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Thailand is one of the most important economic players in Southeast Asia.
Not only is it one of the outright largest economies in the region, but it's also an essential provider of some of the world's most essential, yet underappreciated goods.
It's strategically located along the busiest trade routes in the world, and it's become a surprisingly popular center for a new age of labor that's bucking the trend of global migration.
But the truly remarkable thing about Thailand is that it's still growing.
Now for a developing and industrializing economy this may not sound too surprising, however there are a lot of economies in the world today that should be highly successful because of endowments in natural resources, large labor forces, great geographic positions, or just because they have major industries that still aren't.
Thailand on the other hand has been one of the most politically unstable countries on the planet.
Over the last century the small country has averaged about 2 military coups every 10 years.
在過去的一個世紀裡,這個小國平均每 10 年就會發生兩次軍事政變。
It's government has been couped more times than it's been peacefully re-elected, which makes managing economic affairs difficult to say the least.
Beyond this the country was one of the most heavily impacted regional economies by the recent financial crisis, the GFC, and the covid pandemic, but it's overall growth outlook is still relatively positive.
So what has made the Thai economy so weirdly resilient to these economic challenges?
What has been fueling the most recent round of growth?
And finally, are the current set of challenges going to be as easy to work through?
Once we have done all of that we can put Thailand on the economics explained leaderboard.
Before we dive in, let me share something that keeps me focused and energized while researching these fascinating topics.
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如果您想嚐嚐 Element 的味道,現在購買任何產品都可免費獲得全部 8 種口味的樣品包。
Best of all it's risk free, if you don't love it they'll refund your order no questions asked.
To get your free sample go to www.drinkelement.com slash economics explained or click the link in the description.
要獲取免費樣本,請訪問 www.drinkelement.com slash economics explained 或點擊描述中的鏈接。
To understand how Thailand operates economically there are a few historical developments worth mentioning that make it unique compared to its neighbours.
Aside from a few little invasions here and there the country is the only southeast Asian territory to avoid direct colonial rule.
Moreover, while acting as a zone separating French and British colonies it managed to act as a hub for trade and after the opening of the Suez canal Thailand became the primary exporter of rice in the region, a trend that continues to this very day.
Although this may appear to be a profitable series of events for both the leadership and the people of Thailand, it's economic prosperity was often separated from the public by technocrats managing the bulk of exchanges as it continued to industrialise.
Domestic benefits were not yet realised and this continued to be a trend for decades.
In fact Thailand's economy as it exists today really got started in the mid-1980s when the plaza accord pre-shared the US dollar against the currency of the UK, France, West Germany and especially Japan.
事實上,今天的泰國經濟真正起步於 20 世紀 80 年代中期,當時廣場協議預先將美元與英國、法國、西德,尤其是日本的貨幣掛鉤。
Of course Thailand was not involved in this deal at all and they didn't even use any of the currencies directly impacted, but this new agreement, mostly amongst countries on the other side of the world, changed the kingdom in profound ways.
The first phase was initiated when Thailand re-pegged its currency, the baht, at 25 per US dollar in 1984.
第一階段始於 1984 年泰國將其貨幣泰銖與 1 美元兌 25 泰銖重新掛鉤。
The goal of the plaza accord was to devalue the dollar.
In theory it would reduce the US trade deficit, making exports more competitive in an effort to stabilise trade with Japan.
Either way this also devalued Thailand's native currency because it was pegged to the US dollar.
The accord made the Japanese currency more valuable, making their exports more expensive and therefore less competitive, which pushed Japanese manufacturers to find creative ways to cut costs.
The Chinese market was still just opening up, so Japan started looking at the strategic trade advantage Thailand held at the crossroads of the South China Sea and the Malacca Strait, a channel prime for shipping between the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
This could not have come at a better time as Thailand had been making an effort to deregulate industries and open its doors to more foreign investment, which played a massive role in enticing Japanese firms to make the leap and plant factories and operations in the country, training up the workforce to change them from farmers to factory workers.
This also paired well with and encouraged Thailand to make the leap from agrarian self-sufficiency to a model of exporting the goods it could produce most competitively and importing whatever it needed with the money it made from selling those goods, leading to a range of those long-awaited domestic benefits.
This process of industrialisation also helped agriculture, which changed from pretty basic subsistence farming to relatively mechanised agriculture during this time, allowing more people to put down their farming tools and get higher-paying jobs than factories.
Now this is a story that has happened in dozens of countries across the world over the last 4 decades, but what made the Thai economy so interesting is how weirdly resilient it was to the upcoming economic challenges.
