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  • What's up roadies?


  • It's a new day, a new vlog, a new thing on our channel Which is probably pointless for you to watch.


  • Waste four minutes of your life Welcome to Roadtrip Brooke's gonna explain what's going on.

    浪費你寶貴的四分鐘 歡迎收看 "公路之旅" 布魯克會向你解釋發生了什麼事

  • This is important, okay?


  • Okay And we need you guys to get involved in the comments below if you disagree with the following So I tweeted a reply saying Who's who in Spongebob I'd be Spongebob He's Patrick, doo doo doo I'll take Krusty Krab I'm not happy about it No one in this band can do this That's true They want me to be Sandy Because he's smart, you know, inventive Jack is one of the ugly ones He's not in Spongebob If you disagree with any of what you just heard Then please comment down below Who you think each moment from Spongebob is Snake Squad are off to Slough Ryan's gonna, what are you doing?

    好的,如果你們不同意下面的觀點 我們需要你們參與到下面的評論中來 所以我在推特上回復說 誰是海綿寶寶裡的誰 我是海綿寶寶,他是派大星,嘟嘟嘟 我是蟹堡王,我很不爽因為他聰明,有創造力 傑克是醜八怪之一,他不在《海綿寶寶》裡 如果你不同意你剛才聽到的,請在下面評論 你認為《海綿寶寶》裡的每個角色是誰 蛇小隊要去斯勞瑞,你在幹什麼?

  • I'm gonna eat some Nando's Yeah, I need to go to Tesco And get some cotton pads, you know, for my face We're in LA Otherwise known as Slough What's up guys, Mikey here from Road Trip I have pubes on my head Look at my piercings We're in Slough I'm putting all of my money in my bank Show me the money Show me the money So me and Andy have this thing Where we both refuse to walk through the door first So we normally stand there for about 10 minutes procrastinating I've got stuff to do So I'm gonna go first It's a wild Andy Fowler In a very tame boots in Slough Walking with his red shoes And overly long shirt Really disgusting jacket, that's a joke Jacket's great, I do like that jacket, not gonna lie It's got a face on the back of it, but in the shape of a plant I haven't seen the back of it, not only because I'm on the front of me Oh you are on the front of you, yeah but sometimes you're on the back Going for shower gel and cotton pads Because he's leaking recently And he needs cotton pads to To stuff it up Do you reckon a dove can fly?

    我得去樂購買點化妝棉擦擦臉 我們在洛杉磯,也叫斯勞 怎麼樣,夥計們?我頭上有陰毛,看我的穿孔 我們在斯勞,我要把錢都存進銀行 給我看錢,給我看錢 我和安迪有個習慣,我們都拒絕先進門 所以我們通常都會站在那裡拖延10分鐘 我有事情要做,所以我要先走 這是狂野的安迪・福勒 穿著斯勞非常溫順的靴子 穿著他的紅皮鞋和過長的襯衫夾克很不錯,我喜歡那件夾克,不騙你 它後面有張臉,不過是植物形狀的 我還沒見過它後面呢,不僅因為我在前面 哦,你在前面,是的,但有時你在後面 去拿沐浴露和化妝棉 因為他最近漏水了,需要化妝棉

  • Fly down!


  • Computer says no Andy's dancing his way to the cotton pads It was the moves, that's what did it Alright let's go pay for these and get the hell out of here Yeah we're gonna go Pay for these Probably throw some more doves And maybe see if a baby can slide across the floor Go to Nando's I can't be like, here's five He's got £13.40 in a bag, he tried to put it in his bank And they were like, well no you need a full bag I like the idea of having no change So we said to them that we'll literally be back in five minutes So they didn't have to come because we didn't want their company So instead we're gonna go to Windsor and have a Nando's without them Almost got ran over by a bad bike We're in Windsor again, we're always in Windsor now Because we love it People we are back in our fave, the Nando's in Windsor I have my hood up That is very rude, sorry Gonna get myself some frozen yoghurt and chips You know, you know Cheers My frozen yoghurt There's gonna be chips here in 3, 2, 1 And they're here If you come to Nando's, get a pair of Nays Chips, have a little dunky dunk in the pair of Nays When you get bored, whack it in your frozen yoghurt Which you've left to melt for a little bit I'm gonna lick that Look, peri, peri, peri, peri, peri, peri, peri, peri They're all gorgeous creatures My laptop's fixed, we just got a call through I've never really had my own laptop on before So that's gonna be wicked Thank you to the people who fixed it Thank you to Nando's for their kind hospitality Mikey, have you seen the castle?

