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  • Intense stellar winds have sculpted a majestic castle of gas. Inside these giant columns,

  • stars are being born.

  • Yet for the dying stars that set this process in motion, the consequences are grim.

  • Supernovae leave in their wake a range of bizarre objects. Among them, a tiny dense

  • ball of neutrons.

  • You form an object that we call a neutron star, which is something that has the mass

  • of our sun, but a radius of only about six miles or so. That is a very compact object.

  • Every centimeter cubed of that mass has a mass of a hundred-million tons.

  • Because of its intense gravity, a neutron star is a perfect sphere, with a surface like

  • polished metal.

  • It has the mass of the star, but it only has the size of a city. And the structure of that

  • matter is that it's like ordinary matter, where there are electrons and so on orbiting

  • around, ah, ah, nuclei, but with all the electrons sort of squashed into the nuclei and the particles

  • up close together.

  • So something that we think of as incredibly dense, like lead, is really mostly empty space.

  • And if you squish all the empty space out of it and get the nuclei right up next to

  • each other, that's something that has the density of a neutron star.

  • The existence of neutron stars was first proposed in the 1930s. It wasn't until the '60s that

  • hard evidence was finally detected.

  • Within the remnants of some supernovae, astronomers detected a presence that pulsed with radio

  • signals.

  • When these were discovered by a graduate student in England in the 1960s, the supervisor thought

  • that they should not announce the discovery for a few months, partly in order to check

  • the -- that it was a genuine astronomic object.

  • But also because of the possibility that this might be an alien signal. And in fact, the

  • code name for the object in the early days was LGM, to stand for Little Green Men.

  • Aliens it was not. Strange it was.

  • The Crab Nebula is the shell of the same supernova that caught the attention of so many cultures

  • in the year 1054.

  • Deep within, astronomers found a pulsar, a neutron star that spins rapidly, emitting

  • radio waves.

  • Now scientists are using the Hubble Space Telescope to zero in on the pulsar -- The

  • star on the left. It is spewing waves of radiation that have etched circular patterns in the

  • surrounding gas.

  • Yet, some dying stars meet a fate that is stranger still. Nature, it seems, has contrived

  • a monster.

  • Early in this century, Albert Einstein speculated about a star with such intense gravity that

  • absolutely nothing, not even light, escaped its grasp. He at once dismissed this prospect

  • as impossible.

  • The notion that you could squeeze something without limits, you know, right down to a

  • zero size, was considered basically absurd and offensive.

  • And so there was a sort of temperamental reaction against this idea of total gravitational collapse

  • right through until the 1950s.

  • What once seemed beyond reason now defines the frontiers of science. Astronomers believe

  • that when a large star explodes, enough matter can collapse into its core that it literally

  • exits the known universe.

  • If the mass of that core is large, is larger than about three times the mass of our sun,

  • nothing at the end can stop the final collapse. Gravity wins the final battle and the thing

  • collapses to form a black hole.

  • From our vantage on earth, we define our universe by familiar criteria. But black holes defy

  • discovery. What after all can we detect of objects that emit no light?

  • The fact is we don't have enough cases where we really know what's going on to be able

  • to study it in detail.

  • We'd like to know, for example, if the black holes are a little different from the theory

  • and at the moment we're just at the stage of finding out whether there are good candidates

  • for black holes, things that we think can't be neutron stars, can't be white dwarfs, can't

  • be anything else.

  • The usual argument for a black hole is somebody shrugging and saying, "Well, what else can

  • it be?"

  • In 1991, astronauts placed one of the milestones of modern science into orbit. The Compton

  • Gamma Ray Observatory monitors high-energy radiation that pummels our upper atmosphere.

  • In 1994, it picked up a sudden eruption in the Constellation Scorpius.

  • Astronomers around the world zeroed in on the source. A network of radio telescopes

  • stretching from the Caribbean to Hawaii recorded a rare specter.

  • This is the object that came into view. Matter rushing into it is sending out jets of intense

  • radiation.

  • This week marks the culmination of a year-long effort to study the object. Teams in eight

  • countries are simultaneously training their most advanced technology on it, to discover

  • its true nature.

  • From a telescope in the Andes Mountains, in the heart of Chile, the astronomer Charles

  • Bailyn was the first to pinpoint its location.

  • Now he's venturing back to the observatory at Cerro Tololo -- to prove once and for all

  • it's a black hole.

  • It's the strange objects that always tell you the most about, ah -- about the universe

  • and about science. So, if you want to increase your knowledge of how gravity works, for example,

  • you don't look at things falling on the Earth, which we understand.

  • You look at the really, really strong gravitational fields that happen near black holes. Ah, and

  • those are the things where our current theories might possibly break down.

  • No one has ever proven conclusively the existence of a black hole. If ever there was an opportunity,

  • this may be it.

  • Looming within the dense star fields of our Milky Way, 10,000 light years away, this is

  • the brightest and most spectacular object of its kind. What's more, it's not alone.