在過去 40 年裡,這種情況在全球數十個國家都曾發生過,但泰國經濟之所以如此有趣,是因為它對即將到來的經濟挑戰有著奇特的適應力。
This can be explained by looking at the events leading up to the Asian financial crisis.
For a time, economic changes for Thailand led to a boom in the market with the baht linked to the US dollar at a set rate.
This link ensured that foreign investments were more enticing because investors didn't have to worry about returns being impacted by foreign exchange fluctuations, that is as long as the Thai currency remained in line with the US dollar.
Of course there were also other traits that added fuel to the fire.
Foreign investors could charge relatively high interest rates on their loans which encouraged institutions to take out loans in their home currency to exchange them for Thai baht.
Furthermore, borrowers could take out and return loans as a result of Thailand's acceptance of Article 8 of the International Monetary Fund in 1990 to open Thailand's financial system to the international community.
此外,由於泰國在 1990 年接受了國際貨幣基金組織第 8 條的規定,向國際社會開放了泰國的金融體系,是以借款人可以貸款和歸還貸款。
This lending strategy was a way to make pure profit with higher interest rates on Thailand's peg currency.
This meant that there was lots of money flowing into Thailand to fund its expansion, which was great.
But at a certain point the country didn't need any more investment and all it was doing was driving up asset prices.
The massive inflow of hot money, risky loans, and crony capitalism made Thai banking under-regulated when giving loans to corporations.
Without proper risk assessment and Thailand's connections to the US dollar, the system morphed into an unstable house of cards with three major events that caused it to finally come toppling down.
The first was that the USA increased its interest rates in the mid-1990s to fend off inflation.
首先是美國在 20 世紀 90 年代中期提高利率以抵禦通貨膨脹。
This decision effectively made this baht exchange method of taking out loans in one country and giving out loans in Thailand less profitable.
The rising interest rates ultimately caused the dollar to appreciate, which caused the baht to appreciate as well, which led to a fall in international exports.
The second was China, which finally managed to open its doors enough to compete on the world stage, exporting enough to finally challenge even its more distant neighbours.
The third was unprofitable industries like real estate that couldn't make a return on their investment at high interest rates.
The expansion was largely fuelled by investments into land, residential property, condos, and offices, breeding a highly speculative market in the sector, which made it very vulnerable.
As the bubble burst, loans were defaulted en masse, crushing banks that played the precarious game.
This didn't bode well for Thailand.
In the eyes of those putting money into the machine, Asian markets, Thailand in particular, were now seen as sinking ships and everybody wanted to jump fast.
So they were all getting their money back, which pushed the value of the Thai baht down in foreign exchange markets, but because the value of the currency was pegged, the government had to raise the price back up by selling its US dollars.
Sticking with the metaphor, the hole was now punctured and Thailand was forced to get rid of everything in an attempt to stop the sinking.
And this was where things got really bad.
Hemorrhaging cash as well as international faith, Thailand had no choice but to raise interest rates, in the short term, by 25%.
由於現金和國際信心的流失,泰國別無選擇,只能在短期內將利率提高 25%。
Now in theory, when things are running smoothly, this seems like a power move.
Basically if one sees 10% interest rates it might look like a good investment, but if one sees 20% interest rates it starts to look like a desperate attempt to get money by any means necessary.
基本上,如果看到 10%的利率,可能會覺得這是個不錯的投資,但如果看到 20%的利率,就開始覺得這是在不擇手段地撈錢。
And that's exactly what happened.
With Thai foreign exchange reserves drained, the country's stock market crashed.
Along with other Asian currencies, the baht fell sharply.
Capital inflows slowed, some even reversed.
By the end of 1997, the baht lost almost half of its value, falling from around 26 to the dollar to 53 by January of 1998.
到 1997 年底,泰銖貶值近一半,從 1 美元兌 26 泰銖跌至 1998 年 1 月的 53 泰銖。
On top of everything, unemployment tripled from 1.5% to 4.5%, which might not sound bad from the perspective of an advanced economy where unemployment rates are normally around 4%, but Thailand has very little social safety and it also has much lower employment standards, which means its rate is normally much lower.
除此之外,失業率從 1.5%增至 4.5%,增加了兩倍。從發達經濟體的角度來看,失業率通常在 4%左右,這聽起來似乎並不壞,但泰國的社會安全保障非常薄弱,就業標準也低得多,這意味著其失業率通常要低得多。
In short, if it gets this high, it's game over for many and people will inevitably experience severe poverty.
But out of the chaos that erupted in Asian markets, there was a silver lining for Thailand and it had to do with the way that they spent money when times were good.
Much of the investments the country received were put towards infrastructure, building roads, ports, construction of electrical grids, airports, housing and anything else that the country could think of to improve productivity.
