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  • Ni hao, xiao pi, zi dong gou che, please park the car.

    Ni hao, xiao pi, zi dong gou che, please park the car.

  • Lately, we've been hearing a lot of this.


  • You've got companies like NIO, companies like Lishan, these Chinese NEV makers that are frankly as good, if not better than Tesla right now.

    中國的新能源汽車製造商中,有像 NIO 這樣的公司,也有像力山這樣的公司,坦率地說,這些公司的實力不亞於特斯拉,甚至更勝一籌。

  • This.


  • I know people will say, Americans won't buy Chinese.


  • You know what?


  • You ask somebody, do you want to pay $9,000 for an SUV or do you want to pay 19 or 20,000 for an SUV?

    你問別人,你是想花 9000 美元買一輛 SUV,還是想花 19 或 20000 美元買一輛 SUV?

  • No contest.


  • And this.


  • Causing some concern to the likes of Elon Musk and Tesla and a number of other car makers.


  • China is the largest auto producer in the world.


  • One in three cars is built there.


  • In fact, it has become so productive, its own market can't absorb the inventory.


  • And so the age of the much feared


  • Chinese auto export has begun.


  • For Americans, it's hard to process that because we don't see Chinese cars on American roads.


  • Trust me, go to Australia, to Mexico, to Brazil, to Israel, to South Africa, you're going to see Chinese cars all over the place.


  • American trade groups and others worry China will do with cars what it has done with countless other industries, eradicate competition with cheap labor and materials and abundant government support.


  • Chinese firms are already pushing out competitors at home.


  • The Biden administration slapped a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs in an effort to stop the onslaught before it starts.

    拜登政府對中國電動汽車徵收 100%的關稅,力圖在衝擊開始之前阻止它。

  • Tesla got caught flat footed in the China market because no one anticipated such a severe turn to clean energy vehicles.


  • And we're seeing the effects of that.


  • All the legacy automakers are scrambling.


  • And not just shopping them because they're cheap.


  • They've super scaled the set of features that consumers are demanding.


  • So how formidable are Chinese EVs?


  • How do they stack up against the world's most popular model, the Tesla Model Y?

    與世界上最受歡迎的車型特斯拉 Model Y 相比,它們的性能如何?

  • CNBC tried a few to find out.

    CNBC 試圖找出一些答案。

  • So this is the Tesla Model Y.

    這就是特斯拉 Model Y。

  • This is currently the best selling car in the world.


  • The acceleration on these things is incredible.


  • Tesla is a really highly respected brand in China, but homegrown Chinese automakers are really catching up.


  • And in some cases, surpassing.


  • In fact, there are around 140 EV brands in the country.

    事實上,全國約有 140 個電動汽車品牌。

  • And at least in China, some of them are outselling Tesla.


  • This is Eunice Yun, CNBC's Beijing bureau chief.

    我是 CNBC 北京分社社長尹恩惠。

  • She set out to try some of the Chinese crossovers comparable to the Model Y.

    她開始嘗試一些可與 Model Y 相媲美的中國跨界車。

  • With a few technical exceptions, like Chinese owned brands, such as Volvo, Polestar, and Lotus,

    除了少數技術上的例外,如沃爾沃、Polestar 和蓮花等中國品牌、

  • Chinese cars aren't available in the U.S. yet.


  • I was surprised myself driving these cars.


  • First, let's address price.


  • The BYD Tong, for example, made by Tesla's biggest Chinese rival.

    例如,特斯拉最大的中國競爭對手比亞迪生產的 "比亞迪通"。

  • BYD is known for making cars very cheaply.


  • One of BYD's big selling points is that they're able to give you a car that is a seven seater, a little bit of a shorter range than a Model Y, but at the same time, it's $11,000 cheaper.

    比亞迪的一大賣點是,他們能為你提供一輛七座汽車,續航里程比 Model Y 稍短,但同時價格便宜 1.1 萬美元。

  • How do they get the cost down that much?


  • Well, and then you get into that kind of secret


  • Chinese superpower of state capitalism, where you have entrepreneurs driving costs down, innovating, designing better product, while at the same time getting tremendous support from city, provincial, and national political leaders who want China to win.


