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  • Hello and welcome to our course on teaching English to students at upper secondary school level.


  • This is Module 1, Course Overview.

    這是模塊 1,課程概述。

  • Would you like to increase your effectiveness as an English language teacher?


  • Would you like to go beyond the well-known methods that often leave teachers frustrated with their one-size-fits-all approach?

    眾所周知,"一刀切 "式的教學方法常常讓教師感到沮喪,您是否希望超越這些方法?

  • This course will take you on to a fascinating exploration of what it means to be a teacher, how to understand who your students are and the needs they have, and how to choose the most appropriate teaching materials and activities for your classroom.


  • You will learn how you can choose and fine-tune the principles that exactly fit your teaching situation and enable the realization of the General Education Curriculum 2018 for English subjects.

    您將瞭解如何選擇和微調完全適合您的教學情況的原則,並使 2018 年英語學科通識教育課程得以實現。

  • Let's get started by getting to know each other.


  • Pause the video now.


  • Think about your ideal English classroom.


  • This may be a class of English that you experienced as a language learner, or a class that you expect to teach, or a class that you have touched and are really satisfied with it.


  • Draw a picture of the class.


  • You can put some notes next to the picture too.


  • Resume the video when you are ready.


  • Alright, now let's compare your picture with some of the pictures I have here.


  • Do you expect a class where students can freely do whatever they want?


  • Many students say that they would like a stress-free environment in their classroom.


  • They explain that stress is said to raise the blood pressure and increase the probability of having a heart attack.


  • Memory loss is another side effect of stress.


  • Students may not be performing at their best if they are too stressed out.


  • Having a stress-free environment at school will eliminate any of these, and the best way to create such environment is to let students do whatever they want.


  • Some other people state that they would like a stress-free environment too, but the teachers must be able to manage their classes.


  • These people suggest that an ideal class should provide students with as many opportunities to interact with each other as possible.


  • This can be achieved by putting students in pair work and group work in order to take advantage of these pairs and groups in the English class.


  • And therefore, the teacher should equip themselves with techniques to set up pairs and groups.


  • For some other people, learning English is like a discovery journey.


  • Learners are the explorers.


  • The teacher is the guide and an explorer themselves too.


  • During the journey, learners acquire and master not only linguistic elements and the four language skills, but also other essential skills for life such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and cultural awareness.


  • The English journey takes advantage of technology advances like the internet and multimedia equipment.


  • Meanwhile, some people prefer individual work.


  • Individual work isn't just for those introverts out there.


  • It can help our students to gain independence to think things through on their own, to improve confidence in working through a problem even when they don't feel certain about every step.


  • Students can work at their own level rather than having to adapt to suit their group members.


  • They can practice self-control both in staying focused on the task at hand and in having the willpower to avoid turning to a neighbour or asking the teacher for the answers.


  • Students can get more comfortable taking action on their own or gain creativity and effective thinking processes that can apply to problem-solving across a range of subjects and types of issues.


  • Plus, it can be easier for the teacher to assess an individual work, at least easier in a traditional sense, if you have an idea of the norm for the type of work you are looking for.


  • Thinking about the classroom setting, one may prefer having desks arranged in fixed rows like this.


  • The advantage is that this way of setting allows you to fit many desks into a small space and your students talk less during teacher-directed and independent activities when they are further apart from their friends and this one makes partner work simple.


  • However, it also spreads children or students out considerably so that it can be hard to address them all, making group work harder because the desks can't easily be moved around.


  • Alternatively, you may picture your ideal classroom setting as having movable desks and chairs.


  • With this type of furniture, it is easy for the teacher and students to arrange seatings in different ways.


  • For example, you can have clusters of tables which make it easier for group work and for you to navigate around in the classroom.


  • However, one problem which is sure to arise is the fact that not all students will be able to face you, leading to side talking.


  • To combat this distraction, it is important to establish a set of ground rules at the outset, such as no side conversations, that all students must face you when you are speaking, and that each group is responsible for keeping their cluster clean and organized.


  • So as you can see, within just only classroom management issues, we may have a lot to discuss.


  • And this course will go beyond just only classroom or lesson management issues.


  • We're looking at the way that we can teach other skills and language elements as well.


  • So what can you expect about the course?


  • Now let's discover it.


  • Alright, now here comes more specific information about the course.


  • Firstly, in terms of course participants, as the name suggests, the course name is Teaching English to Students at Upper Secondary School Level.

    首先,就課程參與者而言,顧名思義,課程名稱是 "高中學生英語教學"。

  • So the course is designed to fit both novice teachers and the teachers in practice.


  • As it is an online course, it suits any pace of learning as well as satisfies a wide variety of learning needs.


  • Participants are expected to be at C1 CFR level or level 5 or above of English language proficiency.

    參與者的英語水平應達到 CFR C1 級或 5 級或以上。

  • However, those who are not yet acquiring C1 could still consider this course since there is a lot of support on offer.

    不過,那些尚未獲得 C1 學位的人仍然可以考慮學習這門課程,因為這裡會提供很多支持。

  • Now regarding the course objectives, well, through some example analysis, you may well recognize that teaching is not an easy job at all, right?


  • There are hundreds of thousands of decisions that you as a teacher may have to make while planning the lesson, delivering the lesson as well as after finishing the lesson.


  • All these decisions must be well informed and lies on a solid theoretical background.


  • So for this course, teachers are expected to be able to identify the competencies to develop in each lesson of language elements and language skills, apply the procedures or stages of lessons and appropriate instructional techniques to teach the lesson, and to use their critical thinking and reflective practice in conducting reflection in action and reflection on action.


  • The course is benchmarked against the Foreign Language Teacher Competency Framework, FLTC, which is explained in Documentary No. 2069 by the Ministry of Education and Training.

