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  • We have three things in common, all of us here.


  • We all have a spine, we all sleep, and when we were about five years old and we were playing as children, grandma used to scream, posture!


  • And all of us would sit up straight.


  • And that fear of grandma screaming that word, even to world-leading influencers, doctors who are sat on the front row slouching.


  • Right now, where is he?


  • Dr. C?


  • We've seen you, even though you're amazing.


  • So why do we?


  • Because everyone in the room has been slouching.


  • Liam at the backstage doing the sound all day has literally been like this, doing his sound, because it's comfy.

    在後臺做音響的 Liam 整天都是這樣,做他的音響,因為很舒服。

  • Posture is the eternal fight against gravity.


  • And sitting up like this, although grandma's watching, she's very disappointed in some of you.


  • This is really hard.


  • Where is this?


  • Oh yeah, get me back here.


  • This is the good spot.


  • The thing that grandma may be missed was that if posture is the eternal fight against gravity, then really we need to consider our sleep.


  • It's great and it's comfy and the beauty and the difference between sitting and sleeping or standing and sleeping, we remember wearing a book on our heads and doing this very nicely, is that you're already asleep.


  • That's the best bit.


  • When you're uncomfortable in these positions, and this is really my go-to for TV watching, the second you become uncomfortable, you move, because you're awake.


  • The difference with sleep is significant.


  • I'm going to share and prove it to you now.


  • You will have all at some point in your lives either sat in the back of a car and gone like this, or come to a TED and heard someone like me talk and done that, and within 10 minutes you wake up and your neck feels like it's gonna burn off.

    在你們生命中的某個時刻,你們要麼坐在汽車後座上這樣走,要麼來到 TED,聽了像我這樣的人的演講,然後做了那樣的事,不到 10 分鐘,你就醒了,脖子感覺要燒掉了。

  • Why didn't you wake up then?


  • It's a completely different thing because you're asleep.


  • So I think it's important to really address the average human, because we spend so much time, in fact I met Yunga last night, he's so awesome, and Yunga was talking to me about some research they'd found about using whole foods to reduce the chance of Alzheimer's.


  • You eat for four and a half years of your life.


  • The lady that came on before, who I'm definitely not going to mess with, nor am I gonna mess with her, that guy was really big, but you exercise on average for one and a half years of your life.


  • In fact if you add all of these things up, it's the same amount of time that you sleep.


  • Now the first, or the second talk by James, which was phenomenal, I really know that if I fail in this mission, I know I'm going for a job.


  • By law we can sue James if he doesn't provide us with an ergonomic workstation provision and an annual screening of our lying work surface, but none of you have spent any time in your ergonomic chair, because you've all been doing this.


  • This gentleman here is not the average human, and this is a chap I met just near Old Trafford, the right side of Manchester, and he's a gent...


  • Dad, that was for you.


  • He's so annoyed with me that he's gone mad.


  • Okay, this is a gentleman that walks into hospital.


  • Now he had dementia, but he had a gastro trouble, walks into hospital, was bedridden for two weeks in hospital, and that two weeks becomes seven years.


  • That position you see him in there is fixed, this is a fixed body shape.


  • So think about his personal care when he can't separate his legs, think about him trying to swallow his internal organs, his digestive system, his comfort, his pain, he even cares about that.


  • He can't speak, he can't move, he can't be seated, he can't shower, and he spends 23 to 24 hours a day in bed.

    他不能說話,不能動,不能坐,不能洗澡,每天要在床上躺 23 到 24 個小時。

  • And with very, very simple postural management equipment, we bring the bed to him, and look at what happens three months later.


  • And that's not rocket science, that's really, really simple.


  • If you always do this, you never do this, and that feels really tight and awful.


  • And I've discussed the benefits for somebody like that gentleman, but those benefits for you guys are that it may well increase your energy levels.


  • I met a lady last night at the TED dinner who said she was a great sleeper, and then she told me that she felt exhausted every time she woke up.

    昨晚在 TED 晚宴上,我遇到一位女士,她說她睡得很香,但她又告訴我,每次醒來她都覺得筋疲力盡。

  • It can lessen tension in shoulders, neck, if you're waking up with really awful tension headaches, or your shoulders burning through, it could have something to do with your sleep posture.


  • This happens to the majority of men, ladies you'll be very grateful for this bit.


  • If you want to get back into your bedroom, and you want to stop snoring, sleep posture may well be that thing.


  • And the best bit is, it's the most simplest of equations.


  • You need to consider the position you go to sleep in.


  • And some of you say, well I don't stay in one position, and of course you don't, we don't want you to.