    電腦說不行,安迪正在跳棉花舞呢 是動作,是動作讓他成功的 好吧,我們去付錢,然後離開這鬼地方 是的,我們要去付錢,也許再扔幾隻鴿子 也許去南多看看嬰兒能不能滑過地板40鎊在袋子裡,他想存進銀行 他們就說,不,你需要一個完整的袋子 我喜歡沒有零錢的感覺 所以我們跟他們說,我們5分鐘後就回來 所以他們不用來了,因為我們不想讓他們陪 所以我們要去溫莎吃南都,不帶他們去 差點被一輛壞自行車碾過 我們又到溫莎了因為我們愛溫莎 我們又回到了我們的最愛,溫莎的南多餐廳 我把頭巾拉起來了,真沒禮貌,抱歉 我要去買點凍酸奶

  • No?


  • Mikey, have you seen it?


  • It's behind you Is that a castle?

    在你身後 那是城堡嗎?

  • Is that actually a castle?


  • The whole time that we've been here, I never thought it was I thought it was like a Mackie's Is that a castle?

    我們在這裡的這段時間裡,我從沒想過這是 我以為這就像麥基的城堡,那是城堡嗎?

  • We have now arrived at Tesco's Fixed my laptop for me I thought it was a Mackie's It's a Tesco's Have you seen the cows?

    我們現在來到了樂購超市 幫我修好了筆記本電腦 我還以為是麥基超市呢 原來是樂購超市 你看到那些奶牛了嗎?

  • What?


  • Moo cows Oh, they're going straight to Mackie's It scared me a lot more than I'm letting on A child just dove in front of me, I think she was trying to shoot a bullet Explain how happy we are, come on This lady was just like, it's the end of the day now, Costa Have some free muffins Don't mind if I do, I think it's like lemon fudge Shout out to Costa Other coffee shops are available, but not as caring as Costa apparently Today's been a good day Not only have we spent half the day away from Is that their names?

    哞哞牛 哦,他們直接去了 Mackie's 嚇到我了,一個孩子在我面前俯衝,我想她是想射子彈 解釋一下我們有多開心,拜託 這位女士只是說,現在是下班時間了、Costa 有免費的鬆餅,別介意,我覺得像檸檬軟糖。

  • Jack, it's the Jack I forget And Jack, Bill and Ben, whatever their names is But we get free cake as well Thank you so much, see you in a bit Oh, surprise, look who's back, hey Javi Welcome to your first road trip daily vlog I'm naked Well, you're not, you've got shorts on He's taking them off once he likes Which is Brooklyn We're back Mysterious girl I wanna get close to you So close to you, my baby Oh Everybody thinks that I'm going insane Cause every single day I wake up I'm afraid I bruise and I bleed and try it over again Don't matter where I've been I'm winning in the end Massive castle Massive

    傑克,是我忘了的那個傑克 還有傑克、比爾和本,不管他們叫什麼 但我們還有免費蛋糕吃 非常感謝,待會見 哦,驚喜,看看誰回來了,嘿,哈維 歡迎來到你的第一個公路旅行每日視頻錄像 我沒穿衣服,你沒穿衣服你穿的是短褲,他一喜歡就會脫掉 這是布魯克林,我們回來了 神祕女孩,我想靠近你 靠近你,我的寶貝 大家都以為我瘋了 因為每天醒來我都害怕 我擦傷,流血,再試一次 不管我去過哪裡,我都會贏

What's up roadies?


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