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  • It's a weird one nothing out of place no murder weapon and no motive There's just a couple lying dead in their bed Proof is always out there detectives Just have to know where to find the pudding.


  • Excuse me, sir.


  • You can't be here.


  • This is a crime scene.


  • It's okay He's the greatest sex crime investigator in history If it isn't detective Chuck Vaughn detective Sally Ferguson, we could use a genius right now Tom Sam well What have we got Sam well, well Vomit, we've got ourselves a hard case here.

    他是史上最偉大的性犯罪調查員 這不是查克-沃恩偵探嗎 薩利-弗格森偵探 我們現在需要一個天才 湯姆-山姆 我們有什麼發現 山姆 好吧 好吧 嘔吐物 我們有一個棘手的案子

  • All we've got is two bodies both dead naked one man one woman In the bed two scented candles by the nightstand.


  • How did you know sign a forced entry?


  • He loved the way they smelled He wanted to cross the threshold the way they had on their wedding day Dirty dog He would have experienced that pleasure Right here Anniversary a couple was together for a while wanted to spice things up check the date on the photograph Vaughn's right today was their 15th wedding anniversary.

    他喜歡他們身上的味道,他想像他們結婚那天那樣跨過門檻 髒狗,他會體驗到那種快感 就在這裡,一對夫婦在一起有一段時間了,想讓事情變得更有趣 看看照片上的日期 沃恩說得沒錯,今天是他們結婚 15 週年紀念日。

  • This is huge and What was that you just pulled your dick out and started jerking off at the crime scene Sam?


  • Well, he's the best there is by putting himself in the perpetrator's mindset.


  • He's able to solve crimes that involve sex bag this up Some call it a blessing It's more like a curse is that what it feels like Threesome You Wanted to see them didn't you you wanted to watch 25 feet from the bedroom across from the kitchen You didn't want to see their flesh yet, did you know he stood right here I Roll play gone wrong check the logs We've got a bloody fire poker we've got our murder weapon Why do your revelations require Masturbation, why do kittens require milk?

    他能解決涉及性的犯罪問題 包裡有這個 有人說這是一種祝福 更像是一種詛咒 是這種感覺嗎 三人行 你想看他們 不是嗎 你想在離廚房對面的臥室25英尺遠的地方看 你還不想看他們的肉體 你知道他就站在這裡嗎 我的遊戲出錯了 檢查原木 我們有一個血淋淋的火鉗 我們有我們的凶器 為什麼你的啟示需要手淫 為什麼小貓需要牛奶?

  • No, not the same thing.


  • Hey, hey He's the most brilliant goddamn detective.


  • I know put your ego aside and give Vaughn his space my ego We've got captain pud puller flinging his fluids all over the crime scene.

    我知道,把你的自尊放在一邊,給沃恩一點空間 我的自尊,我們有拉屎隊長,他在犯罪現場到處流鼻涕

  • Wait He knew them They were close so close too close he he I Think he knew the house Why Oh, what did you want you sick bastard You wanted to see What he saw every day Only closer Closer He was close to home Oh All right, let's go get him go go Vaughn That was amazing.

    等等,他認識他們,他們離得很近,太近了,他 我想他認識那房子,為什麼 哦,你想幹什麼,你這個變態的混蛋 你想看到他每天都看到的東西 只是更近了,更近了,他離家很近了 哦,好吧,我們去找他,去吧,去吧,沃恩 真是太棒了。

  • I'm sorry that I doubted you your methods are unorthodox, but I Cannot argue with your results No hard feelings, uh, no, no not gonna do that


It's a weird one nothing out of place no murder weapon and no motive There's just a couple lying dead in their bed Proof is always out there detectives Just have to know where to find the pudding.


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