字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello lovely students and welcome back to English with Lucy. 可愛的同學們,你們好!歡迎回到露西英語。 Today I am going to teach you such an important skill. 今天,我就來教大家這樣一項重要的技能。 I'm going to teach you how to read numbers in English. 我要教你如何用英語讀數字。 So many of my students avoid reading big numbers because they're daunting, they're scary. 我的很多學生都逃避閱讀大數字,因為它們令人生畏,讓人害怕。 I promise you after today's lesson you will feel so much more confident. 我向你保證,上完今天的課,你會感覺自信多了。 I've also created a free PDF study guide to go with this video. 我還製作了一份免費的 PDF 學習指南,與本視頻配套使用。 You can download this for free. 您可以免費下載。 Inside you'll find all of the information about how to read numbers with extra examples and further practice activities. 在這本書中,您將找到有關如何讀數的所有資訊,以及額外的示例和進一步的練習活動。 I've also included lots of mathematical facts and figures and there are even some number-based idioms in there. 我還加入了很多數學事實和數字,甚至還有一些基於數字的成語。 If you'd like to download this PDF numbers study guide all you have to do is click on the link in the description box and enter your name, your email address and select your estimated level of English. 如果您想下載這份 PDF 號碼學習指南,只需點擊描述框中的鏈接,然後輸入您的姓名、電子郵件地址並選擇您的英語水平。 Then you sign up for my mailing list and the PDF study guide will arrive directly in your inbox. 然後註冊加入我的郵件列表,PDF 學習指南就會直接發送到你的收件箱。 And after that, you've joined the PDF club. 之後,你就加入了 PDF 俱樂部。 You will automatically receive my free weekly PDFs alongside my news, course updates and offers. 您將自動收到我的免費每週 PDF 文件,以及我的新聞、課程更新和優惠資訊。 It's a free service and you can unsubscribe at any time. 這是一項免費服務,您可以隨時取消訂閱。 Okay, we're going to start at the very beginning but it is going to get more complicated. 好吧,我們從頭開始,但情況會越來越複雜。 How do we say this number? 這個數字怎麼說? Okay, this is actually a good question because there are various ways we can say this number. 好吧,這其實是個很好的問題,因為我們可以用不同的方式來表達這個數字。 We can use the word zero or we can say not. 我們可以用 "零",也可以說 "不"。 Now, when we say numbers one at a time like when you need to give your phone number or bank account number, we normally say O as in the letter O. 現在,當我們一次說一個數字時,比如您需要提供您的電話號碼或銀行賬號,我們通常會說字母 O 中的 O。 For example, my bank account number is 01765. 例如,我的銀行賬號是 01765。 Just kidding. 開個玩笑 Okay, let's practise with a couple of my ex's phone numbers. 好吧,讓我們用我前男友的幾個電話號碼來練習一下。 I'm just kidding, they're fake. 我開玩笑的,它們是假的。 And remember in English, we tend to read each number separately but we chunk them into groups of two or three. 記住,在英語中,我們傾向於單獨閱讀每個數字,但我們會把它們抽成兩組或三組。 So for this one, 7048695. 所以,這個是 7048695。 If the same number appears twice, we usually say double. 如果同一個數字出現兩次,我們通常會說是雙倍。 For example, double three six, two double four. 例如,雙三六,雙二四。 Now notice how my intonation goes up as I say the first three numbers or digits and then falls as I read the last three. 現在請注意,當我念前三個數字或位數時,我的語調是如何上升的,而當我念後三個數字或位數時,我的語調又是如何下降的。 This signals to the listener that the number has finished. 這就向聽眾發出信號,表示該號碼已經結束。 Double three six, two double four. 雙三六,兩個雙四。 Okay, let's move on to temperature. 