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  • Postmodernism is a philosophical movement that emerged in the mid-20th century, challenging traditional ideas about reality, knowledge, and truth.

    後現代主義是 20 世紀中期興起的一場哲學運動,它挑戰了關於現實、知識和真理的傳統觀念。

  • It is characterized by skepticism toward grand narratives and ideologies that claim to offer universal explanations. Overall, postmodernism invites a more critical and nuanced understanding of reality, encouraging us to question assumptions and recognize the complexity and variability of human experiences.

    後現代主義的特點是對聲稱提供普遍解釋的宏大敘事和意識形態持懷疑態度。 總之,後現代主義要求我們對現實有一種更加批判和細緻入微的理解,鼓勵我們質疑各種假設,認識到人類經驗的複雜性和多變性。

Postmodernism is a philosophical movement that emerged in the mid-20th century, challenging traditional ideas about reality, knowledge, and truth.

後現代主義是 20 世紀中期興起的一場哲學運動,它挑戰了關於現實、知識和真理的傳統觀念。

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