This meant that even though the coffers were empty, Thailand had many of the tools at its is what started the revival in the early 2000s.
這意味著,儘管國庫空虛,但泰國擁有許多工具,這正是 2000 年代初開始復興的原因。
Another aspect of Thailand's return to growth had to do with its currency, which was allowed to float and fall in value, which made exports more competitive once again.
The country's decision to join the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, in 1949 turned out to be fiscally responsible as well.
該國於 1949 年決定加入國際貨幣基金組織(IMF),事實證明這也是一個對財政負責的決定。
After paying off loans, they were subsequently bailed out a striking two decades in advance of initial projections, and they did this by focusing on the real economy within their borders, all while adding a high level of prudence and general discipline to their export-led economy.
在還清貸款後,它們隨後獲得的救助比最初的預測提前了驚人的 20 年,而它們做到這一點的方法就是專注於本國境內的實體經濟,同時在其出口導向型經濟中加入了高度的謹慎和普遍的紀律。
This development in particular was almost a blessing in disguise, as they learnt early that a heavy reliance on financial institutions and speculation would leave them vulnerable if they were confronting similar crises.
By embracing exports, they ended up being one of the few major nations to circumvent foreign exposure in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis.
在 2008 年全球金融危機爆發後,通過出口,他們最終成為少數幾個規避外國風險的主要國家之一。
Of course, nobody completely dodged the bullet, but it allowed Thailand to bounce back much faster than many of its competitors.
Additionally, as referenced earlier, utilising the Malacca Strait, Thailand's legendary reputation for rice exports was a godsend, and even that is a bit of an understatement.
See, rice is considered to be an inelastic good, meaning that when the price of said good changes, the quantity demanded doesn't change that significantly, because it's more or less an essential form of sustenance to billions of people.
And given the location of Thailand, close to a large number of countries that consume rice as a mealtime staple, dessert, and necessity, there was always going to be a large consumer base eager to purchase it, meaning that even though it may not be the most profitable export, it was always going to be in demand.
That location is good for more than just competitive global trade too, there's also the environment that comes along with it.
Whether it's the beaches of Koh Samui, the lush landscape of Phuket, or partying in Bangkok, Thailand stands as a cultural monument ripe for tourism.
This in conjunction with the aforementioned improvements in infrastructure has made it a global hotspot, but there were, and are, still considerable hoops to jump through to sustain that.
Before the pandemic, it was actually the 8th most visited country on the planet, with Bangkok being the most visited city in the world.
It's tourism that's earned a spot amongst Thailand's biggest industries, accounting for some 20% of gross domestic product.
旅遊業是泰國最大的產業之一,約佔國內生產總值的 20%。
In 2019, Thailand earned $90 billion from domestic and international tourism, but the pandemic caused revenues to crash to $24 billion in 2020.
2019 年,泰國的國內和國際旅遊業收入為 900 億美元,但大流行病導致 2020 年的收入銳減至 240 億美元。
Surprisingly though, even with this loss of foot traffic and the gradual recovery, Thailand is still doing okay.
There are a large number of travelers who visit Thailand and can't help but stay for long periods of time.
The country has become a hotspot for digital nomads who are attracted to the country for its low cost of living, good internet, and relatively pro-business culture.
Its growth has been slower than in the 1980s and 1990s, but that's potentially a sign of things being more stable and sustainable.
與 20 世紀 80 年代和 90 年代相比,其增長速度有所放緩,但這有可能是更加穩定和可持續發展的跡象。
After all, a rapid rise in GDP is not often indicative of lasting prosperity.
Of course, it's easy to assume that this might turn into an all-too-familiar situation where foreign workers and other buyers flood in to make large acquisitions, while locals sacrifice affordability to favor foreign participation, but Thailand appears to have that handled.
The country is very welcoming and accommodating of foreign workers and even foreigners who want to set up their own businesses in the country or buy a home, but there are severe limitations on things like property ownership not used as a primary residence.
This tends to create just enough incentive for foreign participation, while not giving up sovereign wealth sectors significantly.
The nomads get the pleasure of participating in a growing market, while the Thai people get to feed off the largest slice of the pie.
It's a method that theoretically provides universal benefits to all, and this could be a big win for Thailand because these people bring a lot of money to the local economy and also spread their technical knowledge in something being dubbed reverse brain drain.
So with so much going for it, Thailand could be the economy to watch in the region as China is currently struggling with the same problems that they have already dealt with three decades ago.
But there is one thing, Thailand does have a bit of a coup problem, there are many with the most recent occurring in 2014 and there have been 19 since 1932.
