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  • Today I'll be showing you how to get Fluxus on Android.

    今天,我將向大家展示如何在 Android 上獲取 Fluxus。

  • First you will need to join the Fluxus Discord server called Kalti Bypass.

    首先,您需要加入名為 Kalti Bypass 的 Fluxus Discord 服務器。

  • Once you're in the server, make sure to verify with the server's bot by simply clicking on the hourglass emoji.


  • Then you need to DM the bot called Kalti Bypass to take you to the Roblox app.

    然後,您需要通過名為 "Kalti Bypass "的 DM 機器人將您帶入 Roblox 應用程序。

  • The bot would generate a key like the ones in the bot commands.


  • Then say slash fluxuskey in the bot dm is for.

    然後在機器人 dm 中輸入 slash fluxuskey。

  • The bot to generate your link.


  • This would normally work if you haven't already redeemed your link.


  • But since I already got my link, we can just move to the next part.


  • Now go to Google Chrome and open up the mega file that I have linked down in the description for you.


  • Now go to the file and download and decrypt it to your downloads.


  • When this pops up, just hit download anyways.

    彈出提示時,請點擊 "下載"。

  • Once Fluxus finishes decrypting, the application is going to ask to install Roblox.

    一旦 Fluxus 完成解密,應用程序就會要求安裝 Roblox。

  • If you have Roblox already installed, uninstall it and let Fluxus reinstall it again.

    如果您已經安裝了 Roblox,請卸載並讓 Fluxus 重新安裝。

  • Now you can use Fluxus.

    現在你可以使用 Fluxus 了。

  • After you have completed everything in the tutorial, just remember to use slash fluxuskey so it can take you to the site.

    完成教程中的所有內容後,請記住使用斜線 fluxuskey,這樣它就能帶你進入網站。

  • You need a key to execute Fluxus.

    執行 Fluxus 需要一把鑰匙。

  • Now you made it to the end of the video.


  • Congratulations.


  • Make sure to like and subscribe to the video and don't forget to hit that subscribe button.


  • And I hope this tutorial gives you a bit of an understanding on how to download Fluxus.

    希望本教程能讓你對如何下載 Fluxus 有一些瞭解。

  • Have a good rest of your day and peace out friends.


Today I'll be showing you how to get Fluxus on Android.

今天,我將向大家展示如何在 Android 上獲取 Fluxus。

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