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  • no the baby oh go ahead and slice kevin's throat oh my goodness beautiful little skunk this sure doesn't feel good i'm gonna let him go we finally don't have to deal with him anymore good morning everybody we just got this cringe uh yeepy ow and today i'm going to show you guys the first of a list of series of vlogs that i took over the summer i was gonna post all these vlogs to the main channel but instead i wanted to put them on the rehab channel because it's mostly wildlife that we're rehabbing but a lot of the videos especially the one i'm showing you guys today has a lot of the cappies and the other animals that you guys know and love here on the main channel but i want to let you guys know if you like this style of vlog you can see a lot of these over at the waco wildlife rescue youtube channel and the rest of the vlogs for the summer are going to be going over there and i'm going to be making just new content for this channel we got a ton more animals in the last month and a half and i filmed all of that so i'm going to be putting all of that on the waco wildlife rescue youtube channel that's where the rest of the otters kites tons of baby herons and much more with less fancy smancy edits go on over to that other channel also we're monetizing now and all this money goes straight to the non-profit and the wildlife rehab but we are doing everything by the books over here at the urban rescue ranch and i love you guys i appreciate you please enjoy this vlog titled i still don't even know yet i'm horrible at titles and thumbnails boo boo update i don't know why he does this but he just comes up wants me to scratch his little thighs look at this precious little baby boy i sure do love this precious baby boy oh wow for those of you that might think i'm coddling him or being a little too nice to him this is what he's like now as you can see he wants nothing to do with me but as is this little guy is on track to be going back to the wild very soon he is wild and hunting live prey we really went and tamed a wolf in minecraft i don't know why but he just loves it when i but he'll just come up to me and just wait for me to rub his belly like this coyote petersons he just loves nibbling on my fingers this little fella sure is an ankle biter look at this you guys there's one last rat in here that these guys are hunting i think these guys have officially proven to me that they can hunt pretty effectively all right everybody looks like there's alligators here in waco now i'm gonna go ahead and release these turtles here precious little creatures this fella is gonna do well in here where there's tons of vegetation and all kinds of little creatures for him to eat good morning everybody i just woke up and i want to give you guys another little look at uh other things that i have to deal with on a regular basis this is somebody who won't bring this deer in because they're attached to it and it has a horrible broken leg and falls over and then she just laughs at it listen to this you guys oh sweetie tip over tip over that thing needs to be euthanized like immediately or at least brought to a vet so they can put a really good cast like we did for patrick the person also said they have a bunch of white-tailed deer and i don't think that they're doing it legally but basically this person reached out to me for free vet care for their non-native deer but all right everybody this is bevo's setup he has all of this fresh cattails and willow that we just picked for him and he's got his little pool here last night i just fenced in the pond so this little guy can go out there whenever he wants and swim in peace and not have to worry about the cappies or anything else messing with uh but he does love this little but it's going to be much better for this little fellow to be able to swim and dive all right everybody this is what biggerton looks like now it's literally just big ounce big ounce two and as you can see he has the same temperament but at a quarter of the way everybody here's your biggerton and groundhog update they are still friends with each other and adorable i don't let them mess with each other too much because big ounce does that kind of awkward open mouth kiss thing with him he doesn't communicate that way so i don't want him to do that too much i don't want them to get mad at each other they basically eat about the same food but this is what a groundhog looks like you guys this is a juvenile groundhog literally big ounce but better and this one also lets me put his whole head in my mouth look at this you guys these two just love each other and they're so friendly oh my goodness and the best thing about him you guys is how friendly they are look at this this little guy will let me just kiss him on the face for now this big boy is living in with our other little ambassadors this is actually a pretty decent setup for his size but pretty soon we're gonna make an awesome outdoor setup for this little fella and we're gonna let him run around outside a lot more kestrel that we have here is about ready to be released look how big she is now this little screech owl is now big and beautiful and also about ready to be released and i thought for sure this one would be red but i think it's a mix of gray and red and we also have these precious little skunks that i think at this age could definitely spray me and sometimes they actually look like they're about to i have not been coddling these guys they are not friendly and i won't be