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  • Don't say, "I came from" if someone asks you, "Where are you from?" Hey, guys, it's Shane from English Understood here. "Where are you from" is a very common question that you often get asked when you meet someone new, so it's important that you know how to answer it correctly. "Where are you from" is normally asking about your country or your city.

    如果有人問你 "你來自哪裡",不要說 "我來自"。嘿,夥計們,我是來自 "英語易懂 "的謝恩。"你從哪裡來 "是一個非常常見的問題,當你遇到一個新朋友時,經常會被問到這個問題,所以知道如何正確回答這個問題非常重要。"你從哪裡來 "通常是問你的國家或城市。

  • It's not asking where you came from today.


  • To answer the question, simply say, "I'm from" plus your country. "I'm from Australia." "I'm from China." "I'm from Brazil." And if you want to ask the other person where they are from, simply add "What about you" after your answer. "I'm from Australia.

    回答問題時,只需說 "我來自",再加上你的國家。"我來自澳洲""我來自中國""我來自巴西"如果你想問對方來自哪裡,只需在回答後加上 "那你呢"。"我來自澳洲。

  • What about you?" So, now let me ask you a question: "Where are you from?" Comment down below.


Don't say, "I came from" if someone asks you, "Where are you from?" Hey, guys, it's Shane from English Understood here. "Where are you from" is a very common question that you often get asked when you meet someone new, so it's important that you know how to answer it correctly. "Where are you from" is normally asking about your country or your city.

如果有人問你 "你來自哪裡",不要說 "我來自"。嘿,夥計們,我是來自 "英語易懂 "的謝恩。"你從哪裡來 "是一個非常常見的問題,當你遇到一個新朋友時,經常會被問到這個問題,所以知道如何正確回答這個問題非常重要。"你從哪裡來 "通常是問你的國家或城市。

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