但有一點,泰國確實有點政變問題,最近的一次發生在 2014 年,而自 1932 年以來已經發生了 19 次政變。
Now this would kill most economies as tourists would be too scared to travel there, businesses would be too scared to operate without constant paranoia, and investors would be worried about the next government seizing power just to take their assets away.
But, and this is a big but, in Thailand this hasn't really happened because it has an elite coup culture.
但是,這是一個很大的 "但是",在泰國,這種情況並沒有真正發生,因為泰國有一種精英政變文化。
In fact the country is so used to coups at this point that it has just become the expectation, and most industries operate in the country with the understanding that if a new government wants to seize power they can't mess things up too badly.
This may seem incredibly odd from an outside perspective, but this is essentially how it all works.
Thailand's interventionist pattern has been reinforced by the special status of the king and the royal family who have been protected by the army at any cost.
Defending the institution of the monarchy, which is officially considered the pinnacle of Thailand's sacred and secular life, is the primary requirement of national security.
Because of this, all military coups that have occurred in Thailand during this time have hinged on public approval, which protects the monarchy, particularly when it comes to dismantling oligarchies and vast fortunes.
The recalibration of economic power is almost inevitably a post-coup outcome, going right back to 1932.
經濟權力的重新調整幾乎不可避免地是政變後的結果,這可以追溯到 1932 年。
The coups will most likely continue to occur, but it basically ends up being an isolated feudal skirmish for the approval of a family they have generationally deemed to be sacred and untouchable, effectively leaving foreigners and most citizens to conduct business as usual to maintain the status quo.
And for this reason, and many others, Thailand is a bit of an economic paradox, one with many lessons for the rest of the world.
If nothing else, it's handling of skilled migration into a still relatively poor population is something that puts other, far more established countries to shame.
How much of this method can be applied to one's respective country is up for debate, but for the Thai economy, at least for now, everything seems to be on the right track, at least until the next coup comes along.
Ok, now it's time to put Thailand on the economics explained leaderboard.
Starting as always with size, the country has a GDP of just over half a trillion dollars, making it the fourth largest economy in Asia, behind only Indonesia, Japan, and of course China.
首先是規模,該國的國內生產總值略高於 5 萬億美元,是亞洲第四大經濟體,僅次於印度尼西亞、日本,當然還有中國。
And this makes it a major global economy by size alone, and it gets a 7 out of 10.
單從規模上看,它已成為全球主要經濟體,在滿分 10 分中,它得到了 7 分。
That GDP is spread out over a population of 71 million people, which means despite its strong nominal figures, it only has a GDP per capita of $6,910, or roughly half the global average.
這些 GDP 分佈在 7100 萬人口中,這意味著儘管名義數字很高,但人均 GDP 只有 6910 美元,約為全球平均水平的一半。
This is improving for all of the reasons we explored in this video, but for now, Thailand is still early on the development process, and it gets a 3 out of 10.
由於我們在本視頻中探討的各種原因,該系統正在不斷改進,但就目前而言,泰國仍處於開發流程的早期階段,滿分為 3 分。
Stability and confidence is not great, while it's home to the world's most considerate political coups, they do still have an impact on regular economic functions.
Throw in ongoing issues with corruption and a reliance on a few select industries and the country can't get more than a 5 out of 10.
再加上持續存在的腐敗問題和對少數幾個特定行業的依賴,這個國家在滿分 10 分中只能得到 5 分。
Growth has been very strong, while not as rapid as the first wave of industrialization in the 1980s, the country has still almost doubled its economic output over the last decade.
增長勢頭非常強勁,雖然不如 20 世紀 80 年代的第一波工業化浪潮那麼迅猛,但在過去十年中,該國的經濟產出仍幾乎翻了一番。
That's even after the crash in tourism caused by the global pandemic, an industry that's recovering quickly and should be reflected in next year's output figures.
Even still, for now, it gets a 9 out of 10.
儘管如此,就目前而言,它仍能獲得 9 分(滿分 10 分)。
Industry is strong and impressively diverse.
The country is still a large agricultural power, but it also exports a range of relatively advanced products.
It doesn't however have much in the way of its own home-grown global companies or industries and its heavy reliance on tourism means it can only get a 6 out of 10.
然而,它並沒有什麼本土的全球性公司或產業,而且嚴重依賴旅遊業,這意味著它只能獲得 6 分(滿分 10 分)。
Altogether, that gives Thailand an average score of 6 out of 10, exactly in line with Bangladesh and the Philippines, two of its closest regional rivals.
總之,泰國的平均得分為 6 分(滿分 10 分),與孟加拉國和菲律賓這兩個最接近的地區競爭對手完全一致。
You should be able to click to the video we made on both of those economies on your screen now.
Thanks for watching mate, bye.