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  • what's up hello hello it's me Harvey I was wondering if you wanted to watch my live stream on Instagram I'm tired I don't know why I'm going live cuz I've got to get up in four hours but it makes no difference if it's free for hours or no I'm gonna stop what's up so guys people of the internet people of

    你好,你好,我是哈維,不知道你們想不想看我在 Instagram 上的直播,我很累,不知道為什麼要直播,因為四小時後我就得起床,不過免費不免費都一樣,我就不看了。

  • Instagram I don't know why I'm going live right now because I'm currently I'm not gonna lie I'm a little bit naked right now it's okay though I'm safe there's mirrors nowhere but I'm about to jump in the shower but I wanted to go live because I've been rehearsing all day I'm like sweating again and it's right now it's 11 o'clock in Korea I've got to get up at like well 3.30 point 4 shower and then I go on set well no I go and do something special that lasts all the way throughout the day until about 11 o'clock and then I've got to get up again that night the next morning at 3.30 to do a whole nother day of something special to then that ending at like 12 o'clock that night and right now I should be just showering and going to bed but I feel bad because I haven't really spoke to some of you guys so I thought I would but yeah we love told you so thank you acoustic version coming out soon it's actually really sick it's got that little run in it that I do but I told you so so baby but yeah I'm tired

    Instagram 我不知道為什麼我現在要直播,因為我現在我不想撒謊,我現在有點裸體,不過沒關係,我很安全,哪裡都有鏡子,但我正要跳進浴室,但我想直播,因為我已經排練了一整天,我好像又出汗了,現在是韓國的11點鐘,我必須在3.30點4分洗澡,然後去片場 不,我去做一些特別的事 持續一整天,直到11點左右 然後第二天早上3.30再做一天特別的事 到晚上12點結束 現在我應該洗個澡上床睡覺 但我覺得很抱歉 因為我還沒跟你們說過話 所以我想我應該說的 但我們很喜歡跟你們說 謝謝你們 聲樂版馬上就要出來了

  • I'm gonna jump in the shower I'm naked naked naked you're acoustic yes so it's gonna come out you're kind of cute thank you I'm a mess man but it's a good mess

    我要跳進淋浴間 我赤身裸體赤身裸體 你的聲音是的 所以它會出來 你有點可愛 謝謝你 我是一個爛攤子的人 但它是一個很好的爛攤子

  • I'm working hard for everybody look at me flexing my muscles that don't exist what was you looking at ah no yeah I was looking at something but no yeah keep it live in the shower you know I wish I could but I can't PG get that armpit away that's my armpit man everybody has an armpit I've got an armpit I'm a man

    我在為大家努力工作,看我彎曲著不存在的肌肉 你在看什麼? 不,是的,我在看一些東西,但不,是的,在洗澡的時候保持活潑,你知道我希望我能,但我不能PG把腋窩拿走,那是我的腋窩,每個人都有一個腋窩,我有一個腋窩,我是一個男人

  • I've got facial hair he wasn't looking no no I wasn't looking at that also someone keeps calling me slightly annoying but you know it happens but I miss you I miss you guys so much for real I love you guys thank you for all the support like I've been trying to work honestly I've been in Miami shooting something amazing that's coming out and you guys are gonna I'm so excited for this song to come out and this music like with this song I'm telling you it's gonna be a summer banger I'm telling you oh I'm hoping so anyway um I promise you guys you'll enjoy it hopefully fingers crossed and then this thing that's coming out oh the music no whatever's coming out you guys are gonna love as well I'm doing here in Korea but yeah I need to shower um I need to get my life together really but yeah I love you guys thank you to everybody that's calling my phone right now I'm trying to go live it's cool I'll block you we will love it I miss myself the one I was before I found you who am I now who am I now when I'm without you

    我臉上長毛了,他沒看,我也沒看 還有人一直說我有點煩人 但你知道,這種事時有發生 但我想你們,真的好想你們 我愛你們,謝謝你們的支持 我一直在努力工作,老實說我向你們保證,你們會喜歡這首歌的 希望你們會喜歡,還有這首歌的音樂 不管是什麼,你們都會喜歡的 我現在在韓國,但我需要洗個澡 我需要重新振作起來,真的 但我愛你們 謝謝所有打我電話的人

  • I miss my soup right anyway and I will see you on the other side I'm gonna be careful with the mirrors in this bathroom otherwise you're gonna see something you don't want to see something you don't want to see well actually according to some of you guys it isn't what you want to see but yeah I love you I say I love you about me peace

    我想念我的湯,我會在另一邊見到你 我會小心浴室裡的鏡子,否則你會看到你不想看到的東西 事實上,根據你們中的一些人,這不是你想看到的,但 是,我愛你,我說我愛你,關於我的和平

what's up hello hello it's me Harvey I was wondering if you wanted to watch my live stream on Instagram I'm tired I don't know why I'm going live cuz I've got to get up in four hours but it makes no difference if it's free for hours or no I'm gonna stop what's up so guys people of the internet people of

你好,你好,我是哈維,不知道你們想不想看我在 Instagram 上的直播,我很累,不知道為什麼要直播,因為四小時後我就得起床,不過免費不免費都一樣,我就不看了。

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