字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Five things you need to stop doing in your life right now. 你現在需要停止做的五件事 The first thing is the presentation of innocence. 首先是展現純真。 Because usually, when someone does something that they label as bad, they will start to consciously or subconsciously rationalize why they did that thing. 因為通常情況下,當一個人做了自己認為不好的事情時,他就會開始有意識或下意識地合理化自己為什麼要做這件事。 And you will hear them say stuff like, well, I only did it because you were doing it too, I saw it. 你會聽到他們說,我這麼做是因為你也在這麼做,我看到了。 Or, I only did it because I thought you were doing it. 或者說,我這麼做只是因為我以為你在這麼做。 Or, well, I only did this because that's what everyone else is doing. 或者說,我這麼做只是因為其他人都這麼做。 Or you'll hear people say, well, I did this because of my trauma and my past, I don't know any better. 或者你會聽到有人說,我這樣做是因為我的創傷和過去,我不知道更好的辦法。 What's happening here is they're trying to present themselves as something that they're not. 現在的情況是,他們試圖把自己表現得與事實不符。 They're trying to create an illusion. 他們試圖製造一種假象。 They're trying to create a block between you and reality through these lies that they're telling themselves. 他們試圖通過對自己說的這些謊言,在你和現實之間製造障礙。 And this is the scary thing. 這就是可怕之處。 These people are not lying to you, they're lying to themselves. 這些人不是在騙你,而是在騙自己。 And lying to yourself is the guaranteed way to become dependent, to become weak, to become disempowered to the point where you can't accomplish anything in your life. 而欺騙自己則是讓自己變得依賴、變得軟弱、變得無能,以至於一生一事無成的保證。 And true power, true change in your life starts with you empowering yourself, which starts with you taking complete ownership and accountability with every single aspect in your life. 而真正的力量,生活中真正的改變,始於你對自己的賦權,始於你對生活中方方面面的完全自主和負責。 Go to your bank account and look how much money is in it. 去你的銀行賬戶看看裡面有多少錢。 That money is there or not there because of the decisions that you made. 這些錢有或沒有,都是因為你做出的決定。 Look at your relationships, look at your past relationships. 看看你的人際關係,看看你過去的人際關係。 All of those things happen 100% because of you. 所有這些事情的發生,百分之百都是因為你。 And I'm saying this to you not to make you feel bad, I'm saying this to you because I love you and I want you to succeed. 我對你說這些並不是讓你感到難過,我對你說這些是因為我愛你,我希望你能成功。 And this is actually step one to being successful. 這其實是成功的第一步。 And the second thing that you need to stop doing is you need to stop thinking that the world is this really bad, evil place where everyone is out to try to get you. 你需要停止做的第二件事是,你需要停止認為這個世界是一個非常糟糕、邪惡的地方,每個人都在試圖對付你。 Because the truth is, is that your world is a reflection of your reality. 因為事實上,你的世界就是你的現實的反映。 It's a reflection of you. 這是你的寫照。 So if every single person in your life is lying and they're doing all these horrible things, that's because that's within you. 所以,如果你生活中的每個人都在撒謊,都在做這些可怕的事情,那是因為這是你的內心在作祟。 For me personally, everyone in my life is amazing. 就我個人而言,我生命中的每個人都很了不起。 My friends are so honest. 我的朋友們都很誠實。 They're all successful. 他們都很成功。 They're caring. 他們很有愛心。 We talk about starting charities. 我們談論創辦慈善機構。 Those are the people in my life because that's a reflection of myself. 這些都是我生命中的人,因為這也是我自己的寫照。 And the reason why you won't hear any YouTuber talking about this because this content does not get views. 你之所以聽不到任何 YouTuber 談論這個問題,是因為這些內容沒有瀏覽量。 What gets views is me saying, oh no, it's not your fault. 我說,哦,不,這不是你的錯。 It's the government. 是政府。 It's the economy because that makes you feel good because it removes accountability. 這是經濟問題,因為這讓你感覺良好,因為它消除了問責制。 Like I said, I love you too much and I care about you too much to tell you lies. 我說過,我太愛你了,我太在乎你了,我不會對你撒謊。 I love you so much that I am going to empower you right now. 我是如此愛你,以至於我現在就要賦予你力量。 The third thing that you need to stop doing is you need to stop living your life as though you are never going to die. 你需要停止做的第三件事是,你需要停止把自己的生活過得好像自己永遠不會死一樣。 I swear to God, the number one prescription for making every single person in the world way happier is to give them perspective. 我對天發誓,讓世界上每一個人都變得更快樂的頭號良方,就是給他們透視的角度。 And the way that you give someone perspective is through telling them you are going to die. 