handling them at all pretty soon these guys are also going to be able to go to their outdoor enclosures look how precious they are beautiful little skunkerton and yes i'm still hoarding quail all of these quail plus this one duckling are doing very well in here but we have to change their water out so often because they drink so much and hopefully this will turn into a thousand quail in the eagle flight pen the reason why i hatched all these guys out is because we need them for food for all of our wildlife and i'd like to just have a self-sustaining population in that 200 foot flight pen where anytime we find one that just happened to pass away or die we can feed it to our animals anytime i'm coming in here to check on these guys and one of them has passed away i just give it straight to this little screech owl or these precious little skunk or this little peregrine falcon who is now very ready to go to an outdoor flight pen what do you guys think we should name this creature let me know in the chat get that big precious belly oh sweet wampum look at that belly but every day these guys get all kinds of love and affection from sky and ian and because they are not releasable these are our little educational ambassadors here including this little fella but between me ian and sky these guys get tons of love every day here's some food that we're prepping for the outdoor creatures it's getting real nasty and dry here in waco texas in july but all right everybody we got three more raccoons take a look at them oh my goodness baby we're kids this boy here is yapping all right buddy come on out one of the things we obviously got to do before we release the kestrel oh that sure doesn't feel good but look at this little kestrel creatures to hunt what do you think what do you think buddy you think you could hunt those if they were out in the wild this fella is definitely ready to go outside all right everybody take a look at this precious little kestrel i just have this on him so i can carry him around little dude totally could fly away if he wanted to but i want to make sure that he can hunt rainy little thing and this is what people use in falconry but i am not using this bird for falconry he's going right back to the wild but this is what everyone starts on if you're an apprenticed falconer you always start with a precious little kestrel because they're tiny fun easy to learn with and they cannot hurt you at all boo boo moment but this little guy can now go in this big flight pen where there's plenty of room plus tons of little mice for him to hunt first i'm going to take that thing off his leg we're just going to go ahead and cut this rope here real quick because this little guy does not need this thing give this guy his last little mouse and then i'm gonna let him go in this flight pen where he can hang out here for a while we're gonna keep this precious little fella in here until he's ready to hunt this little guy is already about at that age where he could be released it's a big world out there for a tiny little kestrel and this is my dog boo boo and boo boo is still happy and healthy and more precious than ever and he's starting to look more and more like an adult axis deer but he's still always going to be my stinky little boy trust me you guys haven't lived until you smelt my son boo boo and because boo boo is also a non-releasable educational ambassador it's okay that he treats me like his mama is my dog who still thinks that i'm his mom look how much more bigger and mature his face is now i sure do love this boo boo creature and now garbingo beans is finally it's the end of the year so he's gonna start to look like a female again kind of cute tbh the grass here has seen better days but that peacock is walking a little bit better the limp isn't as bad no da baby oh all these guys want their food so i'm gonna go ahead and go back and feed also that huge branch fell down from this tree and then the oogways are for some reason in these enclosures now that's okay because there's food and water in here for them all the grass back here is nice bermuda grass and it's still nice and green and that's my pigeon i just call this one pibbin we rescued him a little while ago and he still just hangs out here with the chicken and what's really neat you guys is that pigeon sleeps with the chickens every night and they don't mind him and because it's so hot and sunny this pond is now nice and green even with the vegetation we have in here there's still a good bit of algae and that's just because there's no water flow all these native grasses are clearly dying because they're not bermuda and look how precious my son patrick is he's been storing all his poops up in a pile he does that so he can attract a mate and also mark his territory eventually we are going to try and find a female for him but it's going to be hard to find one that doesn't stink but in here he has a good mix of that rye grass and bermuda to eat all summer but gordon kumala have been getting into it again because this little guy i think is trying to mate with them when they i assume they're already pregnant theory confirmed and all these guys are a part of the same herd and they eat and sleep and live together and they're all very very most part but the baby will come on over here and poke these guys until they get out of the way and this precious little female that we rescued from a hunting ranch is now doing much better and all of these guys live together in one harmonious herd we also have two little muntjacs that nathan matei