  • Between 2009 and 2023, the Chinese government handed out an estimated $231 billion in subsidies and tax breaks.

    從 2009 年到 2023 年,中國政府發放的補貼和稅收減免約為 2310 億美元。

  • BYD, which is not government owned, received $3.7 billion in direct subsidies between 2018 and 2022, most of it in that last year.

    比亞迪並非政府所有,在 2018 年至 2022 年期間獲得了 37 億美元的直接補貼,其中大部分是在最後一年。

  • But one of BYD's biggest advantages is its ability to drive down costs through vertical integration.


  • BYD sold roughly three million cars in 2023, about half of them electric and half plug-in hybrid.

    2023 年,比亞迪的汽車銷量約為 300 萬輛,其中約一半為純電動汽車,一半為插電式混合動力汽車。

  • This year, they're forecasting four million.

    今年,他們預計有 400 萬人。

  • Contrast that with Tesla, which saw sales fall year over year in the first two quarters of 2024.

    相比之下,特斯拉在 2024 年前兩個季度的銷量同比下降。

  • BYD is also one of the largest battery makers.


  • About 40% of China's cost advantage is attributable to its edge in batteries, which make up about 20 to 30% of a vehicle's total cost.

    中國約 40% 的成本優勢歸功於其在電池方面的優勢,而電池成本約佔汽車總成本的 20% 至 30%。

  • BYD has done a phenomenal job of making in-house 75, 80% of the parts that go into their cars.

    比亞迪汽車 75% 至 80% 的零部件都是自己生產的,這一點非常了不起。

  • So they own the batteries and the battery supply chains.


  • That's clear, and it contributes to lower cost and higher quality.


  • And then apart from batteries, pretty much across every other category,


  • BYD's costs are lower than its Chinese competitors, Tesla, and drastically lower than legacy competitors like Ford and GM.


  • But all Chinese automakers benefit from low costs and a localized supply chain.


  • This can be seen in the G6 from XPeng, a relatively small company that listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2020.

    2020 年在紐約證券交易所上市的一家規模相對較小的公司 XPeng 的 G6 就體現了這一點。

  • It hasn't done so well, although results were solid in the last two quarters of 2023.

    雖然在 2023 年的最後兩個季度裡,該公司的業績還算穩定,但表現並不理想。

  • What's their pitch to the consumer?


  • What made them different from the others?


  • Price.


  • So they have a lot of other features in there as well.


  • So we were in the XPeng G6.

    於是,我們坐上了 XPeng G6。

  • When you look at the specs and the dimensions, it's almost identical to the Model Y.

    從規格和尺寸上看,它與 Model Y 幾乎完全相同。

  • But at 27K, it's almost $9,000 cheaper.

    但 2.7 萬的價格卻便宜了近 9000 美元。

  • This is crucial.


  • Chinese cars aren't just cheap.


  • They offer value for money.


  • What Henry Ford did to this industry is he took something that was a rich person's toy and made it so that anybody working in a factory could afford it.


  • China is democratizing the smart EV.


  • And smart is the key word here.


  • This means connected to the internet and loaded with tech.


  • Chinese EVs tend to have a lot of bells and whistles.


  • For example, I could ventilate my seat to deal with the summer heat.


  • Ooh, yeah, I can feel it.


  • I could change a setting so that this EV sounds as though it's running on gas.


  • Vroom.


  • And I could tell the AI assistant to park the car without me.


  • This is very handy.


  • EV makers leverage these affordable tech features to target specific customers.


  • This could be said of the Li Auto L6.

    Li Auto L6 也是如此。

  • Shares of its NASDAQ-listed manufacturer, $20 billion market cap, have had a rocky time while the company carves out its brand identity.

    該公司在納斯達克上市,市值 200 億美元,在打造品牌形象的過程中,其股價經歷了一段坎坷的時期。

  • Li Auto does market itself as more of a family type of car maker.


  • To pull that off, the company offers extras you won't find in a Tesla.


  • Technically, this one wasn't an EV.


  • It has a gas-powered range extender on board.


  • The extender appeals to road-tripping families or the many drivers stuck for hours in the city's notorious gridlock.


  • Li Auto's L6 is about the same price as a Model Y, but has a longer range at 893 miles.

