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  • Put your hands together and welcome Disney legend Miley Cyrus Thank you everyone, thank you Miss Martha, I am NOT as strong as you.

    雙手合十,歡迎迪士尼傳奇麥莉-賽勒斯 謝謝大家,謝謝瑪莎小姐,我沒有你那麼堅強。

  • I am definitely going to cry Before I get started, I'm gonna let everybody in on a little Disney legend secret I'm the one that tells you what you're not supposed to know and What I want to say is that Legends get scared, too I'm scared right now But the difference is we do it anyway, and all of you can do that every single day It's legendary to be afraid and do it.

    我一定會哭的 在開始之前,我要告訴大家一個迪士尼傳奇的小祕密,我就是那個告訴你們不應該知道的事情的人,我想說的是,傳奇人物也會害怕,我現在就很害怕,但不同的是,我們無論如何都要去做。

  • Anyway, there is no such thing as failure when you try That's the only way you lose the way to win is to try So here I am I'll show you I made two speeches One long and one short if I get scared So I want to say thank you.

    總之,只要努力,就沒有失敗 這是你輸的唯一方法 贏的方法就是努力 所以,我在這裡,我會給你看 我做了兩個演講 一長一短,如果我害怕的話 所以,我想說謝謝你

  • It's such an honor to receive This award my other legends have said it best It is all because of you everyone in this room outside of this room.


  • It's all about the fans.


  • I Was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, which is where I sent my audition tapes from After those tapes were sent in my mom got a message that what I sent was great But I was just too small and I was too young for the part a year or more goes by and I forget all about Hannah Montana But then we get a call and they tell us that they fully casted the show They've already shot a pilot, but the show just isn't working.


  • So they want me to come out to LA and audition in person My mom tells me the news but reiterates that if I get it I'm gonna have to leave school and all of my friends So we go to the mall to shop for what I'd wear to the audition and In true fashion of fate there hangs a t-shirt that says I should have my own TV show so We took it home Bedazzled it and flew out to LA After a few of those auditioning trips, I got the part.

    我媽媽告訴了我這個消息,但重申如果我得到了這個角色,我就得離開學校,離開我所有的朋友,所以我們去商場買我去試鏡時要穿的衣服,在真正的命運時尚中,那裡掛著一件 T 恤,上面寫著我應該有自己的電視節目,所以我們把它帶回家,把它弄得漂漂亮亮的,然後飛往洛杉磯。

  • I came out to California to shoot the pilot I fell in love with LA the beach the palm trees.


  • They were awesome But it was the soundstage that I lived for I mean it was the most beautiful place that I had ever seen there were lights Dressing rooms the wardrobe racks there were costume fittings wig fittings acting dance vocal lessons It was like being on RuPaul's Drag Race jr And I won We shot the pilot I went back to Nashville to wait But I had gotten a taste of what my life could be like and from that moment on I did not want anything else So what I was told that the show got picked up.

    他們很棒,但我最喜歡的還是那個舞臺,那是我見過的最漂亮的地方,有燈光 化妝間、衣架、服裝試戴、假髮試戴、表演、舞蹈、聲樂課程,就像在參加《魯保羅的變裝比賽》一樣,我贏了,我們拍了試播,我回到納什維爾等待,但我已經嚐到了生活的滋味,從那一刻起,我什麼都不想了。

  • I just couldn't wait to get back to stage nine, but Because the Hannah Montana is a pop star we needed footage of her playing sold-out concerts But no one knew who she aka Miley was so they gave away tickets at the Glendale mall where I would have my first free concert and The first song I opened with was titled This is the life Which of course no one knew because in Reality, I was a little girl in a blonde wig at the mall with a big dream, but in my heart I was Hannah, Montana And I was so proud to be a Little bit of everything has changed since that day But at the same time nothing has changed at all.

    我迫不及待地想回到9號舞臺 但因為漢娜-蒙塔娜是流行巨星 我們需要她演唱會場場爆滿的片段 但沒人知道她又名麥莉是誰 所以他們在格倫代爾購物中心送票 我將在那裡舉辦我的第一場免費演唱會我是一個戴著金色假髮的小女孩 在商場裡懷揣著一個偉大的夢想 但在我心中,我是漢娜-蒙塔娜 我為自己是蒙塔娜而感到驕傲 從那天起,一切都變了一點點

  • I stand here still proud to have been Hannah, Montana because She made Miley in so many ways This award is dedicated to Hannah and all of her amazing Loyal fans and to everyone who has made my dream a reality To quote the legend herself This is the life Thank you You

    我站在這裡,仍然為自己曾是漢娜-蒙塔娜而自豪,因為她在很多方面成就了麥莉 這個獎項獻給漢娜和她所有了不起的忠實粉絲,獻給所有讓我夢想成真的人。

Put your hands together and welcome Disney legend Miley Cyrus Thank you everyone, thank you Miss Martha, I am NOT as strong as you.

雙手合十,歡迎迪士尼傳奇麥莉-賽勒斯 謝謝大家,謝謝瑪莎小姐,我沒有你那麼堅強。

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