brought us that he rescued from the auction the majority of the little male muntjacs end up going to hunting ranches and people actually do pay good money to hunt these little fellas and this guy had a horrible skin condition but i treated him with ivermectin and quarantined him obviously before i let him out with the rest of these guys and what's great is these guys all basically eat the same food but look how nasty this little guy was when we got him nasty skin condition this little fella had i also think this little fella was just running into walls at his previous owner's place as you guys can see these guys all have about the same dietary requirements so it's good to have them all eating it here these guys can all eat this food with a little bit of vitamin c fortification for the cappy i'm about to move the cappies over to my house and then to hit their vitamin requirements and he will get a bit bigger than that but like the other animals all the males typically just end up going to hunting ranches when they get too big all these animals get along really well here and boo-boo's been giving this little fella a nice welcome and these guys are both little deer from asia i think there's actually a small chance that their territories could overlap also this pond ain't running like it used to be because there's so much vegetation in there that i need to pick it also most of this underlayment is exposed and at least we have all this vegetation filtering everything but as you guys can see i finally have this all fenced off now to where we can let bevo out here and just let him hang out out here so if i want to let the beaver come out here and hang out all day i can just close these gates and then these other little creatures won't bother him it's not that these little fellas would be a bother to the beaver it's just best to keep the domestic and wild animals separate and boo-boo is not a wild animal i made sure to put two gates here just in case any of the more skittish animals feel like they're cornered but now that i can close this little fella up pond is officially being protected now from all of the cringe ah cappies and i've had the cappies in almost every paddock at this point but we've had them over there over here now i'm gonna put them up there under that big pecan tree by my house now that that new property is set up with those ponds if it ever becomes too overgrazed here i can always move some of these creatures over there but these little guys are very happy here hanging out in the woods here they sure do love the shade all right everybody i'm gonna go ahead and slice kevin's throat so we finally don't have to deal with him anymore i might do some real bad too if you don't like this video yeah i did see that coming but first i'll give a little kiss just kidding i'm gonna cut these because he keeps tripping on them all right you see oh see he's still got it yeah guys i am gonna cut these because these are just a safety hazard for kevin at this point he needlessly attacks them and i've also got all these cringe raccoons over here that are not getting more wild the people that brought these in brought them only like few weeks ago i scream at them and i go but they still just love humans thankfully at the new property there's a huge wilderness area behind us where we could do a soft release for these guys because other than that i would have no idea where we could release these fellows where they wouldn't just walk up to people and be cringed and this is why you guys don't rehab raccoons illegally at your home all right everybody this is our precious little bevo now he's very big i don't know what master oogway is doing here and all these chimpkins will sleep here with that pigeon this little guy sleeps up here kevin is not aggressive towards her at all but every day my routine has been to bring this precious little creature out to the back where he can swim around in the pond on his own and just like my dog boo boo this one smells really good they got a really neat natural smell some reason the jets aren't even on right now but i'm gonna go ahead and put bevo in here so he can swim around but look at this you guys the jets aren't even working it sounds like this thing's working overtime because there's all this nasty mush in here so i'm gonna go ahead and clean this out all right everybody bevo's way over there swimming by the waterfall i just found this little fellow while cleaning out the wetland filter this is our first little musk turtle look how pretty this little fella is but now these jets are running again and this should clear up pretty soon tomorrow morning for the first time i'm gonna let bevo swim out there all day but for now he still has this perfect little paradise and this humble little enclosure ended up being really nice for him for the time that he was in here i think this little guy is officially ready to go out to that pond full time but i sure have enjoyed raising this little fella and i don't think he'll have any problem with going right back to where he was oh and listen to him making these little noises bevo we love you bevo but that's it for now you guys i love you i appreciate you thanks so much for watching this video and i'll see you guys in the next video almost forgot to tell you

    我的天啊,美麗的小臭鼬 這感覺真不好,我要把他放了 我們終於不用再和他打交道了 早上好,大家好,我們剛剛收到了這個令人毛骨悚然的 呃,哎呦,今天我要給你們看的是我拍的一系列Vlog中的第一個我本打算把這些視頻都放到主頻道上 但我想把它們放到康復頻道上 因為我們主要是在康復野生動物但我想讓你們知道,如果你們喜歡這種風格的視頻,你們可以在韋科野生動物救援的 YouTube 頻道上看到很多這樣的視頻,夏天的其他視頻也將在那裡播出,我將為這個頻道製作新的內容。在過去的一個半月裡,我拍攝了更多的動物,所以我要把所有