  • You've moved a thousand times just in the four, I've got to figure this out, four minutes and something.


  • So the position you go to sleep in, that's the software, and that's what you guys are going to address tonight.


  • So we are legitimately going to find a tangible way to improve your quality of sleep tonight.


  • The second bit is the hardware, we'll worry about that next time.


  • Now, if you are somebody suffering with sleep, which is in Manchester by the way, we are the worst sleep city in England, congratulations us all.


  • That deserves a round of applause, because we're all still smiling, that's the best bit.


  • In Westminster in the university discussed our sleep deprivation.


  • So in this room 74% of you get less than seven hours. 61 in 2 I think that's less than 6 in the Manchester right now, definitely not enough.


  • And every day we read a paper and we read an article that goes, if you don't get your seven and a half hours, your nose will fall off, you're going to get dementia, die an early miserable death.


  • Great.


  • So anyone who's struggling with sleep tonight is definitely not looking forward to it.


  • But there's nothing to tell us how to make it better.


  • So we see all these articles, all these phenomenal scientists on TED, online, telling us what happens with the sleep and why we need it and what happens if we don't get it.

    是以,我們看到所有這些文章,所有這些在 TED 上、在網上的傑出科學家,都在告訴我們睡眠會發生什麼,為什麼我們需要睡眠,如果我們得不到睡眠會發生什麼。

  • So this fight between quantity and quality, who in the room is getting any?


  • So let's start focusing on something that we tangibly can, because we can't focus on, I saw James Leinhardt today at TED and he said get eight hours and that's what I'm going to do.

    所以,讓我們開始關注一些我們能夠切實做到的事情,因為我們無法關注,我今天在 TED 上看到詹姆斯-萊因哈特(James Leinhardt),他說獲得八小時,這就是我要做的事情。

  • Because you might hate your partner, you might hate your boss, you might hate your kids, you might have a bill you weren't expecting.


  • There's a million reasons why you won't sleep tonight, that sleep hostess is definitely not going to help.


  • Last night I slept for about an hour, thanks to Herb.


  • And we all know the significance of sleep.


  • In fact, you could argue that sleep is the foundation of all good well-being because you wake up tired, you're doing nothing about your well-being.


  • We know it recovers us, we know it restores us, it heals us.


  • But really, you still can't get the hours.


  • It doesn't matter what I tell you, how many wonderful nuggets of gold will be a fabulous place, the United will win 6-0.

    不管我告訴你什麼,不管這裡會有多少美妙的金塊,曼聯都會以 6-0 的比分獲勝。

  • Anyway, back to this.


  • What we do know to be true is from a piece of conceptualized evidence based in, dating back to 1987 I think it was, that talks about the relationship between a neutral resting spine and the speed of recovery when you've had a spinal injury.

    我們所知道的真實情況來自於一項基於概念化證據的研究,我認為可以追溯到 1987 年,該研究講述了中立靜息脊柱與脊柱損傷後恢復速度之間的關係。

  • Now if you look at this board it's pretty depressing, 1.78 billion people have some sort of chronic pain. 60% who have chronic pain suffer with depression.

    現在,如果你看一下這個板塊,就會發現它非常令人沮喪:17.8 億人患有某種慢性疼痛。60%的慢性疼痛患者患有抑鬱症。

  • Imagine waking up in chronic pain, you're going to be in an absolute stinky mood and you definitely not getting any sleep because everything hurts.


  • So then you don't get any sleep and everything hurts, you're in a bad mood.


  • And this is a cycle that we're all in and I can't just tell you to get your hours, that's not good enough.


  • So when you leave tonight, don't worry, you don't have to go and buy a bed that cost 10 grand that flies you to the moon and spins and whatever, lavender spray or a smart watch that doesn't really tell you that you've had a great night's sleep because if you drink a bottle of whiskey tonight you'll have a great night's sleep according to your smart watch.


  • The best bit about sleep posture is it will cost you As you know I work with complex neurological patient groups but when we realised that those people have no voice and no one really cares about the people in beds that have no voice, we went to meet with a load of athletes and just before Tokyo, this is one such athlete, I met Katie Marchant who is a bronze medal Olympic champion and she sadly crashed out of Tokyo but she came to me because she was at the velodrome down the road seven hours a day and she complained of knee pain, stiff right SIJ, hip I think she said and her shoulders were hurting but she said it was all down to the bike because of course if you are a cyclist you need to spend your days like this for aerodynamicism which can't do much for your back or neck I assume.