    該課程以教育和培訓部第 2069 號文件中解釋的外語教師能力框架(FLTC)為基準。

  • While this course is developed with the aim to enhance teachers' competencies in general, the focus is on domain 2, the competence of applying teaching approaches and methods.

    本課程旨在提高教師的綜合能力,重點是領域 2,即應用教學方法和手段的能力。

  • The second domain focuses on the teachers' competencies to apply teaching approaches and methods with specifications on Criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6 as you can see on the screen and exercising the knowledge about the general education curriculum for their teaching practice, which is realized in Criterion 6 in Domain 1.

    第二個領域側重於教師應用教學方法和手段的能力,具體包括標準 2.1、2.2、2.3、2.5 和 2.6(如螢幕所示),以及在教學實踐中運用通識教育課程知識的能力,這在領域 1 的標準 6 中得以實現。

  • Generally, the second domain addresses the teachers' knowledge about methodology in language teaching, preparing lesson plans, conducting the lessons, and assessing how much students have learned.


  • It also introduces teachers the resources and technologies available that can be adapted for language teaching in our teacher education program, and these competencies are developed through a number of courses or topics in English language teaching methodology.


  • Now, in terms of the course structure, well, in the course, principles of teaching language elements and language skills and the suggested classroom procedures and activities are closely linked with the instructions of the general education curriculum for English subjects.


  • You will be offered opportunities to review the techniques for English teaching and to reflect on the choice of materials and activities for your classroom.


  • There will be 12 modules in the course, which equals 120 hours of training.

    課程共有 12 個模塊,相當於 120 個小時的培訓。

  • All learning activities happen on the online learning platform provided by the National Language Project.


  • The platform caters to modes of learning, self-paced and blended, and instructions on how to use the platform and which mode of learning you will take will be specified to you by the National Language Project.


  • About the course content, in Module 1, Course Overview, we will take a look at the syllabus of this course and discuss some easy strategies for you to complete this course online successfully.

    關於課程內容,在模塊 1 "課程概述 "中,我們將介紹本課程的教學大綱,並討論一些讓您順利完成在線課程的簡單策略。

  • You will be provided with a clear overview of what to expect in the course, as well as how you are going to be assessed.


  • For the next 10 content modules, which are from Module 2 to Module 11, we will dive deeper into how to enhance different aspects of our teaching.

    在接下來的 10 個內容模塊(從模塊 2 到模塊 11)中,我們將深入探討如何提升教學的不同方面。

  • For example, how to give feedback, how to teach language elements, how to teach language skills in the context of the national curriculum for English subjects.


  • There are teaching principles to follow and collections of teaching activities which have been tailored for classroom use.


  • You will be able to review the content provided by completing a number of tasks, such as answering comprehension questions after each reading, doing a quiz after each module, and conducting guided observations with materials taken from the new English textbooks for secondary school graders.


  • Supplement reading and or videos will be provided so that you can further explore the world of language teaching.


  • In the final module, Course Summary, we will suggest some next steps that you can take in order to embark on your own adventure of being a teacher of English.

    在最後一個模塊 "課程總結 "中,我們將為您提出一些下一步建議,以便您開始自己的英語教師之旅。

  • There will be important notices when planning a lesson too, and an essential component of Module 12 is the instruction through the summative assessment, which comprises the end-course quiz and the final course assignment.

    在備課時也會有一些重要的注意事項,模塊 12 的一個重要組成部分是通過終結性評價進行指導,終結性評價包括課程結束測驗和期末課程作業。

  • Also, all content modules in the course are organized in PALMS order, which stands for Plan, Activate, Learn, Master and Supplement.

    此外,課程中的所有內容模塊都按照 PALMS 順序組織,即計劃、激活、學習、掌握和補充。

  • There are some rules for the course that we expect you to follow.


  • Firstly, you need to log on the platform regularly, maybe on a weekly basis.


  • You need to read and watch the materials.


  • You need to complete the module comprehension questions, the quizzes, and the guided observations as outlined in the syllabus.


  • You will need to participate in the threaded discussions and complete the tasks and the assignments as requested.


  • As for the course assessment, this course is assessed on the basis of pass or fail, all assessment activities of the online course are conducted on the learning platform.


  • The pass score is 70%.

    合格分數為 70%。

  • In order to pass the course, you need to complete the following components.


  • Firstly, we have the module quizzes.


  • The portion of this one is 40%.

    這個部分的比例是 40%。

  • Each content module quiz from module 2 to module 11 contributes 4% to the total score.

    從模塊 2 到模塊 11 的每個內容模塊測驗均佔總分的 4%。

  • You will need to complete at least 7 out of 10 module quizzes, and you can do each quiz multiple times.

    您需要完成 10 個單元測驗中的至少 7 個,每個測驗可以做多次。

  • Then comes the end-course quiz.


  • The portion for this is 20%.

    這部分的比例為 20%。

  • You are expected to complete the end-course quiz with at least 10 out of 15 correct answers.

    您應完成結業測驗,在 15 個正確答案中至少答對 10 個。

  • As for the guided observation form, which accounts for 20% of the total score, you will need to submit at least one observation form as instructed.

    至於佔總分 20% 的指導觀察表,您需要按照說明提交至少一份觀察表。

  • And finally, for the course assignment, which accounts for another 20%, you will need to submit the course assignment, which is a lesson plan following the instruction given in module 12.

    最後,在佔另外 20% 的課程作業方面,您需要提交課程作業,即按照模塊 12 的指導編寫教案。

  • So that's all the overview information about the course.


  • Thank you very much for your watching, and we welcome you to the next modules.


Hello and welcome to our course on teaching English to students at upper secondary school level.


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