    Li Auto 的 L6 價格與 Model Y 差不多,但續航里程更長,達到 893 英里。

  • So we are driving during rush hour in Beijing traffic, but this five-seater is designed for families.


  • And in a Chinese context, that means that a lot of extra creature comforts are common in the cabin.


  • Family in the front seats can watch TV or get massaged by their chairs.


  • And if you want a cold drink, there's a fridge in the back.


  • At the higher end, there are innovations that companies like Tesla have only talked about.


  • Take NIO, for example.

    以 NIO 為例。

  • It was a hyped IPO on the NYSE back in 2018, but shares are down 90% from a 2021 high due to sluggish sales growth and high cash burn.

    早在 2018 年,該公司就曾在紐約證券交易所上市,但由於銷售增長乏力和高現金消耗,股價從 2021 年的高點下跌了 90%。

  • The company is relatively small, with a $9 billion market cap, and it only sells electric vehicles, about 160,000 of them in 2023.

    該公司規模較小,市值為 90 億美元,只銷售電動汽車,2023 年約為 16 萬輛。

  • NIO has had its own way of dealing with charging challenges, battery swapping, something that Tesla had considered.

    NIO 有自己的方法來應對充電挑戰,即電池交換,特斯拉也曾考慮過這一點。

  • NIO actually did it.

    NIO 真的做到了。

  • If you want to swap your battery, first you find a station, you check what batteries they have, and then you place the order.


  • There are 3,500 battery-swapping stations around the country, most of which are NIO's.

    全國有 3500 個電池更換站,其中大部分是 NIO 的。

  • So we're at 92% charge, and that took a little less than 10 minutes.

    現在電量為 92%,只用了不到 10 分鐘。

  • Well, they say three minutes.


  • My experience was about a little under 10.

    我的經歷大約不到 10 次。

  • It's not difficult to find charging points here in Beijing.


  • This map says eight out of the 10 near me are available.

    這張地圖上顯示,我附近的 10 個地點中,有 8 個是可用的。

  • China currently has 3 million public charging facilities.

    中國目前有 300 萬個公共充電設施。

  • A lot of China auto industry analysts say the tech-forward features in and around these cars are really where Chinese automakers have a leg up on global competition.


  • They are turning cars into connected devices that can work within the larger internet of things.


  • The AI assistant Nomi is a draw as well, while other car AI systems respond to direct voice commands such as, turn off the air conditioner, people on social media say that Nomi sounds more like a person.

    人工智能助理 Nomi 也是一個亮點,雖然其他汽車人工智能系統會直接響應語音指令,比如關閉空調,但社交媒體上的人們說,Nomi 聽起來更像一個人。

  • Hey, Nomi, I feel so cold.


  • So, for example, instead of saying, turn off the air conditioner,

    例如,不要說 "關掉空調"、

  • I would say, oh, I'm feeling really cold right now.


  • And then it would say, oh, okay.


  • And then it starts,


  • I was like, how about I just turn down the air conditioner?


  • And then it would also make some jokes sometimes.


  • So, when it was signing off, it was like, bye.


  • It's no longer how many units of hardware you sell.


  • It's all the data and analytics and aggregation and monetization of services that happen after you sell a car.


  • That's the new business model.


  • If you look at a company like Apple, they sell us things that we didn't know we needed and they charge a 35% premium for it.

    如果你看看像蘋果這樣的公司,他們賣給我們我們不知道我們需要的東西,併為此收取 35% 的溢價。

  • Does it really feel like you're in some sort of space-age cabin or something?


  • Were there any that really stood out in terms of being especially tech-heavy?


  • No.

  • And I think, actually, that's the point.


  • All of these Chinese EV makers are trying to distinguish themselves somehow.


  • So, they keep putting in all these different technology features.


  • Some of them were really, really fun, but then there were some that were not as useful and, in fact, didn't really work very well.


  • So, in two different cars, we tried the auto parking and it was a little stressful.


  • Hello, Xiaopi.


  • Autopark.


  • Please park the car.


  • So, that didn't quite work.


  • We're about seven or eight inches from the car next to us.


  • We didn't hit it, so that's a good thing.