好了,我們來看看溫度。 When we're talking about temperature, we use zero not not. 當我們談論溫度時,我們使用零,而不是不。 For example, the temperatures are unlikely to rise above zero all week. 例如,整個星期的氣溫都不可能超過零度。 And football results, very important. 足球成績,非常重要。 How would you say this final score? 您認為最終得分如何? Well, in British English, we usually say nil. 在英國英語中,我們通常說 "零"。 So Liverpool beat Man United one nil or they beat Man United by one goal to nil. 是利物浦以一比零擊敗曼聯,還是曼聯以一比零擊敗利物浦? Americans are more likely to say one zero or one nothing. 美國人更傾向於說 "一個零 "或 "什麼都沒有"。 Okay, let's move on to some frequently confused numbers. 好了,讓我們繼續討論一些經常混淆的數字。 How would you pronounce these pairs of numbers? 這些數字對如何發音? Well, the higher numbers on the right are always stressed on the first syllable. 30, 40, 50, 60. 右邊較高的數字總是在第一個音節上強調。30, 40, 50, 60. The lower numbers on the left are usually stressed on teen. 13, 14, 15, 16. 左邊較低的數字通常在青少年時期強調。13, 14, 15, 16. This is the same for all the teen numbers, 13 to 19. 這對 13 至 19 歲的所有青少年數字都是一樣的。 Now I say we usually stress the last syllable because the stress can move or shift if we place a stressed noun after the number. 現在我說我們通常強調最後一個音節,是因為如果我們在數字後面加上一個重讀名詞,重音就會移動或轉移。 Listen and see if you can hear the difference. 聽一聽,看看能否聽出區別。 She's 17. 她才17歲 She's got 17 exams. 她要參加 17 次考試 In the second sentence, the main stress moves to exams and seven and teen have more equal stress. 在第二句中,主要重音移到了考試上,seven 和 teen 的重音更加均等。 Now this stress shift can leave even proficient English speakers confused. 現在,這種重音轉換甚至會讓精通英語的人感到困惑。 When there's a doubt, read out each number to clarify. 當有疑問時,讀出每個數字以澄清。 Did you say 70? 你說 70 嗎? No, 17 won seven. 不,17 人贏了 7 次。 Okay, it's time to move on to some bigger numbers. 好了,現在該說說更大的數字了。 Take a look at these and consider how you would read them as words. 看看這些文字,想想你會怎麼讀它們。 Please do pause the video if you want some thinking time, okay? 如果你需要一些思考時間,請暫停視頻,好嗎? The first is a hundred, a hundred. 第一個是一百,一百。 We can say 100, but we often just say a, a hundred. 我們可以說 100,但往往只說 a、100。 Now be careful, we don't usually add an S in the plural. 注意,我們通常不會在複數中加上 S。 So we just say 100, 200, 300, and so on. 是以,我們只說 100、200、300,以此類推。 You will hear it pluralised in the phrase hundreds and hundreds or hundreds and thousands. 你會在 "成百上千 "或 "成千上萬 "的短語中聽到它的複數化。 And we can also add S if we don't say a number or quantity before it. 如果前面沒有數字或數量,我們還可以加上 S。 For example, hundreds of thousands visit the cathedral every year or I received hundreds of emails while I was on holiday. 例如,每年有數十萬人参觀大教堂,或者我在度假期間收到了數百封郵件。 Okay, the next number is a thousand, a thousand. 好,下一個數字是一千,一千。 And the same rules apply here. 同樣的規則也適用於這裡。 Question, have you ever seen this written? 問題是,你見過這樣寫嗎? So K is often used as an abbreviation for thousand. 是以,K 經常被用作千的縮寫。 An example, the goal is to raise 3K for charity in under 20 days. 例如,目標是在 20 天內為慈善機構籌款 3 千元。 Now, did you notice that I said 20, not 20? 你注意到我說的是 20,而不是 20 嗎? It's very common to elide the T sound, especially when speaking fast. 省略 T 音是很常見的,尤其是在語速較快時。 