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I'm the product of a language experiment, and it low-key ruined my childhood.
Here's how. I grew up in America, but my parents refused to speak English to me.
Even though my dad's American, we only communicated in Japanese 24/7, even in front of other Americans. For reference, here's a little taste of his Japanese.
My dad's never lived in Japan but was able to pick up fluent Japanese from college classes and self-study.
To this day, he and my Japanese immigrant mom are the only interracial couple I know of who've never communicated in English. This was obviously awesome for my Japanese growing up, but it means I lost out on thousands of hours of English exposure compared to my peers.
And this English deficiency snowballed into one of my biggest insecurities. Throughout my childhood, I was always one of the slow kids.
In elementary school, I got thrown into time out multiple times because my teacher thought I was ignoring her instructions when really I just didn't understand them.
小學時,我曾多次被老師扔進 "暫停室",因為老師認為我對她的指令置若罔聞,而實際上我只是不理解她的指令。
Another teacher recommended enrolling me in an alternative learning school because I wasn't academically inclined. It escalated to a point where my parents had to take me to a speech pathology lab to make sure I didn't have a communication disorder.
Despite being so young at the time, I started questioning my own intelligence and wondering if something might be wrong with me. And it got even worse in middle school when my peers started making fun of me for gaps in my English, like even the smallest things.
For example, they found it weird that I would call Louis Vuitton "Louis Vuitton" the way you would stress it in Japanese.
例如,他們覺得我把路易威登稱為 "Louis Vuitton "很奇怪,因為日語中的重音是 "Louis Vuitton"。
One time, even a teacher picked on me because I said "lumber man" instead of "lumberjack" and joked that I must not have grown up in America.
有一次,因為我說的是 "伐木工人 "而不是 "伐木工",連老師都嘲笑我,還開玩笑說我一定不是在美國長大的。
I mean, how would you not internalize that as a kid? The last straw was when my dad noticed I didn't know what the word "intersection" meant when we stopped at a traffic light.
我的意思是,作為一個孩子,你怎麼會不把這些內化呢?最後一根稻草是當我爸發現我不知道 "十字路口 "這個詞是什麼意思時,我們在紅綠燈前停了下來。
I still remember that moment super vividly because it was the first time in my life that my dad ever spoke a word of English with me.
He was like, "You're 12 years old.
他說:"你才 12 歲。
You don't know what the word 'intersection' means.
We got to fix this.
Let's start speaking English with each other from now on." So from that point forward, we started using English with each other whenever my mom wasn't with us.
Within a year, this increased my English exposure outside of school from zero hours to several hundred hours.
This was still not nearly as many hours as my peers who speak English with both of their parents, but definitely enough to begin making a difference in my academic performance. For example, my score on the reading section of standardized tests shot up from the 41st percentile in sixth grade to the 99th percentile in 11th grade.
這雖然比不上我那些父母雙方都會說英語的同齡人,但絕對足以讓我的學習成績開始有所改觀。例如,我在標準化測試中閱讀部分的成績從六年級的第 41 百分位上升到十一年級的第 99 百分位。
Now as an adult, my English is up to speed, I think, and I'm beginning to take a little more pride in my language background. But would I want to put my future children through my childhood struggles even if it works out in the end?
Or should society just be more accommodating towards people with multilingual upbringings?
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