no the baby oh go ahead and slice kevin's throat oh my goodness beautiful little skunk this sure doesn't feel good i'm gonna let him go we finally don't have to deal with him anymore good morning everybody we just got this cringe uh yeepy ow and today i'm going to show you guys the first of a list of series of vlogs that i took over the summer i was gonna post all these vlogs to the main channel but instead i wanted to put them on the rehab channel because it's mostly wildlife that we're rehabbing but a lot of the videos especially the one i'm showing you guys today has a lot of the cappies and the other animals that you guys know and love here on the main channel but i want to let you guys know if you like this style of vlog you can see a lot of these over at the waco wildlife rescue youtube channel and the rest of the vlogs for the summer are going to be going over there and i'm going to be making just new content for this channel we got a ton more animals in the last month and a half and i filmed all of that so i'm going to be putting all of that on the waco wildlife rescue youtube channel that's where the rest of the otters kites tons of baby herons and much more with less fancy smancy edits go on over to that other channel also we're monetizing now and all this money goes straight to the non-profit and the wildlife rehab but we are doing everything by the books over here at the urban rescue ranch and i love you guys i appreciate you please enjoy this vlog titled i still don't even know yet i'm horrible at titles and thumbnails boo boo update i don't know why he does this but he just comes up wants me to scratch his little thighs look at this precious little baby boy i sure do love this precious baby boy oh wow for those of you that might think i'm coddling him or being a little too nice to him this is what he's like now as you can see he wants nothing to do with me but as is this little guy is on track to be going back to the wild very soon he is wild and hunting live prey we really went and tamed a wolf in minecraft i don't know why but he just loves it when i but he'll just come up to me and just wait for me to rub his belly like this coyote petersons he just loves nibbling on my fingers this little fella sure is an ankle biter look at this you guys there's one last rat in here that these guys are hunting i think these guys have officially proven to me that they can hunt pretty effectively all right everybody looks like there's alligators here in waco now i'm gonna go ahead and release these turtles here precious little creatures this fella is gonna do well in here where there's tons of vegetation and all kinds of little creatures for him to eat good morning everybody i just woke up and i want to give you guys another little look at uh other things that i have to deal with on a regular basis this is somebody who won't bring this deer in because they're attached to it and it has a horrible broken leg and falls over and then she just laughs at it listen to this you guys oh sweetie tip over tip over that thing needs to be euthanized like immediately or at least brought to a vet so they can put a really good cast like we did for patrick the person also said they have a bunch of white-tailed deer and i don't think that they're doing it legally but basically this person reached out to me for free vet care for their non-native deer but all right everybody this is bevo's setup he has all of this fresh cattails and willow that we just picked for him and he's got his little pool here last night i just fenced in the pond so this little guy can go out there whenever he wants and swim in peace and not have to worry about the cappies or anything else messing with uh but he does love this little but it's going to be much better for this little fellow to be able to swim and dive all right everybody this is what biggerton looks like now it's literally just big ounce big ounce two and as you can see he has the same temperament but at a quarter of the way everybody here's your biggerton and groundhog update they are still friends with each other and adorable i don't let them mess with each other too much because big ounce does that kind of awkward open mouth kiss thing with him he doesn't communicate that way so i don't want him to do that too much i don't want them to get mad at each other they basically eat about the same food but this is what a groundhog looks like you guys this is a juvenile groundhog literally big ounce but better and this one also lets me put his whole head in my mouth look at this you guys these two just love each other and they're so friendly oh my goodness and the best thing about him you guys is how friendly they are look at this this little guy will let me just kiss him on the face for now this big boy is living in with our other little ambassadors this is actually a pretty decent setup for his size but pretty soon we're gonna make an awesome outdoor setup for this little fella and we're gonna let him run around outside a lot more kestrel that we have here is about ready to be released look how big she is now this little screech owl is now big and beautiful and also about ready to be released and i thought for sure this one would be red but i think it's a mix of gray and red and we also have these precious little skunks that i think at this age could definitely spray me and sometimes they actually look like they're about to i have not been coddling these guys they are not friendly and i won't be handling them at all pretty soon these guys are also going