News anonymously. It was just uncomfortable again, calling on the company to do more. Body was there about four days before anybody found it before anybody walked up to her just to say hi, make sure she's okay. She was just laying on her desk. A Wells Fargo spokesperson previously sent 12 News a statement saying, in part, we are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our colleague at our Tempe office, adding counselors through our employee assistance consulting service are available to support employees. An employee tells me their direct management offered those services addressed the incident and told workers the building was thoroughly cleaned and a Wells Fargo spokesperson did not have new information to share with me tonight. The Maricopa County medical examiner is investigating the cause of death in studio. Gabriella Bakara 12 News. All right, Gabby, thank you.
匿名新聞。這讓她再次感到不舒服,呼籲公司做得更多。屍體在那放了四天後才被人發現 然後才有人走過去跟她打招呼 確保她沒事她就躺在辦公桌上。富國銀行發言人此前向 12 News 發送了一份聲明,其中部分內容稱,我們對坦佩辦事處同事的不幸遇難深感悲痛,並補充說,我們的員工援助諮詢服務顧問可為員工提供支持。一名員工告訴我,他們的直接管理層提供了這些服務,並告訴工人大樓已被徹底清理,富國銀行發言人今晚沒有新的資訊與我分享。馬里科帕縣的法醫正在調查工作室的死因。加布裡埃拉-巴卡拉 12號新聞好的 Gabby 謝謝