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  • J-Paw, be careful, don't forget to watch your step J-Paw, look out, I mean, I didn't mean that J-Paw, slow down, you've got to be more thoughtful J-Paw, great star clan, you're becoming quite a pawful Sun, reds, moon, high, they're always on my back I don't know why I try It's not like they would ever cut me any slack You're far too small, you see, well, actually I don't I just long to be free, I guarantee I'll show them that I'm not a joke J-Paw, I know it's hard to breathe Ugh, I'm blind, but I wish I was deaf right now J-Paw, we can relax I think I have some you-berries with your name on them J-Paw, we know what's best You keep saying that, but I don't think you know what it means J-Paw, do what we suggest On second thought, I'm going to eat those berries Moon, reds, sun, high, they're always at my side I can't step out of line I am confined to match them stride by stride I'm about to fall, I don't know how long I can last I'm about to tell them all to heed my call They can come and kiss my fur J-Paw!

    爪爪,小心點,別忘了小心腳下 爪爪,小心點,我不是那個意思 爪爪,慢點,你得想得更周到 爪爪,偉大的星族,你已經變得很強大了 太陽,紅日,月亮,高高在上我不知道我為什麼要這麼做,他們又不會放過我,你太渺小了,你看,其實我並不渺小,我只是渴望自由,我保證我會讓他們知道我不是開玩笑的,J-Paw,我知道呼吸很困難,唉,我瞎了、但我希望我現在是個聾子 爪爪,我們可以放鬆一下 我想我有一些你的漿果 上面有你的名字 爪爪,我們知道什麼是最好的 你一直這麼說,但我不認為你知道它的意思 爪爪,照我們的建議做 再想想,我

  • J-Paw, you're being pessimistic Wow, big word, don't hurt yourself J-Paw, your goals are unbeating I literally think it would be impossible to care less J-Paw, your destiny's in front of you Lala, I can't hear you!

    J-Paw,你太悲觀了 哇,好大的字,別傷著自己了 J-Paw,你的目標沒有實現 我真的覺得不可能不在乎了 J-Paw,你的命運就在你面前 Lala,我聽不見你說話!

  • J-Paw, that's just downright rude Good!


  • Alrighty enough, my paws are tied I draw the line, looks like I am denied A say in my grand design I'll show you all what it is you cannot see Because the only one who's not blind here is me Yeah, think of that one next time And with that, I am out of here Oh, we're going again?

    夠了,我的爪子被綁住了 我劃清界限了,看來我在我的偉大設計中被剝奪了發言權 我要讓你們看看什麼是你們看不見的 因為這裡唯一沒瞎的人就是我 是啊,下次想想那個吧 就這樣,我離開這裡 哦,我們又要走了?

  • Oh!


  • Sunrise, moonhide, they're always on my back I don't know why I try, it's not like they would ever cut me any slack You're far too small, you see, well actually I don't I just long to be free, I guarantee I'll show them that I'm not some joke Moonrise, sunhide, they're always at my side I can't step out of line, I am combined To match them stride by stride I'm about to fall, I don't know how long I can last I'm about to tell them all to heed my call I can come and kiss my booty Yeah, yeah, yeah And by the way, Hollypop, I was going to say face So there was no reason to cut me off Ugh, they could not have picked more annoying music Um, why is it still playing?

    日出,月光,他們總是在我背後 我不知道我為什麼要努力,他們又不會放過我 你太渺小了,你看,其實我不渺小 我只是渴望自由,我保證我會讓他們知道我不是什麼笑話 日出,月光,他們總是在我身邊 我不能越雷池半步、我就要倒下了,我不知道我還能堅持多久 我就要告訴他們都來聽我的呼喚 我可以來親我的屁股 是啊,是啊,是啊 順便說一句,Hollypop,我本來想說 "臉 "的 所以沒理由打斷我啊 唉,他們不可能選到更煩人的音樂了 嗯,為什麼還在放呢?

  • The longer you sit here, the longer I have to listen to this I'm putting a stop to this, stop that beat, just stop Stop, no, hey, hey, stop those drums, stop them right now Okay, alright, bye Thanks for watching!

    你在這裡坐得越久,我就得聽得越久,我要停止這一切,停止那節拍,就停止 停止,不,嘿,嘿,停止那些鼓聲,馬上停止 好的,好的,再見 謝謝觀看!

J-Paw, be careful, don't forget to watch your step J-Paw, look out, I mean, I didn't mean that J-Paw, slow down, you've got to be more thoughtful J-Paw, great star clan, you're becoming quite a pawful Sun, reds, moon, high, they're always on my back I don't know why I try It's not like they would ever cut me any slack You're far too small, you see, well, actually I don't I just long to be free, I guarantee I'll show them that I'm not a joke J-Paw, I know it's hard to breathe Ugh, I'm blind, but I wish I was deaf right now J-Paw, we can relax I think I have some you-berries with your name on them J-Paw, we know what's best You keep saying that, but I don't think you know what it means J-Paw, do what we suggest On second thought, I'm going to eat those berries Moon, reds, sun, high, they're always at my side I can't step out of line I am confined to match them stride by stride I'm about to fall, I don't know how long I can last I'm about to tell them all to heed my call They can come and kiss my fur J-Paw!

爪爪,小心點,別忘了小心腳下 爪爪,小心點,我不是那個意思 爪爪,慢點,你得想得更周到 爪爪,偉大的星族,你已經變得很強大了 太陽,紅日,月亮,高高在上我不知道我為什麼要這麼做,他們又不會放過我,你太渺小了,你看,其實我並不渺小,我只是渴望自由,我保證我會讓他們知道我不是開玩笑的,J-Paw,我知道呼吸很困難,唉,我瞎了、但我希望我現在是個聾子 爪爪,我們可以放鬆一下 我想我有一些你的漿果 上面有你的名字 爪爪,我們知道什麼是最好的 你一直這麼說,但我不認為你知道它的意思 爪爪,照我們的建議做 再想想,我

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