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  • Hello everyone, I'm Coy Wire, this is CNN 10. I just want to give a big old what's up to Alex and everyone at Mr. Crow's class here at the Howard School in Atlanta, Georgia.

    大家好,我是 Coy Wire,這裡是 CNN 10。我只是想告訴大家亞歷克斯和喬治亞州亞特蘭大霍華德學校克勞先生班上的每個人最近發生了什麼事。

  • I always love bumping into our CNN 10ors when I am out and about. Thank you Mr. Crow for making us part of your day.

    當我外出時,我總是喜歡撞見我們的 CNN 10 粉絲。謝謝克勞先生讓我們成為你這一天的一部分。

  • All right, we've got an awesome and omnibus show today and we're starting with a massive strike against three major hotel chains.


  • More than 10,000 union workers at nine U.S. cities went on strike Sunday at Hilton, Hyatt and Marriott hotels. About 200 hotel employees in Baltimore joined the walkout yesterday.

    美國九個城市的一萬多名工會工人週日在希爾頓、凱悅和萬豪酒店舉行罷工。昨天,巴爾的摩約 200 名飯店員工參加了罷工。

  • So why are these workers going on strike?


  • Well, they say they want higher pay, better conditions, and more people hired to help take the load off.


  • The union says the hotel business has recovered from the hit it took during the COVID pandemic, but employee salaries haven't gone back up.


  • Now, spokespeople for Hilton and Hyatt say they are committed to reaching deals with the union and negotiating fair contracts.


  • The 25 affected hotels are reportedly still open, but guests are dealing with a skeleton staff.

    據報導,25 家受影響的酒店仍在營業,但客人正在與骨幹員工打交道。

  • These strikes are set to end after three days, and some employees have already gone back to work, but the union is threatening to expand the strike to as many as 65 hotels in 12 different cities.


  • Next we head to America's largest military base overseas, Camp Humphreys in South Korea.


  • It's just 60 miles away from the demilitarized zone that separates the nation from North Korea, and the importance of the base has grown in recent years as North Korea becomes more of a military threat by building up its nuclear arsenal.

    該基地距離將該國與北韓隔開的非軍事區僅 60 英里,近年來,隨著北韓透過建立核武庫而成為更大的軍事威脅,該基地的重要性日益增強。

  • CNN's Mike Valerio takes us there now.

    CNN 的邁克瓦萊裡奧現在帶我們去那裡。

  • It's where rock concerts roar,


  • and where families find new homes in Korea.


  • Like the Cook family, trading their lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, for Camp Humphreys, South Korea.


  • It's the Army's busiest airfield in Asia, and the biggest U.S. military base overseas.


  • Camp Humphreys is about 60 miles away from North Korea, driving distance from the heavily fortified demilitarized zone, the DMZ, which divides the Korean peninsula.

    漢弗萊斯營地距離北韓約 60 英里,開車即可到達朝鮮半島的非軍事區,即戒備森嚴的非軍事區。

  • More than 40,000 people call Camp Humphreys home, including the Cooks. They have not one, but two sets of twins. The youngest, just eight months old.

    有 4 萬多人把漢弗萊斯營當作自己的家,庫克夫婦就是其中之一。他們有一對雙胞胎。最小的只有八個月大。

  • They came here because of Sergeant Terry Cook, an Army IT specialist, here to support the critical U.S.-South Korea military alliance.


  • But in dad mode with his wife, Ri, he says it's all about supporting his parental platoon.

    但在與妻子 Ri 一起進入父親模式時,他說一切都是為了支持他的家庭小隊。

  • I just really like to, you know, spend as much time and maximize my time with this whole unit I got here.


  • I just like how you look right now. You are literally super dad.


  • Camp Humphreys hosts the only U.S. Army division, which is partially made up of South Korean soldiers.


  • But the goal for families here is to immerse in Korean culture, which is especially important for Ri, since she lived in Germany as a kid when her dad was a sergeant in the Army.

    但這裡的家庭的目標是沉浸在韓國文化中,這對 Ri 來說尤其重要,因為她小時候住在德國,當時她的父親是德國陸軍的一名中士。

  • Being able to provide my children with the same cultural experiences that I was given as a child is just extremely important to me as a mother.


  • But for those looking for a slice of America, there's plenty.


  • Texas Roadhouse, Yon-Base golf course, and one of the biggest Fourth of July celebrations on this side of the world.

    德州鮮切牛排、Yon-Base 高爾夫球場以及世界上最大的國慶節慶祝活動之一。

  • There's also the feeling of belonging.


  • Jubilation after years in the Army, finally becoming American citizens. Non-commissioned officer NCO Sergeant Vanessa Ramo was born in the Philippines, supported here at her naturalization ceremony by her platoon.

    在軍隊服役多年後,終於成為美國公民,喜悅之情溢於言表。軍士長 Vanessa Ramo 中士出生於菲律賓,她在入籍儀式上得到了她所在排的支持。

  • I didn't expect it to be here, honestly. It's great to do it overseas somewhere, especially in Korea. I love Korea.


  • A slice of America inextricably part of the Korean tapestry, and for its newest residents, hardly far from home.


  • Mike Valerio, CNN, Camp Humphreys, South Korea.

    Mike Valerio, CNN 在南韓韓福瑞營的報導。

  • Pop quiz hot shot. What color shirt collar is most often associated with jobs that involve manual or skilled trade? Purple, pink, blue, or white?


