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  • Now, a new analysis shows that the six-tonne iconic altar stone at the heart of Stonehenge originated from north-eastern Scotland rather than south-west Wales.


  • The discovery shows that its construction was a far greater collaborative effort than scientists believe.


  • Here's our science correspondent, Pallab Ghosh.

    這裡是我們的科學記者 Pallab Ghosh。

  • It's one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world and also one of the most mysterious.


  • Why was Stonehenge built in south-west England 5,000 years ago and what was it used for?

    為什麼巨石陣建於 5000 年前的英格蘭西南部?

  • What we do know is that the giant altar stones are probably sourced locally from England.


  • The inner blue stones are from Wales.


  • And we now know that the central altar stone is from north-eastern Scotland and not from Wales as once thought.


  • The irony is that the discovery was made by a young Welshman.


  • He still remembers being brought to the site as a one-year-old in 1992.

    他還記得,1992 年,當時只有一歲大的他被帶到這裡。

  • I remember coming with my dad and being on his shoulders and looking over at the stones.


  • So it's nice to kind of come full circle and make this discovery at somewhere so special to me.


  • You're a proud Welshman and you've taken the Welsh status away from the stone.


  • So how do you think it'll go down in Wales?


  • I'm not sure they'll ever talk to me again.


  • It's a loss for Wales, no doubt.


  • But Wales has contributed so many rocks to this monument.


  • I'm sure Scotland can have one.


  • Anthony analysed the rock and discovered it had a unique date and composition.


  • In the journal Nature, he says it could only have come from the far north of Scotland, here in the Orcadian Basin, which includes Caithness, Orkney and Moray Firth.


  • So this is the altar stone, the heart of Stonehenge, now partially buried.


  • It's one of the largest stones here, at around six tonnes.

    它是這裡最大的石頭之一,重約 6 噸。

  • The big question is how on earth it was transported from north-east Scotland and why the people back then thought it was so important to bring it all this way.


  • They must have been very technically advanced to be able to do that, to bring it down by boat and bring it down on sledges or whatever.


  • And presumably it wasn't just a matter of engineering, there must have been some sort of social cohesion for the Scots and the Welsh and the English all to work together.


  • Absolutely, to bring this to here, a sort of focus in a way at that time, there must have been linking between all of these areas.


  • So what does this say about Neolithic society in Britain?


  • Well, it certainly implies great social connections and sophistication.


  • And I think what we've got to remember is these people were just like us in a way, you know, they were just as clever, but they had different technologies.


  • But to bring a stone of this size all the distance from what we now call Scotland is really quite something.


  • The new discovery has changed the story of Stonehenge and those that built it.


  • The tale is now of a people across Great Britain who were more interconnected and advanced than previously thought, who came together to build this incredible monument.


  • Pallab Ghosh, BBC News, Stonehenge.

    Pallab Ghosh,BBC 新聞,巨石陣。

Now, a new analysis shows that the six-tonne iconic altar stone at the heart of Stonehenge originated from north-eastern Scotland rather than south-west Wales.


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