    大家都知道,我的工作對象是神經系統複雜的病人群體,但當我們意識到這些人沒有發言權,也沒有人真正關心那些躺在病床上沒有發言權的人時,我們去見了很多運動員,就在東京奧運會之前,這位運動員就是其中之一、我見到了凱蒂-馬爾尚(Katie Marchant),她是奧運會銅牌得主,遺憾的是,她在東京奧運會上失利了,但她還是來找我,因為她每天七小時都在路邊的自行車館訓練,她抱怨膝蓋疼痛、右側 SIJ 和髖關節僵硬,我想她是這麼說的,她的肩膀也很疼,但她說這都是自行車造成的,因為如果你是一名自行車運動員,你就需要每天都這

  • It had absolutely nothing to do with her bike whatsoever.


  • If you look at that position which I'm going to show you, sorry front row, the second you bring one leg over the other you've now put yourself in what we call a provocative posture.


  • So a research from a very intelligent chap called Doug Carey out of Australia talks about the fact that if you go to sleep in a provocative posture you are more likely to wake up with increased symptoms of pain but let's not even go with references or worry about any silly clinical words that none of us including me really understand.

    澳洲一位名叫道格-凱里(Doug Carey)的聰明人進行了一項研究,他談到了這樣一個事實:如果你以一種挑釁性的姿勢入睡,那麼你很有可能在醒來時疼痛症狀加重。

  • When you bring one leg over the other, this hip is now diagonal as is my knee, when I fall in asleep, and this feels by the way comfortable, my shoulders going to drop forward and now I'm face planting so if you actually look at the picture you'll see that Katie had right knee pain because she was squeezing into the bed, her stiff SIJ came because she was twisted like a pretzel and I think you can see what's gone on with the neck and all she needed to do was remember that if she worked with James she would have been given an ergonomic chair and if she only stuck a pillow between the right knees or ankles and want to fill that space she would have looked just like that picture.


  • So this isn't really an experiment because a navel failed, what position do you go to sleep in?


  • Because I suspect you sleep in a provocative posture, the provocative posture by the way is one where both knees touch the bed so if you are a tackler, and it's the only way you can go to sleep because it's comfy, don't forget that every pregnant woman that went to the doctor and found out that they were pregnant and a left-hand side and they all did it so you can't not only.


  • There's only two positions I'd recommend and I'm recommending this based on our experience in health care because these are the two positions we put our patients in for two to four hours at a time.


  • There's one significant difference between our two patients here, one as you can see is supported and we maintain good body shape and they've preserved somebody's body, internal organs are working, lung capacity is nice and lovely and that's just horrendous to watch.


  • These guys can't speak, so you guys have moved probably a hundred times in the twelve minutes I've spoken, these people are put for two to four hours and can't tell you that they're uncomfortable and none of us have a clue how to do this, none of you in the room have a clue how to sleep properly.

    這些人不能說話,所以在我發言的 12 分鐘裡,你們大概動了上百次,這些人被關了兩到四個小時,卻不能告訴你他們不舒服,我們都不知道該怎麼做,房間裡的你們都不知道該怎麼好好睡覺。

  • So we call them the soldier and the dreamer, very simple, just remember grandma, she's screaming at you right now, standing, nice standing up straight, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in seated posture, I think we've been there, lovely, oh yeah, that's better actually.


  • Anyway, these positions are the only two that you can control, the only two you can control when you go to sleep, what happens thereafter is anyone's guess and I'm not here to maintain a singular posture, in fact if you sat like this throughout my talk, which some of you have done and you didn't have to, you still get a point, this is really hard actually, this is, oh yeah, just there.


  • So perhaps there is a way of reversing this cycle, because if you have chronic pain or if you are struggling with insomnia, then you will definitely be struggling with your mental health, so if you wake up in less pain tomorrow, just because you stuck a pillow between your knees and ankles and didn't look like a twisted pretzel, you might wake up in less pain, if you wake up in less pain you'll be in a better mood and if you're in a better mood, who knows, you might even sleep a little bit better.


  • In this room, you are either looking after somebody that you love, like Celia the lady that's been taking pictures, who after this will be going straight to see her mum, she's not seen him in two days, or my dad over there, dad how many times have you been to the GP this week with grandma?


  • Five, there you go.


  • Because at some point in your life you are going to be looking after somebody that you love, or like my wife, you will be looking after someone like me for their whole lives, but the point is, this is going to affect all of us, it's not about when we get older, because if dad's had a bad night's sleep, he's going to be in a bad mood when he goes to see his grandma.


  • I'd like to dedicate this talk in memory of my uncle who fell asleep with Covid and never woke up, and whilst we know that sleep posture can save lives, we actually are more concerned today with you guys going and saving your spines, thank you very much.


We have three things in common, all of us here.


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