而讓別人看到你的方式,就是告訴他們你要死了。 You are not 20 years old. 你不是 20 歲。 You have 60 years left to live. 你還有 60 年可活。 Then you are going to die. 那你就死定了。 Your skin is going to get wrinkled. 你的皮膚會變得皺巴巴的。 Your hair is going to fall out. 你的頭髮會掉光的 Your heart is going to stop beating. 你的心臟會停止跳動。 And because of this, why are you getting mad at such little things? 正因為如此,你為什麼要為這些小事生氣呢? Why are you being so disrespectful to your partner, the person who you say you're going to spend the rest of your life with, the person who's supposed to die beside you? 你為什麼要如此不尊重你的伴侶,那個你說要共度餘生的人,那個本該死在你身邊的人? Why are you treating them with such disrespect? 你為什麼對他們如此不尊重? I actually think if every single person had to be reminded of the fact that they are going to die one day, the entire world would change and everyone would be a lot more happy. 實際上,我認為如果每個人都必須提醒自己有一天會死,那麼整個世界都會改變,每個人都會更加快樂。 The fourth thing that you need to stop doing is stop putting off the thing that you know that you should do. 你需要停止做的第四件事是停止拖延你知道應該做的事情。 If you need to make more money, why are you watching Netflix? 如果你需要賺更多的錢,為什麼還要看 Netflix? Why are you doing anything if you're close to being homeless? 如果你都快無家可歸了,還做什麼? If you're someone who has money and your dating life is atrocious, no one likes you, no one is dating you, how is that not your main priority? 如果你是一個有錢人,但你的約會生活糟糕透頂,沒有人喜歡你,沒有人和你約會,這怎麼會不是你的首要任務呢? You should make money to sustain your life then put all of your energy into your dating life. 你應該賺錢維持生活,然後把所有精力投入到約會生活中。 Life is not that complicated. 生活並沒有那麼複雜。 Define what your goal is and then start behaving in a way that will get you to that goal. 確定你的目標是什麼,然後開始以一種能讓你實現目標的方式行事。 It's literally that simple. 就是這麼簡單。 And the fifth thing that everyone needs to stop doing is stop being stupid and start using common sense. 第五件事是每個人都必須停止做的,那就是停止愚蠢,開始運用常識。 Because the truth is, is most people know how to get most things in life. 因為事實上,大多數人都知道如何獲得生活中的大多數東西。 If you want to get jacked and shredded in the gym, you know you should go to the gym. 如果你想在健身房裡練就一身肌肉,你就應該去健身房。 But Mitch, I don't know a workout to do. 但米奇,我不知道該怎麼鍛鍊。 Then go research it. 那就去研究一下。 We have the internet, same with diet, same with even making money. 我們有互聯網,飲食也是如此,甚至賺錢也是如此。 There's endless videos talking about how to make money. 關於如何賺錢的視頻層出不窮。 Just start watching them and start implementing. 開始觀看,開始實施。 When it comes to dating, well, Mitch, no one likes me right now. 說到約會,米奇,現在沒人喜歡我。 My dating life is horrible. 我的約會生活糟透了。 How many people have you approached this week? 本週你接觸了多少人? You know that your dating life is not going to be good unless you actually start talking to people. 你知道,除非你真正開始與人交談,否則你的約會生活不會好。 So go start talking to people. 那就開始和人們交談吧。 And if you don't know the how behind all of these things, just start researching and start trying. 如果你不知道這些事情背後的方法,那就開始研究,開始嘗試。 I'm telling you, life is extremely simple. 我告訴你,生活極其簡單。 However, it is specific and it is difficult to do these things. 然而,這些事情是具體的,很難做到。 I like to think of life as one big cold shower. 我喜歡把生活想象成一場大冷水澡。 It's not really complicated to get into a cold shower. 洗冷水澡其實並不複雜。 It's not that complicated to approach the track, the person on the street, but it is hard. 走近賽道、走近街頭的人並不複雜,但卻很難。 But you will have to do it at some point. 但在某些時候,你必須這樣做。 And you're welcome to look at different methods and different processes on how to do it. 歡迎你們研究不同的方法和不同的流程。 But you have to start doing it. 但你必須開始這樣做。 Going back to the thing you have to stop doing, stop pretending that you're going to live forever. 回到你必須停止做的事情,停止假裝你會長生不老。 Those are the five things that you need to stop doing. 這就是你需要停止做的五件事。 If you enjoyed this video, then click the video on the screen right now. 如果您喜歡這段視頻,請馬上點擊螢幕上的視頻。 I promise you will love it. 我保證你會喜歡的。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 停止 生活 走近 米奇 試圖 複雜 原來在不經意之間做的這 4 個習慣會毀掉你的人生?! (4 Habits That Are Ruining Your Life (Animated)) 24768 176 VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 31 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字