字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 You hold this painting in your hands. 這幅畫就在你手中。 You are leaving your world behind and entering the world of the picture. 您將離開自己的世界,進入畫面的世界。 As you unroll the scroll, it unfolds almost like a movie. 當您展開卷軸時,它就會像電影一樣展開。 The very first thing you see is a foreground promontory in which we can make out the roof of a temple surrounded by trees. 首先映入眼簾的是一個前景岬角,在那裡我們可以看到一座寺廟的屋頂,周圍環繞著樹木。 From that temple, we look into this vast, watery expanse that leads to distant mountains that are almost dissolving into the clouds. 從寺廟中,我們可以看到廣袤無垠的水域,通向遠處的群山,幾乎要溶入雲霧之中。 We move down to the very tip of this foreground spit of land. 我們向下移動到這片前景陸地的最頂端。 We see individual grass blades. 我們看到的是單個的草葉。 Looking beyond that foreground into the distance, we see these mountains that emerge from the mist. 越過前景向遠處望去,我們看到了這些從薄霧中浮現的山脈。 We encounter trees that are far smaller in scale. 我們遇到的樹木規模要小得多。 Even though we're moving just a matter of inches, we've actually covered an enormous distance. 雖然我們移動的距離只有幾英寸,但實際上我們已經走了很遠。 The mountain peaks, all of a sudden, leap into this middle ground space like some huge dinosaur that rises up almost to the top edge of the scroll. 山峰突然躍入這中間的地面空間,就像一些巨大的恐龍,幾乎升到了畫卷的頂端邊緣。 The trees at the base of the mountains become smaller and smaller. 山腳下的樹木變得越來越小。 The clouds rise further and further. 雲層越升越高。 The mountains seem to diminish in weight and substance until we see just a trail of faint blue ink that ultimately disappears so that the end of the scroll is completely blank. 山巒的重量和內涵似乎都在減少,直到我們只看到一縷淡淡的藍色墨跡,最終消失不見,卷軸的末端完全是一片空白。 The water, the sky, the clouds merge together into a single empty void. 水、天空、雲朵匯聚成一片空曠。 There's not a single human in the scroll. 畫卷中沒有一個人類。 Only that temple and the familiar landscape of trees and rocks in the foreground anchors us in reality. 只有那座寺廟,以及前景中熟悉的樹木和岩石景觀,才能讓我們立足於現實。 We've gone from the solid world into this confrontation with the ultimate emptiness of life. 我們從堅固的世界進入了與生命終極虛無的對峙。 This painting takes us to a world that reaches all the way to eternity. 這幅畫把我們帶入了一個直達永恆的世界。 So we're really confronted with our own mortality. 是以,我們真的要面對自己的死亡。 Life begins out of emptiness and ends in emptiness, and that brief period in between is what we have to live with. 生命從空虛中開始,又在空虛中結束,這中間的短暫時間就是我們必須面對的。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 樹木 寺廟 空虛 遠處 展開 看到 這幅中國卷軸如何讓我們面對自己的死亡 | 藝術,解說 (How this Chinese scroll confronts us with our own mortality | Art, Explained) 542 2 Ashely Ma 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字