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字幕列表 影片播放

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  • I'm working on a presentation that people are going to be watching on their own as part of a training program.


  • I want it to be as interesting as possible, so I think I'm going to add some audio to spice it up a little.


  • Start by going to the Insert tabwhere you'll find the Audio command on the far right of the ribbon.

    首先,進入 "插入 "選項卡......在功能區的最右側找到 "音頻 "命令。

  • Here you can insert audio from a file, or you can record your own.


  • For this first slide, I want to add some intro music that I already have saved to my computer.


  • So I'm going to choose Audio on My PCand a dialog box will appear.

    是以,我要選擇 "我的電腦上的音頻"......然後會出現一個對話框。

  • PowerPoint is compatible with several different audio formats, including MP3, WAV, and more.

    PowerPoint 兼容多種不同的音頻格式,包括 MP3、WAV 等。

  • All you have to do is select the file you wantthen click the Insert button.

    您只需選擇想要的文件......然後單擊 "插入 "按鈕。

  • You can easily move the audio if you need tothen click the Play button to preview it.

    如果需要,您可以輕鬆移動音頻......然後單擊 "播放 "按鈕進行預覽。

  • To jump to a different part of the song, just click anywhere on the timeline.


  • Next we're going to take a look at ways to add narration by recording your own audio.


  • You just need a microphoneone that's either built into your computer, or the kind that plugs in separately.


  • Again, go to the Audio command on the Insert tabbut this time, choose Record Audio from the menuand a little dialog box will appear.

    再次進入 "插入 "選項卡上的 "音頻 "命令......但這次要從菜單中選擇 "錄製音頻"......然後會出現一個小對話框。

  • When you're ready, click the button with the red dot to start recordingthen click this one to stop.


  • I'm just going to record a short intro for the slide.


  • But I already know how to use the Internet.


  • Okay, so I've recorded my audionow we can click the Play button to preview it.

    好了,我已經錄好音頻了......現在我們可以點擊 "播放 "按鈕進行預覽。

  • But I already know how to use the Internet.


  • When you're happy with the results, you can give the file a namethen click OKand it'll be added to your slide.

    當你對結果滿意時,可以為文件命名......然後單擊 "確定"......它就會被添加到幻燈片中。

  • Now that we've added a couple different types of audio, I thought we'd take a look at some of the options on the Playback tab.

    既然我們已經添加了幾種不同類型的音頻,我想我們可以看看 "播放 "選項卡上的一些選項。

  • This is where you can change the way your audio works when you play it during your presentation.


  • You can even do some simple editing.


  • Say you only want to use part of the clip, for examplenot the entire thing.


  • You can easily create an excerpt using the Trim Audio command.

    您可以使用 "修剪音頻 "命令輕鬆創建摘錄。

  • Just look for the little green and red markers in the dialog box.


  • You can click and drag these to change the start and end times.


  • I'm going to leave the beginning the way it is in this example, but end the song after only a few seconds or so.


  • When you're done, click OKand the clip will be trimmed.

    完成後,單擊 "確定"......剪輯就完成了。

  • You can also set your audio to fade in and fade out if you feel it starts or stops too abruptly.


  • Just look to the options in the Editing group.


  • I like the way this song starts, so I'm not going to add a fade inbut I will add a fade out of, let's say, 3 seconds.

    我喜歡這首歌的開頭,所以我不會加入淡入......但我會加入淡出,比方說,3 秒鐘。

  • We'll take a look at what this sounds like later.


  • If you want to be able to jump to a specific part of the audio during your presentation, you can add a bookmark.


  • All you have to do is click the timeline to mark the point you want to use.


  • Next, click the Add Bookmark command up here on the ribbonand a little circle will appear.


  • Now you can easily jump to this spot any time during your presentation.


  • When we play this in slideshow view, we will have to click the audio controls to make the music play.


  • I'd rather have it start automatically, though, since it is the intro music.


  • We can change this using the settings in the Audio Options group.


  • Just click the drop-down arrow next to Start, then choose Automatically from the menu.

    只需單擊 "開始 "旁邊的下拉箭頭,然後從菜單中選擇 "自動"。

  • You can also hide the audio icon during your presentationset the audio to loop until you stop it manuallyand more.


  • Finally, I think I'd like to make some changes to the appearance of the audio icon.


  • We can do that by switching over to the Format tab.

    我們可以切換到 "格式 "選項卡。

  • These are basically all the same options you get when you insert a picture in PowerPoint.

    這些選項與在 PowerPoint 中插入圖片時獲得的選項基本相同。

  • In fact, you can even change the audio icon to a picture of your own, instead of using the default speaker icon.


  • To get started, click the Change Picture command.

    要開始操作,請單擊 "更改圖片 "命令。

  • You can choose an image from any of the usual sources, including files saved to your computer, and a Bing image search.


  • I bet we can find a simple music note somewhere onlinethere we go, this one looks good.


  • You can even adjust the image using the usual commands.


  • In this example, I'm going to change the color so it blends in a little better with the slide.


  • So I think my audio is finished.


  • Why don't we take a look at the final product in full slideshow view?


  • Now you know how to add and also edit audio in PowerPoint, including music, sound effects, and even your own narration.

    現在您知道如何在 PowerPoint 中添加和編輯音頻了,包括音樂、音效,甚至您自己的旁白。

I'm working on a presentation that people are going to be watching on their own as part of a training program.


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