Okay, next we have 10,000 and 100,000. 好,接下來是 10 000 和 100 000。 Now remember, we don't say 10 thousands or 100 thousands. 記住,我們不說一萬或十萬。 A million, a billion. 一百萬、十億 Notice the Y sound in those two numbers, million, billion. 注意這兩個數字中的 Y 音:百萬、億。 Now let's talk about when we need to add the word and when reading numbers. 現在,讓我們來談談什麼情況下需要添加單詞以及讀數字時需要添加單詞。 We always need to say and between 100,000 and million and numbers below 100. 我們總是需要說 100,000 到 million 之間的 "和",以及 100 以下的數字。 That's one to 99. 1比99。 Listen carefully, because this is gonna be really helpful for you. 仔細聽好,因為這會對你很有幫助。 This number, 111. 這個數字是 111。 This, 1,012. 1,012。 This one, which honestly scares me as well, 1,984,099. 老實說,這個數字也讓我害怕,1,984,099。 We don't need to add and when the number ends in double zero. 當數字以雙零結尾時,我們不需要加上 和 。 For example, this one, 1,100, not 1,000 and 100, 1,100. 例如,這個是 1 100,而不是 1 000 和 100,是 1 100。 Or this one, 17,300. 或者這個,17300。 Note that in American English and other dialects, it's also common to count in hundreds rather than thousands. 請注意,在美式英語和其他方言中,以百為組織、部門而不是以千為組織、部門計數也很常見。 So in British English, we would say 2,500. 是以,在英式英語中,我們會說 2 500。 In American English, sometimes they would say 2,500. 在美式英語中,有時他們會說 2500。 Whichever you choose to use, you'll be understood either way. 無論您選擇使用哪種方式,都會得到理解。 I just think it's important you're aware. 我只是覺得,你應該意識到這一點。 Right, let's put all of this knowledge to the test and take a look at some big numbers. 好了,讓我們來檢驗一下這些知識,看看一些大數據。 And don't worry, we'll build up gradually. 別擔心,我們會逐步提高的。 Now just to add a little more fun, all of these numbers have a special significance. 為了增加趣味性,所有這些數字都有特殊意義。 Maybe you can figure out what it is. 也許你能找出它是什麼。 And if not, you'll have to download the PDF to find out. 如果沒有,您必須下載 PDF 才能知道。 Here we go. 開始了 How do we say this number? 這個數字怎麼說? I'll divide it to help. 我會把它分好,以提供幫助。 It should be 1,331. 應該是 1 331。 Notice how I pause slightly after the word thousand. 請注意,我在 "千 "字之後稍作停頓。 We don't usually say and, just use an or even n. 我們通常不說 and,只用 an 或 n。 Okay, let's try another. 好吧,我們再試一次。 How do we say this big number? 這個大數字怎麼說? This time we have 10,989. 這次我們有 10 989 人。 Okay, let's make these numbers even bigger. 好吧,讓我們把這些數字變得更大。 What about this one? 這個怎麼樣? How many thousands do we have? 我們有幾千人? 111, so that's 111,000. 111,所以是 111 000。 Moving up to millions now. 現在已增至數百萬。 How do you say this number? 這個數字怎麼說? Let's divide the number up. 讓我們把這個數字除一下。 We have 3,628,800. 我們有 362.88 萬。 Remember, we don't need to add and here as the number ends in double zero. 記住,這裡不需要加上 和 ,因為數字的末尾是雙零。 Okay, this one is a really big one. 好吧,這可是個大問題。 Take a deep breath and have a think. 深吸一口氣,好好想想。 We have 1,503,047,000. 我們有 1,503,047,000. Okay, great work. 好的,幹得好 Don't worry, I have left plenty more examples in the PDF. 別擔心,我在 PDF 文件中留下了更多例子。 This does take some practise for you to feel natural. 這確實需要一些練習才能感覺自然。 And don't forget to check out the special significance of all of these numbers. 別忘了查看所有這些數字的特殊意義。 Okay, let's move on to ordinal numbers. 