字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The reason we struggle to understand native speakers and to speak faster yourself are actually connected. 我們之所以難以聽懂母語人士的語言,也難以加快自己的語速,這兩者之間其實是有聯繫的。 In this video, I'm going to share some tricks to help you understand fast spoken English, and more importantly, to help you speak faster too. 在本視頻中,我將分享一些技巧,幫助您快速理解英語口語,更重要的是,幫助您更快地開口說英語。 Besides these tricks, I'll also show you methods to actively push yourself speed up. 除了這些技巧之外,我還會告訴你一些積極推動自己加速的方法。 We can't just rely on quick hacks, we need to improve our English fundamentally. 我們不能僅僅依靠快速的技巧,我們需要從根本上提高我們的英語水平。 Before we start, let me be clear. 在我們開始之前,請允許我把話說清楚。 The ultimate goal of language learning isn't to speak fast, but to speak clearly. 語言學習的最終目標不是說得快,而是說得清楚。 Pronounce your words correctly and make sure your message comes across. 發音要正確,確保資訊傳達到位。 That's what really matters. 這才是真正重要的。 But when you've got a lot to say but not much time, there are tactics to help you speed up without losing clarity. 但是,當你有很多話要說卻沒有太多時間時,有一些策略可以幫助你加快速度,同時又不失清晰度。 First, native speakers often blend words together. 首先,母語使用者經常會把單詞混在一起。 This happens in every language, including your mother tongue. 每種語言都會出現這種情況,包括你的母語。 This is how I speak Chinese. 我就是這樣說中文的。 You naturally blend words together because it makes speech more efficient and effortless. 你會自然而然地將單詞融合在一起,因為這樣說話更有效率、更輕鬆。 But when we first learn a language, we tend to pronounce each sound very deliberately. 但是,當我們第一次學習一種語言時,我們往往會非常刻意地發出每個音。 For example, this sentence. 例如這個句子。 You might overpronounce it like To speak faster naturally, you need to relax the muscles around your mouth for smoother pronunciation. 你可能會發音過重,就像要想說得更快更自然,你需要放鬆嘴邊的肌肉,讓發音更流暢。 One way to practice this is through shadowing, mimicking native speakers. 練習的方法之一是模仿母語使用者。 You will not only copy their pronunciation, but also their facial expressions and mouth movements. 你不僅要模仿他們的發音,還要模仿他們的面部表情和嘴部動作。 Like I've mentioned in previous videos, it's almost like acting practice. 就像我在之前的視頻中提到的,這幾乎就像是表演練習。 The reason native speakers speak fast isn't just about verbal techniques like pausing or intonation. 以英語為母語的人之所以說得快,並不僅僅在於停頓或語調等語言技巧。 It's also about how they use their facial muscles. 這也與他們如何使用面部肌肉有關。 Many of you have noticed that when people speak English, their mouths move differently than when they speak their mother tongue, right? 很多人都注意到,人們說英語時,嘴巴的動作與說母語時不同,對嗎? That's because different languages engage different muscles. 這是因為不同的語言會牽動不同的肌肉。 Now, let me show you some examples of effortless pronunciation in English, focusing on reduced sounds. 現在,讓我向大家展示一些英語輕鬆發音的例子,重點是減少的音。 The first group is liaisons that are common in speech. 第一類是言語中常見的聯絡。 For example, Go for it. 例如,"加油"。 Another example is shortening vowels or turning them into schwa sounds. 另一個例子是縮短元音或將其變成分裂音。 What are you thinking? 你在想什麼? The E sound and R sound are not fully pronounced. E 音和 R 音沒有完全發音。 Next, let's look at some informal expressions or their abbreviated forms. 接下來,讓我們看看一些非正式表達或其縮寫形式。 These shortened phrases are used in informal conversations. 這些簡短的短語用於非正式對話。 And if you are not familiar with them or don't know the context, they can be very tricky. 如果你不熟悉它們,或者不知道它們的來龍去脈,它們就會非常棘手。 I gotta go. 我得走了 But just knowing these tricks isn't enough to speak faster. 但是,僅僅知道這些技巧還不足以讓您說得更快。 For instance, if you know that I'm going to becomes I'm gonna, right? 例如,如果你知道我要去,我就會去,對嗎? But you use it slowly, it won't feel natural. 但如果慢慢使用,就會感覺不自然。 So, how do you actually speak faster? 那麼,如何才能真正說得更快呢? First, you should have a fast reading practice. 首先,你應該進行快速閱讀練習。 Train yourself using a telepromoter where words appear on the screen at a set speed and read along. 使用提詞器進行自我訓練,螢幕上會以設定的速度出現文字,然後跟讀。 We have learned that the circular spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness gradually increase the speed as you get comfortable. 我們認識到,和平與合作、開放與包容的循環精神會隨著你的適應而逐漸提高速度。 This helps train the muscles in your mouth. 這有助於訓練口腔肌肉。 Second, speech with a time limit. 第二,有時間限制的演講。 Sometimes we speak slowly because we don't know what to say or don't have enough to say. 有時,我們說話慢是因為我們不知道該說什麼,或者說得不夠多。 This is common for language learners. 這對於語言學習者來說很常見。 To counter this, you need to have a lot to say and a limited time to say it. 為了應對這種情況,你需要有很多話要說,但時間有限。 Here's how. 方法如下 Choose a topic you're passionate about and have plenty of insights on. 選擇一個你熱衷並有豐富見解的話題。 Take a moment to jot down ideas or outline your speech. 花點時間記下您的想法或演講提綱。 Then give yourself one or two minutes to deliver it. 然後給自己一到兩分鐘的時間來表達。 If you have a lot to say and limited time, you will naturally start speaking faster. 如果你有很多話要說,但時間有限,你自然會開始加快語速。 This method not only pushes yourself to speak fast, but also strengthens your logic and time management, especially if you want to improve your presentation skills. 這種方法不僅能促使自己說得快,還能加強自己的邏輯思維和時間管理,尤其是如果你想提高演講技巧的話。 Don't forget to record yourself and see if you speak clearly when speaking fast. 別忘了給自己錄音,看看自己在說快板時是否口齒清晰。 By practicing these two methods, you will gradually start speaking faster. 通過練習這兩種方法,你會逐漸開始加快說話速度。 You might even find yourself using some of the liaisons and reduced sounds I mentioned earlier. 您甚至可能會發現自己在使用我前面提到的一些聯絡方式和減弱的聲音。 Remember, speaking English faster isn't just about knowing a few tricks. 請記住,要想英語說得更快,不只是要掌握一些技巧。 As language learners, we need extra practice because it's not our native language. 作為語言學習者,我們需要額外的練習,因為這不是我們的母語。 So, combine these small tricks with consistent practice. 是以,要將這些小技巧與堅持不懈的練習結合起來。 That's the secret to improve. 這就是進步的祕訣。 If you find this video helpful, give it a like and subscribe to my channel. 如果您覺得這段視頻對您有幫助,請點贊並訂閱我的頻道。 See you next time. 下次再見
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 技巧 語言 英語 發音 練習 肌肉 2個方法!提升英語口語語速的快速技巧!快速理解英語,更快開口說話? (2个方法!提升英语口语语速 Quick hacks! Understand Fast English and Speak Faster??) 15 0 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字