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  • What's up, sunshine? Rise up. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news because of you.

    大家好啊?加油吧。我是 Coy Wire。 這是 CNN 10,因為有你,才有了新聞中最精彩的 10 分鐘。

  • Got to meet some of you this weekend. All my new friends at Youth Villages-Inner Harbour in Douglasville, Georgia. I see you, Mr. Wilbur, Mr. Blue.


  • All right, let's get you your headlines. Starting in Grand Canyon National Park, where flash flooding prompted the rescues of more than 100 people.

    讓我們為你提供頭條新聞。 大峽谷國家公園洪水氾濫,山洪暴發導致 100 多人需救援。

  • Monsoon storms turned waterways into raging rivers of dangerous debris, endangering hikers, tourists and tribes in the area.


  • Search and rescue operations began after local authorities shut down the area to tourists.


  • Arizona's National Guard used a Black Hawk helicopter to evacuate 104 tourists and tribal members from a canyon on the lands of the Havasupai tribe.

    亞利桑那州國民警衛隊使用一架黑鷹直升機從哈瓦蘇派部落土地上的一個峽谷疏散了 104 名遊客和部落成員。

  • Sadly, the body of a missing hiker was recovered along the Colorado River over the weekend.


  • The Park Service and the Coconino County Medical Examiner are conducting investigation.


  • CNN meteorologists say no rain is in the forecast in the area in the coming days.

    CNN 的氣象學家稱,預計未來幾天該地區不會降雨。

  • And you may have spotted in a city near you, security robots that are patrolling communities and buildings from New York to Hawaii.


  • These oblong bots are using a suite of sensors to help out human security guards in their duties.


  • Experts and manufacturers say their strength lies in their advanced technologies working alongside security officials.


  • But they've also sparked concerns about privacy issues and potential job losses for humans in the security field.


  • Critics are also raising questions about their effectiveness in keeping the public safe.


  • Right now, there is a lack of public data to prove just how effective these robots are, so we'll still have yet to see whether they can be a reliable security solution.


  • Next, in Princeton, New Jersey, a high school reunion unlike any other.


  • A group of former students, athletes and coaches from Princeton High School have been rallying together over the last 16 months.

    在過去的 16 個月裡,普林斯頓高中的一群退役學生、運動員和教練團結在一起。

  • That's how long their former classmate, Evan Gershkovich, was wrongfully detained in Russia

    這就是他們的前同學 Evan Gerstovich 在俄羅斯被錯誤拘留的時間。

  • The 32-year-old "Wall Street Journal" reporter was convicted of espionage there in a sham trial and sentenced to 16 years in a harsh penal colony.

    這位 32 歲的《華爾街日報》記者在一次虛假審判中被判犯有間諜罪,並被判處在嚴酷的刑罰殖民地服刑 16 年。

  • Despite the circumstances, Gershkovich's family, colleagues and community and former classmates back at home kept hope alive.


  • For 491 days, they all kept his story in the public consciousness, and on August 1st, their efforts paid off.

    在長達 491 天的時間裡,他們都在讓公眾瞭解他的故事,8 月 1 日,他們的努力得到了回報。

  • Gershkovich was among 24 detainees released as part of a complex prisoner swap between Russia, the U.S. and other Western nations.

    格甚科維奇是俄羅斯、美國和其他西方國家之間複雜的囚犯交換行動中釋放的 24 名被拘留者之一。

  • Here's how they kept the fight for his release and are now finally welcoming him home.


  • That's right, well, it's Evan's former high school soccer coaches, some of his former teammates who gathered here, and they're all breathing a sigh of relief to learn that Evan is finally home.


  • You see, this is the community that saw Evan grow up.


  • He went to Princeton High School where he played soccer, won the state championship when he was a senior.


  • So this is a community of people that have watched him grow up, followed his career, and when they found out that he had been taken into custody and put into a Russian prison, they jumped right into action.


  • They tried to figure out what they could do as a community to support him.


  • They partnered with the "Wall Street Journal" and held a series of events to keep Evan's name and his story in people's minds.


  • They worried that as time went on that somehow people would forget about Evan's story.


  • So they've been holding these types of events.


  • In fact, the event that was held here was originally scheduled to be another one of these awareness type of events.


  • But when they learned the good news on August 1st that Evan was coming home, they quickly pivoted and changed this into a welcoming party.

    但是,當他們在 8 月 1 日得知埃文要回家的好消息後,他們很快就改變了主意,把這變成了一個歡迎派對。

  • They have gathered here, the same place where they gathered as young students.


  • This is where they gather to celebrate their victories.


  • They say they want to welcome him home and celebrate that he's finally free.


  • Pop quiz, hot shot.


  • Which African nation has not one but three capital cities? Zimbabwe, South Africa, Tanzania, or Algeria?


  • South Africa has an executive, legislative and judicial capital in Pretoria, Cape Town and Bloemfontein, respectively.


  • South Africa`s biodiversity is unmatched.


  • It's known for being home to the largest land mammals, the African elephant and rhinos, and it's also home to marine life like great white sharks, penguins and fur seals.


