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  • Tonight starting lineups brought to you by Crowne Royal George you're playing much better in Cleveland with your own arena the last two games Meanwhile the Celtics they're a different team as well As we said James guarded by Baines cross-court Kevin Love Love off the dribble That's the first bucket of the game in the closeout of Horford And that's a good sign for the Cavaliers Rozier with his first shot Payton against George Hill steps back at the elbow Different defenders including a number of times Terry Rozier the other game held by Baines Brown to the basket backer won't go Baines on the trip Brown football denial on James very physical James steps behind the arc his three-pointer is good Being defended by love Tristan Thompson has done such a good job on Horford as Kevin Love steps back and it's the three-pointer Did an excellent job for the most part in game four and it's got themselves too big a hole Love way outside.

    今晚的首發陣容由 Crowne Royal 為您帶來 喬治,你在克利夫蘭打得更好了,過去兩場比賽都是在你自己的場館裡進行的 同時,凱爾特人也是一支不同的球隊 正如我們所說的,詹姆斯在貝恩斯的防守下橫跨了球場這對騎士隊來說是個好兆頭 羅齊爾第一次投籃 佩頓對位喬治 希爾肘部後撤 不同的防守者 包括多次特里 羅齊爾 另一場比賽被貝恩斯-布朗抱住 上籃後衛不上 貝恩斯上趟 布朗足球否認對詹姆斯非常有身體 詹姆斯走到弧頂後 他的三分球很好在第四場比賽的大部分時間裡,他們都做得非常出色,這讓他們自己有了一個太大的漏

  • That's another three and take to me Tatum Tatum fires from three rattles that one home second three-pointer Celtics looks to push Tatum rifles a pass to Bain Kevin Love has Tatum on Love kicks it back out Smith up top hill football moving here from Cleveland James on the attack stops ground goes to the fake Count it and one He the Celtics got away with some contact on that drive, but LeBron James get back defensively Marcus smart fires Tatum spins on the inbounds throws it back out Morris Morris shoots over Kevin Love For three-pointer, I'm gonna say that's how the draft would go in Jeff Van Gundy's draft world who you're drafting instead Both of those guys are dynamic.

    這又是一個三分球,塔圖姆-塔圖姆三分線外出手,將球打進,凱爾特人隊看起來要推塔圖姆-塔圖姆傳球給貝恩斯凱文-勒夫,勒夫將球回傳給史密斯,史密斯上籃得分,克利夫蘭隊的詹姆斯在進攻中停了下來,去假動作數了數,一個他凱爾特人隊在這次進攻中擺脫了一些接觸、但勒布朗-詹姆斯防守反擊 馬庫斯-斯馬特火力全開 塔圖姆在內線旋轉將球扔出 莫里斯-莫里斯在凱文-樂福頭上投中三分球 我想說在傑夫-范甘迪的選秀世界裡選秀就是這樣的 你要選的是誰呢?

  • I'd be happy with either one of them going Love against Morris LeBron James sitting right now.


  • Jeff's Reed is in Kevin Love banks at home Brown steps back little fake fires Jalen Brown Corbett guarding Rozier Those year pull-up shot in the paint.


  • They ain't step is good six boys One of the Cleveland games James throws it up for the bounce last touch by Morris What an outstanding play.


  • Oh Pushes Morris Morris goes back.


  • They have to be separated The play had kind of stopped Morris started to walk away after knocking down Nance.


  • He said something to him Nance waited a bit then when he get up shoved him from behind.


  • It's the Corbett Corbett three-pointer It's the rebound fake puts it on the floor back out to Corbett Corbett behind the line tries again and connects Shot clock at six James fires away We've got smart tipped away and Nance puts it in Clarkson Brown gets three Corbett chases him off the line drives inside.

    這是科比特-科比特的三分球,這是籃板假動作,把球傳回給科比特-科比特,科比特在底線後再次出手,命中 投籃時間是 6 秒,詹姆斯投籃不中,我們機智地把球投了出去,南斯把球投進,克拉克森-布朗三分命中,科比特把他追出底線,打進內線。

  • Oh what a block from Nance and a jump ball Larry LeBron James Ball fake finance back out Clarkson Clarkson lines it up and hits a three Come to get rid of the basketball you let him turn the corner You're not going to get back in front of Marcus Morris gets a good look answers back.


  • Well, it's something successfully James again guarded by Roger Clarkson lines up another and hits another Celtics tonight so far with nine That's Kevin Lovato Steps into a three-pointer shots good Cushion as they head into half Game steps back off one foot.


  • That's good Vermont at the point guard position Morris at the three Morris three-pointer.