to be able to go to their outdoor enclosures look how precious they are beautiful little skunkerton and yes i'm still hoarding quail all of these quail plus this one duckling are doing very well in here but we have to change their water out so often because they drink so much and hopefully this will turn into a thousand quail in the eagle flight pen the reason why i hatched all these guys out is because we need them for food for all of our wildlife and i'd like to just have a self-sustaining population in that 200 foot flight pen where anytime we find one that just happened to pass away or die we can feed it to our animals anytime i'm coming in here to check on these guys and one of them has passed away i just give it straight to this little screech owl or these precious little skunk or this little peregrine falcon who is now very ready to go to an outdoor flight pen what do you guys think we should name this creature let me know in the chat get that big precious belly oh sweet wampum look at that belly but every day these guys get all kinds of love and affection from sky and ian and because they are not releasable these are our little educational ambassadors here including this little fella but between me ian and sky these guys get tons of love every day here's some food that we're prepping for the outdoor creatures it's getting real nasty and dry here in waco texas in july but all right everybody we got three more raccoons take a look at them oh my goodness baby we're kids this boy here is yapping all right buddy come on out one of the things we obviously got to do before we release the kestrel oh that sure doesn't feel good but look at this little kestrel creatures to hunt what do you think what do you think buddy you think you could hunt those if they were out in the wild this fella is definitely ready to go outside all right everybody take a look at this precious little kestrel i just have this on him so i can carry him around little dude totally could fly away if he wanted to but i want to make sure that he can hunt rainy little thing and this is what people use in falconry but i am not using this bird for falconry he's going right back to the wild but this is what everyone starts on if you're an apprenticed falconer you always start with a precious little kestrel because they're tiny fun easy to learn with and they cannot hurt you at all boo boo moment but this little guy can now go in this big flight pen where there's plenty of room plus tons of little mice for him to hunt first i'm going to take that thing off his leg we're just going to go ahead and cut this rope here real quick because this little guy does not need this thing give this guy his last little mouse and then i'm gonna let him go in this flight pen where he can hang out here for a while we're gonna keep this precious little fella in here until he's ready to hunt this little guy is already about at that age where he could be released it's a big world out there for a tiny little kestrel and this is my dog boo boo and boo boo is still happy and healthy and more precious than ever and he's starting to look more and more like an adult axis deer but he's still always going to be my stinky little boy trust me you guys haven't lived until you smelt my son boo boo and because boo boo is also a non-releasable educational ambassador it's okay that he treats me like his mama is my dog who still thinks that i'm his mom look how much more bigger and mature his face is now i sure do love this boo boo creature and now garbingo beans is finally it's the end of the year so he's gonna start to look like a female again kind of cute tbh the grass here has seen better days but that peacock is walking a little bit better the limp isn't as bad no da baby oh all these guys want their food so i'm gonna go ahead and go back and feed also that huge branch fell down from this tree and then the oogways are for some reason in these enclosures now that's okay because there's food and water in here for them all the grass back here is nice bermuda grass and it's still nice and green and that's my pigeon i just call this one pibbin we rescued him a little while ago and he still just hangs out here with the chicken and what's really neat you guys is that pigeon sleeps with the chickens every night and they don't mind him and because it's so hot and sunny this pond is now nice and green even with the vegetation we have in here there's still a good bit of algae and that's just because there's no water flow all these native grasses are clearly dying because they're not bermuda and look how precious my son patrick is he's been storing all his poops up in a pile he does that so he can attract a mate and also mark his territory eventually we are going to try and find a female for him but it's going to be hard to find one that doesn't stink but in here he has a good mix of that rye grass and bermuda to eat all summer but gordon kumala have been getting into it again because this little guy i think is trying to mate with them when they i assume they're already pregnant theory confirmed and all these guys are a part of the same herd and they eat and sleep and live together and they're all very very most part but the baby will come on over here and poke these guys until they get out of the way and this precious little female that we rescued from a hunting ranch is now doing much better and all of these guys live together in one harmonious herd we also have two little muntjacs that nathan matei brought us that he rescued from the auction the