  • If you said blue, put your hands up. Blue collar jobs is a term dating back to the 1920s.

    如果你說 "藍領",請舉手。藍領工作一詞可追溯到 1920 年代。

  • Did you know that there is a shortage of plumbers, electricians, and other skilled workers in America?


  • As the current generation retires, there aren't enough new workers going into the trades.


  • Now, social media influencers that work in these industries are hoping to inspire people to consider their crafts when choosing a career path.


  • With hashtags like trade jobs and blue collar, mechanics, welders, plumbers, and electricians are using social media to connect and inspire.


  • You hear that an electrician does electrical work, but you don't necessarily know what that entails.


  • And now that it's coming into social media, people are seeing these jobs and actually figuring out that they're attainable.


  • One time I was visiting a school, and one of the kids was like, "Hey, I really wanted to introduce myself to you." He's like, "You're the reason I want to do construction."


  • I think the culture that we're in, I think it's shifting. I don't think the trades are as frowned upon as maybe they would have been, I don't know, 20, 30, 40 years ago.

    我認為我們所處的文化正在轉變。我不認為各行各業會像 20、30 或 40 年前那樣受人鄙視。

  • Social media influencers are making trade jobs cool, demonstrating another path to financial security at a time when college costs are soaring.


  • All right, this customer has no AC in the house.


  • A four-year degree does not mean success. It doesn't mean happiness. It doesn't mean financial security.


  • I think that social media is showing people that you can not have to go to school and you can join a trade and there's no debt.


  • We were able to buy a house at my age, at 22 years old. And I feel like that is a very easy example to people that maybe don't think is a viable career option.

    在我 22 歲的時候,我們就買了房子。我覺得這是一個很好的例子,可以讓那些不認為這是一個可行職業選擇的人看到。

  • And more women are working in the trades than ever before.


  • I think that it's not only for men, but especially, like, I think it's really important to also understand like your characteristics and what you can handle, because it does take like a lot of grit, but it is rewarding and you're learning like a life skill that you'll have forever too.


  • A shortage of skilled workers looms as older generations retire.


  • If we don't have young people in the trades, the trades are going to die out and we're not going to have people building infrastructure.


  • Social media is definitely putting a new lens on the stigma behind construction, because it's no longer being seen through someone else's perspective.


  • I think it's just showing the cool side of construction.


  • Today's story, getting a 10 out of 10, is proof that age really is just a number.

    今天的故事獲得了滿分 10 分,證明了年齡真的只是一個數字。

  • At 65, Nora Langdon was struggling just to climb stairs.

    65 歲的諾拉-蘭登(Nora Langdon)連爬樓梯都很吃力。

  • Sixteen years later, at the age of 81, she became a world record-breaking powerlifter.

    16 年後,81 歲的她成為了一名打破世界紀錄的舉重運動員。

  • You've got to see this inspiring story.


  • So we went out to the first state meet, and I said, all these young girls, there's no way I'm going to win.


  • We put down what our starting weights are going to be. And I heard on loudspeaker with "Nora Langdon's coach, please come to the table."


  • I run there. I said, "Yeah, I'm Art, I'm her coach. What's the problem?"

    我跑過去說:「是的,我是她的教練,有什麼問題嗎? 」

  • "Well, her number is kind of high for a woman her age."


  • He said, "No, it's not a mistake. Just watch her."


  • And I did it real easy.


  • She set all the national records and world records for an Asian weight class.


  • She broke the squat, bench, deadlift, and total records for her age, her first meet.


  • I knew she could compete, but never thought she was going to be a world-class lifter.


  • They said I was the best in the world at that point.


  • I love what I do.


  • It's just amazing.


  • Some of my family, some of my family said, you should quit, but I never quit.


  • You've heard it all your life, when you retire, sit down, do nothing, watch TV.


  • It's the worst thing you can do.


  • If you don't want to powerlift, fine, walk.


  • If you like to roller skate, roller skate.


  • Do something, but keep that body moving until the Lord calls you home.


  • She is awesome, a powerlifter lift in our souls.


  • All right, big congrats to our #YourWordWednesday winner, Mrs. Downs class from Central Columbia in Bloomsburg, P.A. for submitting omnibus, an adjective meaning containing or including many items.

    好吧,熱烈祝賀我們的 #YourWordWednesday 獲勝者,來自賓夕法尼亞州布盧姆斯堡中部哥倫比亞的唐斯夫人班級,提供了「omnibus」一詞,這是一個形容詞,意思是包含或包括許多項目。

  • Thanks for boosting our vocabulary today. You all really brought it so many great words to choose from.


  • We're going to do it again next week.


  • Our shout-out today goes to Valley View Middle School in Edina, Minnesota.


  • Go Hornets!


  • See you right back here tomorrow, lovely people.


  • I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.

    我是 Coy Wire,我們是 CNN 10。

Hello everyone, I'm Coy Wire, this is CNN 10. I just want to give a big old what's up to Alex and everyone at Mr. Crow's class here at the Howard School in Atlanta, Georgia.

大家好,我是 Coy Wire,這裡是 CNN 10。我只是想告訴大家亞歷克斯和喬治亞州亞特蘭大霍華德學校克勞先生班上的每個人最近發生了什麼事。

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