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  • now. A Tempe Wells Fargo employee died at her desk, and 12 news is now confirming that it may have taken as many as four days for anyone in the office to notice. Good evening and thanks so much for joining us for 12

    現在坦佩富國銀行的一名員工死在了辦公桌前 12號新聞現在證實,辦公室裡的人可能過了四天才注意到這一點晚上好,感謝您收看12新聞。

  • News at 10. I'm cutting the divine. I'm Mark Curtis. It's a story we first reported yesterday. Tonight, Tempe police are confirming the timeline of when the woman clocked in to when her colleagues found the body. 12 News journalist Gabriella Becker is in the studio with new details tonight. Gabby four days. I mean, this poor woman went four days undiscovered. It's hard to believe, and that's a question many employees are asking themselves tonight. I spoke with an employee who said that she shared her perspective on the workplace environment, and they say it's a big building, but most people don't work there on a daily basis.

    十點新聞我是馬克-柯蒂斯我是馬克・柯蒂斯這是我們昨天首次報道的新聞今晚,坦佩警方確認了該女子打卡上班的時間 到她同事發現屍體的時間線12頻道記者加布裡埃拉-貝克爾 今晚將在演播室為您帶來最新細節加比,四天我的意思是,這個可憐的女人去了四天未被發現。這很難讓人相信 很多員工今晚都在問自己這個問題我採訪了一位員工 她分享了她對工作環境的看法 他們說這是一棟很大的建築 但大多數人並不是每天都在那裡工作

  • A Wells Fargo employee went to work the morning of Friday, August 16th and never went home. Tempe police tell 12 News 60 year old Denise Prudhomme scanned into work at seven o'clock in the morning. Four days later, police responded to the office building near Washington Street and Priest Drive for reports of a subject down. Prudhomme was declared dead. The Tempe Police

    富國銀行(Wells Fargo)的一名員工在 8 月 16 日星期五早上上班後就再也沒有回家。坦佩警方告訴 12 News,現年 60 歲的 Denise Prudhomme 早上七點掃描上班。四天後,警方接到報告稱華盛頓街和普里斯特路附近的辦公樓有人員倒地。普魯德霍姆被宣佈死亡。坦佩警方

  • Criminal Investigation Bureau is investigating but do not suspect foul play. A Wells Fargo employee exclusively spoke with 12 News but asked not to be recorded or identified out of fear for their job. They say a colleague found

    刑事調查局正在進行調查,但不懷疑是謀殺。富國銀行的一名員工接受了 12 News 的獨家採訪,但出於對工作的擔心,該員工要求不被錄音或透露身份。他們說,一名同事發現

  • Prudhomme dead at her desk in a cubicle while walking around the building on


  • Tuesday, August 20th. Prudhomme's cubicle was reportedly on the third floor and away from the main aisle. This employee says several people had smelled a foul odor but passed it off as faulty plumbing. They say, while most Wells Fargo employees at this Tempe location work remote, the building has 24 7 security and someone should have found Prudhomme sooner. The incident left several employees feeling scared and uneasy. This employee wants to see new safety protocols in place, telling me, quote, it's negligence in some part. A different worker also spoke with 12

    8 月 20 日,星期二。據報道,Prudhomme 的隔間在三樓,遠離主通道。這名員工說,有幾個人聞到了臭味,但都說是水管故障。他們說,雖然富國銀行坦佩分行的大多數員工都是遠程辦公,但這棟大樓有 24/7 全天候的安保措施,應該有人能更早地發現 Prudhomme。這次事件讓幾名員工感到害怕和不安。這名員工希望看到新的安全協議到位,他告訴我,引用他的話說,這在某種程度上是疏忽。另一位員工也與 12

  • News anonymously. It was just uncomfortable again, calling on the company to do more. Body was there about four days before anybody found it before anybody walked up to her just to say hi, make sure she's okay. She was just laying on her desk. A Wells Fargo spokesperson previously sent 12 News a statement saying, in part, we are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our colleague at our Tempe office, adding counselors through our employee assistance consulting service are available to support employees. An employee tells me their direct management offered those services addressed the incident and told workers the building was thoroughly cleaned and a Wells Fargo spokesperson did not have new information to share with me tonight. The Maricopa County medical examiner is investigating the cause of death in studio. Gabriella Bakara 12 News. All right, Gabby, thank you.

    匿名新聞。這讓她再次感到不舒服,呼籲公司做得更多。屍體在那放了四天後才被人發現 然後才有人走過去跟她打招呼 確保她沒事她就躺在辦公桌上。富國銀行發言人此前向 12 News 發送了一份聲明,其中部分內容稱,我們對坦佩辦事處同事的不幸遇難深感悲痛,並補充說,我們的員工援助諮詢服務顧問可為員工提供支持。一名員工告訴我,他們的直接管理層提供了這些服務,並告訴工人大樓已被徹底清理,富國銀行發言人今晚沒有新的資訊與我分享。馬里科帕縣的法醫正在調查工作室的死因。加布裡埃拉-巴卡拉 12號新聞好的 Gabby 謝謝

now. A Tempe Wells Fargo employee died at her desk, and 12 news is now confirming that it may have taken as many as four days for anyone in the office to notice. Good evening and thanks so much for joining us for 12

現在坦佩富國銀行的一名員工死在了辦公桌前 12號新聞現在證實,辦公室裡的人可能過了四天才注意到這一點晚上好,感謝您收看12新聞。

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