過 2 的相移,會使波浪向前移動四分之一個週期,相當於正弦波。

  • Now something that can help us represent waves is remembering Euler's formula, which tells us that we can write e to the power of the imaginary i times theta as cosine theta plus i times sine theta.

    歐拉公式告訴我們,我們可以把 e 的虛數 i 乘以 Theta 的冪寫成餘弦 Theta 加上 i 乘以正弦 Theta。

  • This is a useful property, because if we have e to the i theta and we want to add some angle phi to it, all we do is just multiply by e to the i times phi, and use the standard exponent rules to rewrite this as a single exponential with the exponents added.

    這是一個非常有用的性質,因為如果我們有 e 到 i 的 theta,並想在其上添加某個角度 phi,我們只需用 e 到 i 乘以 phi,然後使用標準指數規則將其改寫為添加了指數的單指數。

  • If we then use Euler's formula to convert back to sine and cosine, we see that a phase phi has been added inside the sinusoid functions.

    如果我們再用歐拉公式轉換回正弦和餘弦,就會發現正弦函數內部增加了一個相位 phi。

  • Now electromagnetic waves are described by real numbers.


  • But for convenience, we can pretend that our Ey component is actually a complex number, where the real part of this complex number is the actual electric field we observe in real life, with the imaginary part being ignored.

    但為了方便起見,我們可以假定我們的 Ey 分量實際上是一個複數,這個複數的實部就是我們在現實生活中觀察到的實際電場,虛部被忽略。

  • This means the full Ey component would have a real part with a cosine wave, and we can invent the fake imaginary part to be a sine wave, since we ignore it anyway.

    這意味著全 Ey 分量的實部將是餘弦波,我們可以把假的虛部編成正弦波,因為無論如何我們都會忽略它。

  • Using Euler's formula, we can write this more compactly as a complex exponential.


  • This also means we can pull the phase phi out using exponent rules, and write it as a multiplicative factor, e to the i phi.

    這也意味著我們可以利用指數規則得出相位 phi,並將其寫成乘法因子 e 到 i phi。

  • This allows us to write travelling waves as three separate multiplicative factors, the amplitude, times the phase, times the actual travelling wave.


  • So while the true electric field here is just the real part of this complex wave, we can write the electric field using complex exponentials for mathematical convenience.


  • As I said before, if we take this vertically polarized wave and rotate it a quarter turn, we get a horizontally polarized wave.


  • In this case, the wave only oscillates in the x direction, and so the y and z components of the field are zero.

    在這種情況下,波只在 x 方向上振盪,是以場的 y 和 z 分量為零。

  • Once again, the true electric field is given by a cosine, but for convenience, we can write it as a complex exponential, with the amplitude and phase written separately in front.


  • So to review, with the vertically polarized waves, the y component of the electric field is a travelling wave, and the x and z components are zero.

    是以,回顧一下,在垂直極化波中,電場的 y 分量是行波,而 x 和 z 分量為零。

  • And with a horizontally polarized wave, the x component of the electric field is a travelling wave, and the y and z components are zero.

    而對於水平極化波,電場的 x 分量為行波,y 和 z 分量為零。

  • Now, we know from physical experiments that electromagnetic waves can be superimposed on top of each other.


  • So it's possible to add horizontally and vertically polarized waves together like this.


  • Now notice that the two polarizations each have their own amplitude and their own phase.


  • But the actual travelling wave portion is identical in both, so we can factor it out and write it outside the column like this.


  • Now here I want to state the main idea of this video.


  • When it comes to studying the polarizations of waves, all the information we need to look at is contained inside this column, the amplitudes and the phases.


  • The actual travelling wave portion of the formula can be ignored, since it's the same for all components.


  • We can even go one step further and ignore the z component altogether, since we can always choose coordinates where the z direction is the direction of wave propagation.

    我們甚至可以更進一步,完全忽略 Z 分量,因為我們總是可以選擇 Z 方向為波傳播方向的座標。

  • And therefore the z component of the electric field will always be zero.

    是以,電場的 Z 分量永遠為零。

  • The resulting two-by-one column of complex numbers is called a Jones vector, and it tells us everything we need to know about the polarization of a given wave.