majority of the little male muntjacs end up going to hunting ranches and people actually do pay good money to hunt these little fellas and this guy had a horrible skin condition but i treated him with ivermectin and quarantined him obviously before i let him out with the rest of these guys and what's great is these guys all basically eat the same food but look how nasty this little guy was when we got him nasty skin condition this little fella had i also think this little fella was just running into walls at his previous owner's place as you guys can see these guys all have about the same dietary requirements so it's good to have them all eating it here these guys can all eat this food with a little bit of vitamin c fortification for the cappy i'm about to move the cappies over to my house and then to hit their vitamin requirements and he will get a bit bigger than that but like the other animals all the males typically just end up going to hunting ranches when they get too big all these animals get along really well here and boo-boo's been giving this little fella a nice welcome and these guys are both little deer from asia i think there's actually a small chance that their territories could overlap also this pond ain't running like it used to be because there's so much vegetation in there that i need to pick it also most of this underlayment is exposed and at least we have all this vegetation filtering everything but as you guys can see i finally have this all fenced off now to where we can let bevo out here and just let him hang out out here so if i want to let the beaver come out here and hang out all day i can just close these gates and then these other little creatures won't bother him it's not that these little fellas would be a bother to the beaver it's just best to keep the domestic and wild animals separate and boo-boo is not a wild animal i made sure to put two gates here just in case any of the more skittish animals feel like they're cornered but now that i can close this little fella up pond is officially being protected now from all of the cringe ah cappies and i've had the cappies in almost every paddock at this point but we've had them over there over here now i'm gonna put them up there under that big pecan tree by my house now that that new property is set up with those ponds if it ever becomes too overgrazed here i can always move some of these creatures over there but these little guys are very happy here hanging out in the woods here they sure do love the shade all right everybody i'm gonna go ahead and slice kevin's throat so we finally don't have to deal with him anymore i might do some real bad too if you don't like this video yeah i did see that coming but first i'll give a little kiss just kidding i'm gonna cut these because he keeps tripping on them all right you see oh see he's still got it yeah guys i am gonna cut these because these are just a safety hazard for kevin at this point he needlessly attacks them and i've also got all these cringe raccoons over here that are not getting more wild the people that brought these in brought them only like few weeks ago i scream at them and i go but they still just love humans thankfully at the new property there's a huge wilderness area behind us where we could do a soft release for these guys because other than that i would have no idea where we could release these fellows where they wouldn't just walk up to people and be cringed and this is why you guys don't rehab raccoons illegally at your home all right everybody this is our precious little bevo now he's very big i don't know what master oogway is doing here and all these chimpkins will sleep here with that pigeon this little guy sleeps up here kevin is not aggressive towards her at all but every day my routine has been to bring this precious little creature out to the back where he can swim around in the pond on his own and just like my dog boo boo this one smells really good they got a really neat natural smell some reason the jets aren't even on right now but i'm gonna go ahead and put bevo in here so he can swim around but look at this you guys the jets aren't even working it sounds like this thing's working overtime because there's all this nasty mush in here so i'm gonna go ahead and clean this out all right everybody bevo's way over there swimming by the waterfall i just found this little fellow while cleaning out the wetland filter this is our first little musk turtle look how pretty this little fella is but now these jets are running again and this should clear up pretty soon tomorrow morning for the first time i'm gonna let bevo swim out there all day but for now he still has this perfect little paradise and this humble little enclosure ended up being really nice for him for the time that he was in here i think this little guy is officially ready to go out to that pond full time but i sure have enjoyed raising this little fella and i don't think he'll have any problem with going right back to where he was oh and listen to him making these little noises bevo we love you bevo but that's it for now you guys i love you i appreciate you thanks so much for watching this video and i'll see you guys in the next video almost forgot to tell you

我的天啊,美麗的小臭鼬 這感覺真不好,我要把他放了 我們終於不用再和他打交道了 早上好,大家好,我們剛剛收到了這個令人毛骨悚然的 呃,哎呦,今天我要給你們看的是我拍的一系列Vlog中的第一個我本打算把這些視頻都放到主頻道上 但我想把它們放到康復頻道上 因為我們主要是在康復野生動物但我想讓你們知道,如果你們喜歡這種風格的視頻,你們可以在韋科野生動物救援的 YouTube 頻道上看到很多這樣的視頻,夏天的其他視頻也將在那裡播出,我將為這個頻道製作新的內容。在過去的一個半月裡,我拍攝了更多的動物,所以我要把所有

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