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  • With mid-autumn festival fast approaching, one department store in Taiwan is offering blackfin tuna imported from a well-known Japanese seafood distributor.


  • To kick things off, the store invited a Japanese fishmonger to demonstrate how to cut a 70-kilogram tuna.

    作為開場白,商店邀請了一位日本魚販示範如何切割一條重達 70 公斤的金槍魚。

  • Customers who came to see the show were given free samples of the raw fish to taste.


  • Blackfin tuna is generally best eaten raw, but it can also be grilled.


  • It's very fatty and delicious when cooked in soup.


  • When people travel to Fukuoka in Japan, they might visit its fish market.


  • Sometimes they see very good things, but are unable to buy what they see because of temperature issues or questions about what can be brought back.


  • If you are interested in those seafood products, you can visit our store.


  • We have lots of great products to choose from.


  • A Japanese fishmonger with 11 years of experience in cutting blackfin tuna dazzled crowds over the weekend cutting a 70-kilogram tuna in a flash.

    週末,一位擁有 11 年切割黑鰭金槍魚經驗的日本魚販在瞬間切割出一條重達 70 公斤的金槍魚,令觀眾目瞪口呆。

  • Customers who had the pleasure of tasting their freshly cut fish remarked that they were impressed by the fishmonger's skills and described the fish as tender and fatty.


With mid-autumn festival fast approaching, one department store in Taiwan is offering blackfin tuna imported from a well-known Japanese seafood distributor.


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