  • But I think we're going to have to try parking again.


  • When we speak to a lot of analysts, they say that Chinese drivers really like these technology features.


  • But on the other hand, it's unclear how these tech features are going to resonate with drivers outside of China.


  • But driving a tech-forward Chinese EV comes with its own costs.


  • What struck me about all of these Chinese EVs is how they didn't focus as much on performance and it kind of showed.


  • When I was in the Model Y, you could have pretty good control in the car and that wasn't really the case on the whole for the cars that we were in that were from the Chinese EV makers.

    當我駕駛 Model Y 時,你可以很好地控制汽車,而對於我們所駕駛的中國電動汽車製造商的汽車來說,整體情況並非如此。

  • You didn't have that same level of precision when you were making a turn, for example.


  • And, in fact, that's a trend and something that is almost common knowledge among Chinese drivers.


  • They'll talk about, oh, there's the Tesla, there's the Model Y, the Model 3, they're the performance cars.

    他們會談論特斯拉、Model Y、Model 3,這些都是性能車。

  • And one reason Chinese car makers can keep prices low might be that they sometimes don't offer more bang for buck.


  • They make compromises.


  • You can really tell the difference from the ones that were pricier.


  • They had nicer finishes.


  • They had nicer interiors.


  • They felt better.


  • There weren't as many kind of jinky or odd designs that were inside the car.


  • For example, in one of the cars that I was in, the steering wheel was kind of off compared to where I'd be sitting.


  • The windshield wipers was placed in an odd place for my hand.


  • And even the premium vehicles show signs that these are new companies, new models, new designs, and automakers haven't worked out a lot of the kinks yet.


  • There was one car that I was in that had really nice leather chairs, but the way that the chairs moved, when you're driving, it's just squeaking the entire time.


  • One of the other models that I was in, it was so loud.


  • Maybe these Chinese companies still don't have it down.


  • So are foreign automakers doomed in China?


  • Some industry watchers have said they suspect it will be hard for non-Chinese firms to compete when homegrown brands are tapping in so well to the Chinese preference for tech.


  • And then there's the question of which of these companies and which business model can succeed, the highly integrated firm that can just beat on cost or the highly connected smart EV maker that makes money off of services and subscriptions.


  • BYD has already established that the proof of concept that they can execute on a business model and be competitive with anybody worldwide in terms of quality, design, and cost.


  • This other notion of a greater ecosystem built around a digital system may very well be the future, may be the TikTok of cars.

    圍繞數字系統建立更大生態系統的另一個概念很可能就是未來,可能就是汽車界的 TikTok。

  • But I'm not ready to say absolutely they're gonna run away with everything because they have a better digital experience.


  • Don't know yet.


  • And can they duplicate in different languages and different cultures, a comparably high level of enjoyment as they do at home for their own consumers?


  • That's a big cultural step for them to take.


  • And their own financial situation is by no means secure.


  • Most of these companies aren't profitable.


  • That's another characteristic of tech.


  • Most of the tech companies, until they reach a critical mass or a certain inflection point from a sales cycle standpoint, they're not gonna be profitable.


  • And the price war is exacerbating that a bit.


  • So will Chinese EV makers dominate the global industry?


  • For Chinese EVs, the big challenge is going to be to convince people overseas who have brand loyalty to the GMs and the Toyotas and the V-dubs, and to be able to convince them to switch not only to EVs, but to Chinese EVs that they've never heard of.

    對於中國電動汽車來說,最大的挑戰在於如何說服那些對通用、豐田和 V 型車具有品牌忠誠度的海外消費者,說服他們不僅改用電動汽車,而且改用他們從未聽說過的中國電動汽車。

  • So that's, to me, where the performance issues and also these little odd design quirks really count.


  • Because a car is different from a mobile phone, for example.


  • A car is something that you put your family in.


  • And then, of course, there's the price.


  • You know, you have all these discussions about, oh, the government subsidies, and there's so much competition in the market.


  • And I think all of that doesn't necessarily matter because at the end of the day, it's going to be the consumers who decide who's really going to be ahead.


Ni hao, xiao pi, zi dong gou che, please park the car.

Ni hao, xiao pi, zi dong gou che, please park the car.

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