字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 A new Wall Street Journal poll shows that Vice President Kamala Harris has taken a narrow lead over former President Donald Trump. 華爾街日報》最新民調顯示,副總統卡馬拉-哈里斯以微弱優勢領先於前總統唐納德-特朗普。 Harris had 48 percent support to Trump's 47 percent in a head-to-head test, claiming an advantage within the survey's margin of error. 在正面測試中,哈里斯的支持率為48%,特朗普為47%,在調查誤差範圍內佔據優勢。 This poll has heightened importance in some ways because it's coming right after the Democratic National Convention. 這次民調的重要性在某種程度上有所提高,因為它是在民主黨全國代表大會之後進行的。 And that convention and the weeks leading up to it were so crucial for Kamala Harris as she tried to essentially reintroduce herself to the American public. 對卡馬拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)來說,那次大會以及大會之前的幾周都至關重要,因為她試圖從根本上向美國公眾重新介紹自己。 OK, let's get to business. 好了,說正事吧。 Let's get to business. 說正事吧。 Here are the major takeaways from the poll. 以下是民意調查的主要結論。 According to the poll, more than 80 percent of people say they feel like they know enough about Harris to have an opinion about her. 根據這項民意調查,超過 80% 的人表示,他們覺得自己對 Harris 有足夠的瞭解,是以對她有自己的看法。 There could be some downside there if she's still trying to tell people things about herself. 如果她還在試圖告訴別人關於她自己的事情,可能會有一些負面影響。 But it's clear that she has established herself with voters in a way, and at least the story she's trying to tell appears to be breaking through. 但很明顯,她在某種程度上已經在選民中樹立了自己的形象,至少她試圖講述的故事似乎正在突破。 You really saw this in full display at the Democratic National Convention, an effort to tell a story of Harris both as a politician but also as a person. 這一點在民主黨全國代表大會上表現得淋漓盡致,哈里斯不僅是一位政治家,也是一位普通人。 The middle class is where I come from. 我來自中產階級。 My mother kept a strict budget. 我母親嚴格控制預算。 We lived within our means, yet we wanted for little. 我們過著量入為出的生活,但我們的要求卻不高。 And the story she's trying to tell is that she is somebody who is thinking about the economy. 她想說的是,她是一個為經濟著想的人。 She is concerned about prices and the price of housing. 她擔心物價和房價。 She has plans to try and work on these issues. 她計劃努力解決這些問題。 She's trying very hard to connect with voters and say that she understands and is going to fight for them. 她正極力與選民溝通,表示她理解選民並將為他們而戰。 But Trump still holds advantages over Harris on key issues like the economy and immigration. 但在經濟和移民等關鍵問題上,特朗普仍比哈里斯有優勢。 And that, I think, is probably part of the reason you're seeing his advisers really want him to focus on policy, want him to focus on issues like that, because that is where he is the strongest. 我認為,這可能也是他的顧問們希望他專注於政策、專注於此類問題的部分原因,因為這才是他的強項。 On day one, I will seal the border and I will stop the invasion of millions of people into our country. 第一天,我將封鎖邊境,阻止數百萬人入侵我國。 Harris, on the other hand, has expanded her lead as the candidate best suited to handle abortion rights. 另一方面,哈里斯作為最適合處理墮胎權利問題的候選人,擴大了她的領先優勢。 That's significant because we have had a series of elections now where we've really seen huge numbers of people turn out to vote on abortion. 這一點意義重大,因為我們已經經歷了一系列的選舉,在這些選舉中,我們確實看到有大量的人参加了關於墮胎的投票。 And it's going to be on the ballot in some of these key states. 它將出現在一些關鍵州的選票上。 So that could be very meaningful for her. 是以,這對她來說可能非常有意義。 Despite falling behind in some policy points, Harris's favorability overall is higher than Trump's, according to the poll. 民調顯示,儘管在一些政策要點上落後於特朗普,但哈里斯的支持率總體上高於特朗普。 Harris's improving numbers in a lot of these categories suggests that Trump has really struggled to land an effective critique of her, that his efforts to, you know, label her extreme or out of step with a lot of the public haven't really worked yet. 哈里斯在很多方面的數據都在提高,這表明特朗普確實在努力對她進行有效的責備,他給她貼上極端或與很多公眾格格不入的標籤的努力還沒有真正奏效。 Voters also have a largely unfavorable view of Project 2024, which is a conservative policy agenda assembled by the Heritage Foundation think tank and its allies. 選民們對 "2024 項目 "的看法也很不樂觀。"2024 項目 "是傳統基金會智庫及其盟友制定的保守派政策議程。 Trump has worked pretty hard to try and distance himself from Project 2025. 特朗普一直努力試圖與 "2025 計劃 "保持距離。 He has said that this is this is not a blueprint for another administration. 他說過,這不是另一屆政府的藍圖。 But certainly Democrats for now seem to have been pretty successful in giving the public a negative view of these policies. 但可以肯定的是,民主黨目前似乎已經很成功地讓公眾對這些政策產生了負面看法。 Their Project 2025 will make things much, much harder for people who are just trying to live their lives. 他們的 "2025 項目 "將使那些只想過自己生活的人的生活變得更加艱難。 As we're looking ahead, we're going to see both of them out in the battleground states a lot. 展望未來,我們將看到他們兩人經常出現在戰場上。 That's happening already. 這已經在發生了。 There's gonna be a lot more campaigning. 會有更多的競選活動。 And the next really big opportunity for both of them is the upcoming debate on September 10th in Philadelphia. 對他們兩人來說,下一個真正的大好機會是即將於9月10日在費城舉行的辯論。 Both sides see that as a big opportunity to remind voters about the candidates and to really see them against each other for the first time. 雙方都認為這是一個大好機會,可以提醒選民注意候選人,並讓他們第一次真正看到候選人之間的對決。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 哈里斯 特朗普 選民 大會 民調 政策 華爾街日報》民調顯示,哈里斯在 2024 年總統競選中以微弱優勢領先特朗普 | WSJ (Harris Leads Trump Narrowly in 2024 Presidential Race, WSJ Poll Finds | WSJ) 8 0 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 09 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字