  • It's the front of the ribbon goes Off the turnover Morris lost it James goes at Marcus smart smart defense and beautifully the jail James switching hands in midair Smarts jump shot off the glass is good Rush bad shots, which is allowing would allow the Cavs to get it going in trenches Tatum mrs. Horford right there to clean it up and back at home Shot clock at four games Spins face layup shots good as the shot clock expires and J.

    這是前面的絲帶去 關翻身莫里斯失去了它詹姆斯去馬庫斯聰明聰明的防守和美麗的監獄詹姆斯在半空中換手斯馬特跳投玻璃是很好的拉什糟糕的投籃,這是讓會讓騎士隊在壕溝塔圖姆夫人霍福德就在那裡清理它,回到主場 射擊時鐘在四場比賽旋轉面對上籃投籃很好,因為投籃時間到期和J.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.

  • R.


  • Smith And he said George Hill can't go passive when he's in pick and roll or anything offensively He's got to go aggressively and create plays for himself or the guys are Five On the 24th Brown difficult shot is the main reason why it's dropped so so much as those here comes up with a steal Tatum good luck for threes got it Points combined Kevin Love look at a post-up Brown Not a physical play there love just a good shot to be a great player He has been a star in these playoffs George Hill jumper, that's good And James comes he looks out of the pack, I just don't see that floater shot that Morris to the basket reverse banks at home Marcus Morris I Have a love posting up wants it.

    Smith and he said George Hill can't go passive when he's in pick and roll or anything offensively He's got to go aggressively and create plays for himself or the guys are Five On the 24th Brown difficult shot is the main reason why it's dropped so so much

  • Here's the double team love back to James drives count it and one Boston lead their largest has been 17 Hill or Jimmy love off the pass gets inside fakes throws it back out He's gonna throw the backcourt Taylor comes up with a one-man to beat its chase and he lays it in off the glass By Tatum instead of just allowing it to get me a backcourt violation as green with the little jump It's in a brown against Corbett Brown gets into the paint drive shot blocked by Nance Take away those plays.


  • You don't have an NBA Jalen Brown the drive gets it back and banks it in This is the law Clarkson Got a little bump knocks down the shot Clarkson.


  • These things was out at the end of the third I thought he would come back in to start the fourth Marcus smart from downtown Kyle Corbett comes off the screen and nails the three-pointer James pushes James out the quarter green with a corner three.


  • That's good.


  • Jeff Green from drive scoop layup Missed it and Morris the rebound outlet for Rozier Terry Rozier alley-oop and Hartford throws it down Cavaliers were only 71 points James drives left-handed backs at home He's averaging Nearly six turnovers a game Rozier jump shot.


  • That's good.


  • Very Rozier.


  • We eat clock by running a set Only seven Celtics have played for free Tonight throughout the game.


  • They were just stretching him out Rozier to the rim bags at all remaining Visage with some nice defense.


  • You have a cell a cross-court team has to put it up Visage lays it up an inch dominant ones I Need hood getting up his shots It's another arena on Friday Boston Celtics with another dominant win here are these Eastern Conference finals And the Celtics are one win away from a trip to the NBA Finals The LeBron James and the Cavs reigned over the East continue can they force the game seven on Friday night?


  • Or their consecutive trips to the finals end at three


Tonight starting lineups brought to you by Crowne Royal George you're playing much better in Cleveland with your own arena the last two games Meanwhile the Celtics they're a different team as well As we said James guarded by Baines cross-court Kevin Love Love off the dribble That's the first bucket of the game in the closeout of Horford And that's a good sign for the Cavaliers Rozier with his first shot Payton against George Hill steps back at the elbow Different defenders including a number of times Terry Rozier the other game held by Baines Brown to the basket backer won't go Baines on the trip Brown football denial on James very physical James steps behind the arc his three-pointer is good Being defended by love Tristan Thompson has done such a good job on Horford as Kevin Love steps back and it's the three-pointer Did an excellent job for the most part in game four and it's got themselves too big a hole Love way outside.

今晚的首發陣容由 Crowne Royal 為您帶來 喬治,你在克利夫蘭打得更好了,過去兩場比賽都是在你自己的場館裡進行的 同時,凱爾特人也是一支不同的球隊 正如我們所說的,詹姆斯在貝恩斯的防守下橫跨了球場這對騎士隊來說是個好兆頭 羅齊爾第一次投籃 佩頓對位喬治 希爾肘部後撤 不同的防守者 包括多次特里 羅齊爾 另一場比賽被貝恩斯-布朗抱住 上籃後衛不上 貝恩斯上趟 布朗足球否認對詹姆斯非常有身體 詹姆斯走到弧頂後 他的三分球很好在第四場比賽的大部分時間裡,他們都做得非常出色,這讓他們自己有了一個太大的漏

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