  • A normal star circles the object in a dance of death. Gas from the star flows into the

  • object through a disk, while jets of radiation shoot from its poles.

  • So powerful is the object's gravity, that the companion star's shape is being distorted

  • and squashed, causing its appearance to dim, then brighten as it makes its orbit.

  • As it goes around, ah, the black hole, we're gonna start seeing the edge-on, rather than

  • side-on, so you can see less of it.

  • So it's gradually going to get fainter because in the time we're watching it tonight it's

  • going to go, uh, from almost side-on to almost end-on.

  • Though Bailyn and his team can't view the object directly, they can study its companion.

  • If you remember in Alice in Wonderland there is a Cheshire Cat. The cheshire cat disappears

  • from view and only leaves its smile behind to be seen. Black holes have this property.

  • They disappear from the eye, but they leave their smile behind. They leave their gravitational

  • force behind and it is by that that we then see them and are able to infer their properties.

  • To prove that his subject is a black hole, Bailyn must measure its mass at at least three

  • times our sun. The only way he can do that is by studying the effect of its gravity on

  • the motion of its companion.

  • It takes two-and-a-half days to make it all the way around, and in order to get that far,

  • ah, in that amount of time, it's got to go at several hundred kilometers a second, ah,

  • and so during the time we're going to be observing it tonight, ah, that's about 15,000 seconds.

  • So it will have gone, ah, over a million kilometers, ah, travel through space in the time -- in

  • the five hours we watch it tonight...

  • With its every movement, the star reveals the nature of the object that shadows it.

  • Well the first night, first night, we were here. Ah and ah, getting brighter. And then,

  • ah, on the second night, we're down here at the minimum.

  • And sure enough there was a minimum and it started to turn around right at the end. And,

  • ah, sure enough the first point comes in just were it's supposed to.

  • Bailyn has studied the companion star before, but only during a blinding outburst of radiation.

  • Now, the flares have died down -- leaving it exposed in stark relief.

  • Okay, I see it. It's this. So here's the star, right where the cross is. And, ah, that's,

  • that star's different from all these other stars. All these other stars are perfectly

  • ordinary stars just like the sun.

  • And this thing here is a double star with a black hole eating its companion. That's

  • what we're going to be watching for the whole rest of the night here.

  • A lot of people have trouble trying to visualize the nature of a black hole. They know it's

  • something that's, ah, greedily sucking in material, it's something that if you fall

  • into you can't get out of again...

  • And the question is, how can we make sense of all this? How can we, ah, human beings,

  • with our limited imagination, ah, try to -- to get some sort of common sense handle

  • on the nature of the black hole?

  • I think the answer is, ah, you can't. That these are circumstances where space and time

  • is -- is so warped, ah, that, ah, it's entirely outside of any sort of human experience.

  • So the only way we can come to understand objects like black holes is, ah, through mathematical

  • exploration.

  • A handful of numbers. Some morsels of data. In a scientist's deliberations, one of the

  • strangest phenomena in nature plays out.

  • A

  • black hole contains the mass of at least three suns collapsed to a point too small to measure.

  • This is a realm gravity has severed from the rest of the universe.

  • For five painstaking nights, Bailyn has kept vigil.

  • He has found that the object he's studying is massive indeed. Weighing in at seven solar

  • masses, it is, with little doubt, a black hole.

  • I like to see these numbers come out on the page and, ah, it's a sort of a combination

  • of doing puzzles with, ah, doing a kind of profound philosophical thing...

  • "What happens inside the event horizon of a black hole?" is essentially unanswerable

  • in scientific terms because we are talking about matter falling out of the universe.

  • And so, ah, you come right up against the edge of what science can tell you about the

  • universe and what it can't.

  • And I think that that boundary, ah, is where philosophy and religion and, ah, ah, all,

  • ah, these other kinds of thoughts ah, come into contact with science. And that's an exciting

  • thing for me.

  • The black holes Bailyn studies may number in the millions in our galaxy alone. But they

  • are by no means the ultimate showcase for gravity's power.

  • In the heart of the M87 galaxy, 50 million light years from earth, gas swirls into a

  • truly massive black hole, and glows as it heats up.

  • Astronomers clocked the speed of the gas as it circles around, and measured the black

  • hole's mass at more than two billion times that of our Sun.

  • The ancestors of these giant black holes inhabit regions at the limits of our vision: a class

  • of objects known as "quasars."

  • They are powerful beacons that take us back to a time when gravity began to draw gas into

  • the first galaxies.

  • A quasar is the product of a massive black hole in the center of a galaxy that is swallowing

  • huge volumes of gas and stars. A flood of blinding radiation erupts.

  • Not only is this an interesting process, the notion that we could have a black hole of

  • a billion solar masses shining more brightly than a thousand galaxies.

  • That's pretty wild. But this was -- these are sign posts. These were, ah, a phase in

  • the lifetime of infant galaxies and we can see them to great distances.

  • So they are beacons out there at the edge of the universe showing us when galaxies first

  • began to form.

