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  • In this English lesson, I'd like to help you learn five English phrases, and each of those phrases will have the word attention in it.

    在這節英語課上,我想幫助大家學習五個英語短語,每個短語中都有 attention 這個單詞。

  • The first phrase is the phrase "attention to detail".

    第一句話是 "注重細節"。

  • You'll notice the attention to detail of this bob, the Canadian bobblehead, is simply amazing.


  • In English, when we use the phrase "attention to detail", we mean something is very well made.

    在英語中,當我們使用 "attention to detail"(注重細節)這一短語時,我們的意思是某樣東西做得非常好。

  • We mean that it is very accurate and very precise.


  • You'll notice I'm wearing my wedding ring and my Fitbit.

    你會發現我戴著婚戒和 Fitbit。

  • The bobblehead is wearing a wedding ring and a Fitbit.

    公仔戴著結婚戒指和 Fitbit。

  • The hair is exactly the same color.


  • The facial hair is very accurate.


  • The shirt, the pants, the black belt, even the design on my running shoes is completely reproduced on the bobblehead.


  • So, when we use "attention to detail", when we use that phrase in English, we're talking about something that was made, how this bobblehead was made.

    是以,當我們使用 "注重細節 "時,當我們在英語中使用這個短語時,我們說的是某樣東西是如何製作出來的,這個公仔是如何製作出來的。

  • Very accurately, very precisely, everything is where you would expect it to be.


  • By the way, thank you so much Mode Eggs for this bobblehead.

    順便說一句,非常感謝 Mode Eggs 提供的公仔。

  • This is one of the coolest birthday gifts that I have ever received.


  • Jen and I have been laughing every time we walk by it, so thanks. Have you ever been with a group of people and one of those people likes it when everyone listens to them or likes it when everyone watches them do whatever they're doing?


  • We would say that person likes being the center of attention.


  • In English, when we say someone likes being the center of attention, it means they like it when everyone in the room is listening to them or watching them.


  • I do not like being the center of attention.


  • When I'm in a room with a whole bunch of people, I like to sit quietly in the corner and talk to one or two people.


  • I do not like to be the center of attention, but some people do.


  • Some people love it when everyone watches them, everyone laughs at their jokes, and everyone listens to what they're saying.


  • They love being the center of attention. This past weekend, Jen and I went to see a baseball game.


  • And the cool thing when you go and watch a sports game is that people will stand at attention when they play the national anthem.


  • You might stand with your hands folded behind your back, your hands folded in front, or just have your arms at your side.


  • If you have a hat, you might take it off and just hold it right here, but you will stand at attention.


  • In English, when we use the phrase "stand at attention", it means to stand in a way where you're showing respect for whatever is happening.

    在英語中,當我們使用 "stand at attention"(立正)這一短語時,意思是無論發生什麼事,都要以一種表示尊重的方式站立。

  • So again, you might just stand with your hands at your side, folded in front, or folded behind you.


  • You'll stand at attention. Whenever you decide that you want to cross a road or a street, you need to pay attention.


  • In English, we use the phrase "pay attention" in situations where you need to look or listen.

    在英語中,我們在需要看或聽的情況下使用 "注意 "一詞。

  • You need to be alert.


  • If you don't look both ways before you cross the road, if you don't look both ways, if you don't pay attention, it's very, very dangerous.


  • So nothing's coming from that way.


  • Nothing's coming from that way.


  • I have paid attention.


  • I have made sure that I have looked both ways a bunch of times, and now I can safely cross.


  • There are many times in life where it's important to pay attention.


  • If a teacher says "pay attention", it means they want you to look at the board and listen to what they're saying.

    如果老師說 "專心聽講",這意味著他們希望你看著黑板聽他們講課。

  • They want you to be alert.


  • They want you to know what's going on in the moment.


  • Sometimes when students are on their phone, I just say, "Hey, pay attention.


  • I'm teaching something here." Well, I hope I was able to hold your attention for this entire English lesson.


  • In English, when you say you want to hold someone's attention, it means you want them to watch or listen to what you're doing the entire time.


  • Teachers often want to hold the attention of their students.


  • When YouTubers make videos, they want to hold your attention.

    當 YouTub 製作視頻時,他們希望吸引你的注意力。

  • They want you to be interested and entertained from the beginning until the end of the video.


  • So hopefully I was able to hold your attention.


  • Well, thank you so much for watching this English lesson.


  • I hope you were able to learn five new English phrases that you can use in your next English conversation.


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  • Please click it.


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  • And if you have more time and you want to learn some more English, there's always more English lessons to watch.


  • You.

In this English lesson, I'd like to help you learn five English phrases, and each of those phrases will have the word attention in it.

在這節英語課上,我想幫助大家學習五個英語短語,每個短語中都有 attention 這個單詞。

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