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  • Retail is changing rapidly, and brick-and-mortar stores face more challenges than ever.


  • Like these long lines.


  • Let's follow this customer and see how the shopping experience is different with Fujitsu's RFID self-checkout. At first, he shops as usual.

    讓我們跟隨這位顧客,看看富士通的 RFID 自助收銀機為他帶來了怎樣不同的購物體驗。起初,他像往常一樣購物。

  • The aisles look the same.


  • But notice how all items are pre-tagged with an RFID tag, eliminating the need for scanning individual barcodes at point-of-sale. Now that he's done shopping, it's time to check out.

    但請注意,所有商品都預先貼上了 RFID 標籤,無需在銷售點掃描單個條碼。 現在他購物完畢,該結賬了。

  • And wait in a long line?


  • Not so fast.


  • Let's replace half the traditional checkouts with RFID checkout with Palm Secure.

    讓我們用 Palm Secure 的 RFID 結賬取代一半的傳統結賬方式。

  • Of course, our shopper chooses to check out at the RFID checkout because there's no wait. To begin the checkout process, the customer walks up to a vacant RFID checkout.

    當然,我們的顧客選擇在 RFID 收銀臺結賬,因為無需等待。顧客走到空置的 RFID 收銀臺前,開始結賬。

  • The customer checks in with his Palm using Fujitsu Palm Secure Palm Vein Biometrics.

    客戶使用富士通 Palm Secure Palm Vein 生物識別技術用掌上電腦辦理登機手續。

  • The screen welcomes him as a loyalty customer, and then he simply walks through the RFID checkout.

    螢幕歡迎他成為忠誠客戶,然後他只需通過 RFID 結賬。

  • The RFID checkout will scan all items as he walks through with an extraordinarily high accuracy.

    RFID 收銀機會在顧客通過時掃描所有物品,準確度極高。

  • Once scanned and paid, the happy customer exits the store, not having had to wait in a long line. Now, let's reimagine this in a clothing store.


  • As with the previous customer, this customer shops as she normally would.


  • Notice how in an apparel store, all items have hanging RFID tags.

    請注意,在一家服裝店裡,所有商品都懸掛著 RFID 標籤。

  • Looks like she's ready to check out. The customer approaches a traditional point-of-sale checkout, complete with a daunting line.


  • But wait, now the customer has another option.


  • This customer also prefers not to wait in the long line, so she approaches the Mini Express self-checkout.


  • Notice again how the customer does not have to remove items from her cart.


  • She simply drops the basket in a slot and pushes the scan button.


  • Once scanned, the customer is given multiple payment options.


  • She chooses to pay with Palm, a quick and easy way to pay.

    她選擇使用 Palm 支付,這是一種快捷方便的支付方式。

  • The customer takes the receipt and is able to leave the store without any hassle. So, why not go from this to this with Fujitsu's newest innovations that are reinventing shopping, with RFID scanning options at the point-of-sale.

    顧客拿著收據就可以輕鬆離開商店。富士通的最新創新技術正在重塑購物體驗,在銷售點提供 RFID 掃描選項,何樂而不為呢?

  • For more information, please contact your local Fujitsu office.


Retail is changing rapidly, and brick-and-mortar stores face more challenges than ever.


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