  • In time, as they consumed their fuel, quasars like these grew dim. But the black holes that

  • powered them remained. Today, they are thought to loom at the heart of many a galaxy, including

  • our Milky Way.

  • There are two reasons why black holes are important.

  • One is because it's increasingly obvious that they play, ah, a major role in shaping the

  • universe, ah, both at the centers of galaxies and, ah, as the remnants of burnt out stars.

  • We still have, ah, yet to learn a lot about them. Ah, but there's a deeper reason, I think,

  • why they're important.

  • The black hole conceals something which is very profound, which is often given the word

  • singularity.

  • This is like an edge or a boundary to space-time. It's a point where space and time, so to speak,

  • come to an end.

  • As we look out into space, we probe a universe we can see -- one whose matter emits light

  • strong enough for our telescopes to record.

  • But there is another side to our universe, one that has evaded our detection. In fact,

  • fully ninety percent of the universe is unseen, and unidentified. Astronomers call it, simply,

  • "Dark Matter."

  • Mysterious particles, countless burned-out stars or black holes. Whatever it is, "Dark

  • Matter" is out there.

  • There's probably more dark matter than there is visible matter, but we really haven't,

  • ah, much of an idea as to what this dark matter is.

  • A whole lot of candidates, maybe 30 different types of things that the dark matter might

  • be and of course it could be more than one of them.

  • And I think that is the most urgent question that we must, ah, try to answer. What is the

  • dark matter?

  • Like a black hole, dark matter can be detected by the influence of its gravity.

  • Astronomers have, for example, measured the speed galaxies move within clusters, and found

  • that the gravity pulling them along is simply too great for the amount of matter we can

  • see.

  • So too, spiral galaxies, such as our own, seem to be enveloped within vast, dark halos

  • of matter.

  • The skies have opened, and now the data begins to roll in.

  • Well, that's an obvious one at redshift .45. We're completely, we're completely destroying

  • these things. When the weather is good, no one can compete with this telescope...

  • Tonight, they're making up for lost time.

  • Supernova should be coming up right about now. There it is. Ah, it is, it's a supernova!

  • Look at all the undulations. We've got another one. Oh, man, this is like shooting fish in

  • a barrel, you know. Ah, fantastic.

  • Deep down inside, the reason many of us are scientists is to experience the thrill of

  • discovery.

  • To sit there one night observing and to come to a realization that you're the first person

  • in the world to have understood that particular phenomenon.

  • There's something really gripping about that. And it's something that all scientists who

  • have made a discovery never forget, ever in their lives.

  • Okay, there's H and K. Yeah, let's see what it will turn. Looks pretty high to me. Wow!

  • Let's, ah, see what this give us. Point six-five. Hot dog!

  • If that's the case, then it beats our point six one record. The other calcium line gives

  • us the same redshift. So we've got a new record. This could be an over-luminous supernova.

  • We peer into deep space searching for clues to its most profound mysteries: the nature

  • of supernovae, the extremes of black holes, the puzzle that is dark matter.

  • These wonders are steadily yielding to our gaze.

  • In a way while you're doing the observations, you have to not think about that or, ah, you'll

  • just blow your own mind and you won't be able to do all the many detailed things you need

  • to acquire the data.

  • And it's afterwards, at eight in the morning when you're completely exhausted and finished

  • all -- all the stuff you have to do and written all the data to some kind of magnetic tape...

  • you take a deep breath and go out and watch dawn, it hits you what it is you've been doing

  • all night long. And, ah, that's a good feeling in the morning.

  • We as astronomers can really only study the light that comes to us from these distant

  • objects. But that doesn't make them any less real.

  • Yes I have to sometimes set myself aside to think about the actual giant stars we are

  • studying or the exploding stars.

  • They all look like little dots on the screen, or a TV screen or on a photograph. But they're

  • much more than that.

  • And when you sit down to think about the implications of these faint smudges that we see, you think

  • that these are galaxies full of hundreds of billions of stars.

  • Then they do become very real, and the possibilities for life and natural phenomena in the universe

  • become almost limitless.

  • The most personal thing that I have taken out of this is this incredible sense of belonging,

  • of having one great river of time from the birth of the universe, the quantum fluctuations...

  • the formation of galaxies which made possible the formation of stars, cooked heavy elements,

  • supernovae that shed heavy elements like carbon and oxygen into the interstellar medium, later

  • swept up into the solar system...

  • makes Planet Earth, makes organic matter, makes human beings, makes me -- it's one very

  • beautifully integrated story from beginning to end.

  • Today that story is unfolding still. Exactly how it will end remains a mystery.

  • Our own lives are simply too short to witness the grand transformations of the universe.

  • Often, though, in events visible across the depths of space, we gain fleeting glimpses

  • into its true nature.

  • We scan the firmament, and brace ourselves for what it will tell us.

Intense stellar winds have sculpted a majestic castle of gas. Inside these giant columns,


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神祕的黑洞 (Mysterious Black Holes)

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    realvip 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日