  • Any light wave polarization can be written as a linear combination of a horizontally polarized wave and a vertically polarized wave, each with complex numbers in front denoting their respective amplitudes and phases.


  • Moving forward, I'm going to write this horizontally polarized wave of amplitude 1 using the vector capital H, and I'll write this vertically polarized wave with amplitude 1 using the vector capital V.

    接下來,我將用矢量大寫字母 H 來書寫振幅為 1 的水平極化波,用矢量大寫字母 V 來書寫振幅為 1 的垂直極化波。

  • So using the idea of Jones vectors, we can create new polarizations by selecting different values for the amplitude and phase parameters.


  • For example, we can set both phases to zero, so that the horizontal and vertical polarizations are in phase with each other, and then set both amplitudes to one.


  • If we think of H as a vector along the x-axis and V as a vector along the y-axis, this new Jones vector points diagonally to the upper right.

    如果我們把 H 視為沿 x 軸的矢量,把 V 視為沿 y 軸的矢量,那麼這個新的瓊斯矢量就會斜指向右上方。

  • This is called diagonal polarization, denoted with a capital D.

    這就是所謂的對角極化,用大寫字母 D 表示。

  • This is what we would get if we took a horizontally polarized wave and rotated it counterclockwise by 45 degrees.

    如果我們將水準偏振波逆時針旋轉 45 度,就會得到這樣的結果。

  • Although, according to Pythagoras, the Jones vector H plus V has an amplitude of the square root of 2, so we usually divide the components by the square root of 2 to force the amplitude of D to be 1.

    不過,根據畢達哥拉斯定律,瓊斯矢量 H 加 V 的振幅是 2 的平方根,是以我們通常會將各分量除以 2 的平方根,以迫使 D 的振幅為 1。

  • It's also possible to set the amplitude to plus 1 for H and negative 1 for V, and this We call this anti-diagonal polarization A.

    也可以將振幅設置為正 1 表示 H,負 1 表示 V,我們稱之為反對角極化 A。

  • This is what we would get if we took a horizontally polarized wave and rotated it clockwise by 45 degrees.

    如果我們將水準偏振波順時針旋轉 45 度,就會得到這樣的結果。

  • Once again, we normalize this by dividing by the square root of 2.

    我們再一次通過除以 2 的平方根將其歸一化。

  • So we can get the D and A polarizations by adding H and V together in the right amounts.

    是以,只要將 H 和 V 相加,就能得到 D 和 A 極化。

  • In fact, we can make the wave's polarization have any angle on this circle, if we set the coefficients in front of H and V properly.

    事實上,只要我們適當設置 H 和 V 前面的係數,就可以使波的偏振在這個圓上具有任意角度。

  • But there are actually more polarizations that we still haven't seen yet.


  • Let's again set both amplitudes to 1, and set the horizontal phase to be 0, and set the vertical phase to be pi over 2, which is a phase of a quarter wave cycle.

    讓我們再次將兩個振幅都設為 1,水準相位設為 0,垂直相位設為 pi 大於 2,也就是四分之一波週期的相位。

  • This polarization is more difficult to visualize, so let's bring back our column notation with the traveling wave to understand it better.


  • Let's pretend we're stuck at the position z equals 0, and the angular frequency of the wave is 1, and we're watching the wave travel around the xy plane over time.

    假設我們停留在 z 等於 0 的位置,波的角頻率為 1,我們觀察波在 xy 平面上隨時間的變化。

  • What would this look like?


  • We can combine the exponentials, then use Euler's formula, and then take the real part to see that the electric field is given by a cosine, and a cosine with a phase factor of a quarter cycle, which is really the same thing as a negative sign.


  • At time equals 0, this gives the coordinates 1, 0.

    時間等於 0 時,座標為 1,0。

  • Then at t equals pi over 2, we get the coordinates 0, negative 1.

    然後,在 t 等於圓周率大於 2 時,我們得到座標 0,負 1。

  • Then at t equals pi, we get negative 1, 0.

    那麼在 t 等於 pi 時,我們得到負 1,0。

  • At t equals 3 pi over 2, we get 0, 1.

    在 t 等於 3 pi 大於 2 時,我們得到 0、1。

  • And at t equals 2 pi, we get 1, 0 again.