好了,讓我們繼續討論序數。 So cardinal numbers tell us about quantity, but ordinal numbers tell us about order or the position or place of something. 是以,心數告訴我們數量,而序數則告訴我們順序或某物的位置或地點。 For example, he finished second in the race. 例如,他在比賽中獲得了第二名。 We can also use them to say the date. 我們還可以用它們來表示日期。 My birthday's on the 10th of June. 我的生日是 6 月 10 日。 Let's take a look at how we form ordinal numbers. 讓我們來看看如何組成序數。 We'll begin with the cardinal numbers here. 在這裡,我們先從紅心數開始。 Most ordinal numbers end in the letters TH pronounced with the f sound. 大多數序數以字母 TH 結尾,讀作 f 音。 Can you think of which? 你能想到是哪個嗎? Pause the video now if you want to have some time to think. 如果您想花點時間思考一下,請暫停視頻。 Okay, here we are. 好了,我們到了。 And we just add H to eight. 我們把 H 加到 8。 And don't forget to remove the E from nine before adding TH. 在加上 TH 之前,別忘了去掉 nine 中的 E。 Now the ordinal numbers for five and 12 are similar, but we need to change the voiced V sound, the V, to the unvoiced F sound, the F, and then add the TH sound. 現在,"5 "和 "12 "的序數是相似的,但我們需要把發 V 音的 "V "改成不發 F 音的 "F",然後再加上 "TH"。 This makes the words easier to pronounce. 這使得單詞更容易發音。 So five becomes fifth and 12 becomes twelfth. 是以,5 變成了 5,12 變成了 12。 Now that's still very hard to pronounce in my opinion. 在我看來,這個詞還是很難發音。 Lots of English speakers, and I am one of these speakers, cut it down to fifth and twelfth. 很多講英語的人,我也是其中之一,會把它減到第五和第十二位。 In spoken English, we remove the th, fifth, twelfth. 在英語口語中,我們去掉 th、fifth 和 twelfth。 Go ahead and do that if it's easier for you. 如果你覺得這樣更方便,那就這樣做吧。 In fast speech, fifth and twelfth is what a lot of people say. 在快板中,很多人都會說第五個和第十二個。 Notice the vowel change with five to fifth. 注意元音從 five 到 fifth 的變化。 The diphthong I in five becomes the short vowel I in fifth. 雙元音 I in five 變成短元音 I in fifth。 Five, fifth, or fifth. 五、五還是五 Okay, we keep this pattern for the higher ordinal numbers too. 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and so on. 好的,高序數也保持這種模式。第 13 個、第 14 個、第 15 個、第 16 個,以此類推。 The only irregular ones left in our table are one, two, and three, which become first, second, and third. 我們的表格中只剩下不規則的 1、2 和 3,它們變成了第一、第二和第三。 And if you need to write them as numbers rather than words, just add the last two letters of the word after the number, like this. 如果需要寫成數字而不是單詞,只需在數字後面加上單詞的最後兩個字母,就像這樣。 Okay, have you got that? 好了,明白了嗎? Let's see if you can read these dates then. 讓我們看看你是否能讀懂這些日期。 These dates mark important days in history. 這些日期是歷史上的重要日子。 Download the PDF to find out why. 下載 PDF 瞭解原因。 Okay, this one here. 好吧,這個在這裡。 In British English, the first number or numbers refer to the day. 在英式英語中,第一個或多個數字指的是星期。 Then we have the month. 然後是一個月。 So in British English, that is the 6th of February. 是以,用英國英語來說,就是 2 月 6 日。 In America and some other countries, this order is switched. 在美國和其他一些國家,這一順序被調換。 So the 6th of February would be written like this. 是以,2 月 6 日應該這樣寫。 I must say, I find it so confusing. 我必須說,我覺得很困惑。 I wish we could agree. 我希望我們能達成一致。 Because once I had a catastrophe when booking an American