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After being on the market for two years, Trico Power provides the TPP450 Medical AC-DC Series with a major expansion by introducing an all-new Class II version, the TPP450B.
TPP450 醫用 AC-DC 系列上市兩年後,Trico Power 又推出了全新的 II 級版本 TPP450B,對 TPP450 醫用 AC-DC 系列進行了重大擴展。
This new series is thus additionally suited for non-stationary applications where no connection to ground is possible.
High reliability is provided by use of industrial-quality grade components and an excellent thermal management.
It makes these products an ideal solution for medical devices and for demanding safety and space-critical applications.
Key specifications of the TPP450B Series are convection-cooled operation up to 320 W at 50 degrees Celsius, reinforced I-O isolation of 4000 VAC, low-leakage current, high efficiency up to 94%, 5-year product warranty.
TPP450B 系列的主要技術指標包括:50 攝氏度條件下對流冷卻工作功率高達 320 W、4000 VAC 強化 I-O 隔離、低洩漏電流、效率高達 94%、5 年產品保修。
These series offer 14 different models.
這些系列提供 14 種不同的型號。
The TPP450B greatly extends the application range of the existing TPP450 Series by opening up new possibilities with a new Class II version.
TPP450B 大大擴展了現有 TPP450 系列的應用範圍,通過新的 II 級版本開闢了新的可能性。
For more information, data sheets, and certifications, please visit our website, www.tricopower.com.
如需瞭解更多資訊、數據表和認證,請訪問我們的網站 www.tricopower.com。