  • Wildlife teams in Cape Town have come up with a clever way to protect the endangered seals from challenges they face from their contact with humans and plastic waste, all while showing them off to visitors.


  • It's an early and quiet morning at one of South Africa's most visited tourist destinations, Cape Town's iconic V&A Waterfront, which attracts around 24 million people annually.

    這是南非遊客最多的旅遊勝地之一的一個寧靜清晨、開普敦標誌性的 V&A 海濱,每年吸引約 2400 萬人前來遊覽。

  • Situated in the oldest working harbor in the Southern Hemisphere, it's also a welcoming host to an entirely different breed of mammal.


  • Over the past 20 years, we've had a population of wild Cape fur seals making use of our harbor as acting as an extension of our oceans.

    在過去的 20 年裡,我們有一群野生南非海狗,它們利用我們的港口作為海洋的延伸。

  • And to them, I really think they believe this to be their home. It's a stop of point or a safe space.


  • They're not habituated, but they move in and out as they please.


  • Aside from playing the part of waterfront attraction, they also play a vital role within the marine ecosystem.


  • They help balance everything out from being a prey source to being a predator themselves.


  • They indicate how the health of the ocean is doing and they give us a valuable insight how the bigger picture of our ocean helps.


  • Once heavily hunted, Cape fur seals are now a protected species in South Africa, and it's estimated that around 2 million inhabit the coasts of Southern Africa.

    南非海狗曾經被大量捕殺,現在是南非的受保護物種。據估計,大約有 200 萬人居住在南部非洲沿海地區。

  • Still, they face significant challenges with climate change, human-wildlife conflict, and more recently rabies, all areas of concern.


  • Here on the waterfront, a team from the nearby Two Oceans Aquarium looks after them.


  • The program that we run here, the Marine Wildlife Management Program, is unique.


  • It's the first of its kind in the world, where we are essentially reducing conflict between humans and animals within the space of a working harbor/tourist destination. We are the buffer.


  • But one of the most widespread and tangible threats facing these curious creatures is plastic pollution.


  • We are out here on our second patrol of the day, looking for any seals that have plastic around their neck in the hope that we can actually get them disentangled this morning.


  • Removing the plastic items, which is most often commercial fishing debris, can be a challenge so they have to get creative.


  • So we gave them the dedicated seal platform you`re going to see behind me there with all the seals resting on it.


  • The added benefit to the seal platform is that we've made the gaps between the wood and slats very wide and for a very specific reason.


  • We have around 100 seals a year that come into the waterfront with plastic entanglements just like these around their necks. But if they come and rest on our platform here with the wide slats, we get to climb into wetsuits, swim below them and disentangle them.

    每年大約有 100 隻海豹來到海濱,它們的脖子上就纏著這樣的塑膠纏繞物。但是,如果它們來到我們這個有寬板條的平臺上休息,我們就可以穿上潛水衣,游到它們下面,把它們解開。

  • And we use a very special tool for that.


  • This is our cutter and it is a hooked blade on the inside, very thin to fit through the wooden slats.


  • And the idea is that we'll swim in a wetsuit underneath the platform.


  • We poke this through the slats, hook it onto the entanglement and give it a really good tug. And that'll snap it off the seal's neck.


  • From the seal's point of view, he's resting in the sun, he'll feel a tug on his neck, he'll stand up, he'll bark at the seal next to him and lie down again.


  • He doesn't even know there was a human involved in removing this plastic off his neck.


  • Brett Glasby says in 2023 they disentangled 124 seals at the V&A waterfront alone, a statistic that is increasing year after year.

    Brett Glasby 說,2023 年,僅在維多利亞與艾爾伯特博物館(V&A)海濱,他們就解救了 124 隻海豹,而且這個數字還在逐年增加。

  • Today's story, getting a 10 out of 10, it's a home run, baby.

    今天的故事,滿分 10 分是全壘打,寶貝。

  • In a real-life sandlot in Kansas, complete with a dog on the other side of the fence, a group of neighborhood kids got the surprise of their lives when an MLB star asked if he could join their wiffle ball game.

    在堪薩斯州的一個真實的沙場上,柵欄的另一側有一條狗,一群鄰居的孩子得到了他們一生中的驚喜,一位 MLB 球星問他們是否可以參加他們的威布爾球比賽。

  • Kansas City Royals catcher Salvador Perez played a couple of innings with these young sluggers and he even hit a home run. Absolutely epic.


  • All right, superstars, today's shout-out goes to Union Colony Preparatory School in Greeley, Colorado. Let them hear you howl, Timberwolves. We're keeping it moving this week and making it one to be proud of.


  • There are going to be hurdles on your way to the finish line, but no matter what it is, just keep going.


  • See you tomorrow, everyone.


  • I'm Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.

    我是 Coy Wire,我們是 CNN 10。

What's up, sunshine? Rise up. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news because of you.

大家好啊?加油吧。我是 Coy Wire。 這是 CNN 10,因為有你,才有了新聞中最精彩的 10 分鐘。

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