    而在 t 等於 2π 時,我們又得到 1,0。

  • So in this wave, the electric field vector travels around in a circle in a clockwise direction over time.


  • Bringing back the z-axis, if we take our left hand and point our thumb in the direction of wave travel along the z-axis, the electric field vector at the origin z equals 0 will follow the direction of our curled fingers.

    回到 Z 軸,如果我們用左手的拇指沿著 Z 軸指向波的傳播方向,那麼原點 z 等於 0 處的電場矢量就會沿著我們蜷曲的手指的方向傳播。

  • Since the wave follows a circle according to our left hand, we call it left circular polarized.


  • This wave would have a helix shape in three dimensions.


  • Wikipedia user Dave3457 has made a great animation of this that he's put into the public domain.

    維基百科用戶 Dave3457 製作了一個很棒的動畫,並將其發佈到公共領域。

  • We denote left circular polarized waves as capital L.

    我們用大寫字母 L 表示左圓極化波。

  • It's also more common to write e to the i pi over 2 as just i, which is a quarter turn in the complex plane.

    此外,更常見的做法是將 e 到 2 的 i pi 只寫成 i,即在複數平面上轉四分之一圈。

  • And once again, we normalize by dividing by the square root of 2.

    我們再一次通過除以 2 的平方根來進行歸一化處理。

  • If we repeat this process from the start, but instead giving the vertical polarization a phase of negative pi over 2, we get a helix wave that corkscrews in the opposite direction, matching our right hand when the right thumb points in the direction of wave travel.

    如果我們從頭開始重複這個過程,但讓垂直極化的相位為負 pi 大於 2,我們就會得到一個螺旋波,它向相反的方向旋轉,當右手拇指指向波的傳播方向時,就會與我們的右手相吻合。

  • So we call this right circular polarized, denoted by capital R.

    是以,我們稱之為右圓極化,用大寫字母 R 表示。

  • Now you'll notice in this video, I've written my traveling waves with a positive time term and a negative z term.

    現在你會注意到,在這段視頻中,我在寫行波時使用了正時間項和負 Z 項。

  • Some textbooks use the opposite sign convention, with a positive z term and a negative time term.

    有些教科書使用相反的符號約定,即正的 Z 項和負的時間項。

  • And as a result, the Jones vectors for circularly polarized waves have opposite signs on the So make sure you know which sign convention you're using when talking about circularly polarized waves.


  • So to summarize this video, we initially discovered the Jones vectors h and v, which represent horizontally and vertically polarized traveling waves.

    是以,總結這段視頻,我們最初發現了瓊斯矢量 h 和 v,它們分別代表水準和垂直極化的行波。

  • We then found that writing them in different linear combinations could give us new polarizations of light.


  • Like diagonal and anti-diagonal polarizations, and the left and right circular polarizations.


  • We're going to see in the next video that these Jones vectors that represent wave polarizations are actually spinors.


  • At this point, there's no particular reason why we would decide these pairs of complex numbers are special objects that deserve the special name of spinner.


  • But in the next video, we're going to see how we can rotate these various polarizations into each other using special matrices called SU2 matrices.

    不過,在下一個視頻中,我們將看到如何使用稱為 SU2 矩陣的特殊矩陣將這些不同的偏振相互旋轉。

  • And this will reveal a special angle doubling relationship between physical space and the space of wave polarizations.


  • We'll see that one rotation in physical space corresponds to two full rotations in the polarization space.


  • The Jones vectors that live in polarization space require two full rotations to get back to the starting point.


  • And this is exactly what we would expect from spinors.


  • In the meantime, before the next video, I'd suggest trying to draw out the shapes of various polarizations for the Jones vectors shown on the screen here.


  • If you feel confused, just use the strategy I showed earlier of taking z equals zero and omega equals one, and plugging in different time values to see how the wave moves around in the xy plane.

    如果你感到困惑,只需使用我之前展示的策略,即取 z 等於零,ω 等於 1,然後輸入不同的時間值,看看波在 xy 平面上是如何移動的。

  • The answers are linked in the description.


So, in the last video, I introduced my staircase plan for explaining spinors, which starts with the simplest explanations at the bottom and ends with the most complicated explanations at the top.


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