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  • Hello and welcome to the first ever museum of hip-hop here in the boogie down Bronx. I'm Nunya Business from XXL and it's my honor to welcome our esteemed panel today to celebrate 50 years of the culture we know and love.

    大家好,歡迎來到布朗克斯區 有史以來第一個嘻哈博物館我是《XXL》的努尼婭-布斯頓(Nunya Business),今天很榮幸邀請到我們尊敬的專家小組,共同慶祝我們所熟知和熱愛的嘻哈文化誕生 50 週年。

  • First up, the queen of hip-hop soul, the legendary Mary J. Blige. Super producer, author, and the co-founder of Def Jam Records, Rick Rubin.

    首先登場的是嘻哈靈魂女王,傳奇人物瑪麗-布萊姬(Mary J. Blige)。超級製作人、作家、Def Jam 唱片公司聯合創始人裡克-魯賓(Rick Rubin)。

  • Intellectual civil rights icon and political activist, the Honorable Dr.


  • Cornel West. And finally, his group Zanmob broke the record for most streams making him technically the most successful hip-hop artist of all time.

    科內爾-韋斯特最後,他的 Zanmob 組合打破了流媒體播放次數的最高紀錄,使他成為有史以來最成功的嘻哈歌手。

  • It's Smoke Cheddar the ass-sketter.

    是 "煙燻切達 "屁股滑塊。

  • Back in this bitch, man, sir. Thank you all. Well, after 50 years, a lot has changed but hip-hop is still here. Why do you think that is? Well, because hip-hop is more than music, you know, we spend our pain into poetry. Yeah, yeah, and that energy resonates with people all over the world. Yes, and moreover, its precious history empowers the people to express, invest, and progress to a better tomorrow.

    回到這個婊子,男人,先生。謝謝大家50年過去了,很多東西都變了,但嘻哈音樂還在。你覺得這是為什麼?因為嘻哈不只是音樂 我們把痛苦寫成詩歌是啊,是啊,這種能量能引起全世界人們的共鳴。是的,此外,它珍貴的歷史賦予了人們表達、投資和進步的力量,讓我們的明天更加美好。

  • Yeah, me, I don't know, man, I guess I'm just like chilling, you know what I'm saying?


  • Okay, first of all, I'm gonna need to see your face, young man. You're in a museum, so.

    好吧 首先 我要看看你的臉 小夥子你在博物館裡

  • Oh, yeah, my bad, miss. So, like, when he discovered hip-hop, what, like 2014? What?

    哦,是的,我的錯,小姐。那麼,當他發現嘻哈音樂的時候 大概是2014年?什麼?

  • No, 50 years ago, that's why we're all here. All right, yeah, because to me, like, if it slapped, like, yeah, the opps gonna slide, but DMs be poppin' regardless, you feel me?


  • I don't, I don't know what any of that means. Yes, expound on that, please, brother, to Smoke Cheddar. So, like, peep, right? I do mukbangs, right? I eat noodles on stream, and, like, my DMs be all cheese. I'm talking blah, blah, blah. I'm like, sheesh.

    我不知道,我不知道那是什麼意思。是的,請解釋一下,兄弟,給Smoke Cheddar。所以,像,窺視,對不對?我做mukbangs,對不對?我在流媒體上吃麵條 我的DM全是奶酪我在說什麼,什麼,什麼。我就像,嘖嘖。

  • Okay, I don't know what that had to do with anything.


  • I think my friend here is speaking to the flexibility of the genre. Rap is not a monolith.


  • Exactly, like, anyone can tap into that joy or that trauma.


  • I feel that, I mean, my dad made me get braces I want Invisalign. You know what I'm saying? Life crazy. I'm sorry, are you saying that was traumatic for you? Hell yeah, plus my boy


  • Gwop. My boy Gwop, man, I miss him so much, man. Oh my goodness gracious, what happened to brother Gwop Lord? He was fundraising for the homie Mayor Eric Adams. Yeah, you gotta lay low in Turkey for a minute. Okay, well, it wouldn't be a hip-hop discussion without Goat Talk. Rick, you've worked with everybody. Who do you think is the greatest rapper of all time? Wow, so many options. LL, Jay-Z, Andre 3000.

    格烏普我的格烏普兄弟,我好想他啊哦,我的天啊,格烏普-羅德兄弟怎麼了?他在為埃裡克-亞當斯市長籌款是啊,你得去土耳其避避風頭了好吧,沒有 "山羊說 "就不是嘻哈討論了瑞克,你和每個人都合作過你認為誰是史上最偉大的說唱歌手?哇,這麼多選擇LL、Jay -Z、Andre 3000

  • Tupac, Rakim. I'll say me, Jason Derulo, I like Dixie D'Amelio, and what she call, like, that insurance girl. Insurance girl? Brother Smoke Cheddar, to whom are you referring? You know that thing, I like when she go, nationwide is on your side, man.


  • That's Latin, bro, I be rapping that all day. Nationwide is on your side, you know what I'm saying? That's fire right there, man.


  • Okay, yeah, so for you it's the nationwide jingle. Personally, I love Biggie, and we can all agree that he's the man, right? I don't even know who that is. You don't know Biggie

    好吧,對你來說是全國性的廣告歌。就我個人而言,我喜歡 Biggie,我們都同意他就是那個人,對吧?我都不知道他是誰你不認識 Biggie

  • Smalls. I don't know who none of y'all is, except him. Me? Yeah, you was in the Matrix

    斯摩爾斯我不知道你們都是誰 除了他 我?我?

  • Revolutions. Why, yes I was. Boom, that's the goat right there, man. Excuse me, I'm sorry, no disrespect to Dr. West, but Biggie was a kid from Bed-Stuy who sold 20 million records. So he a flop. You might want to watch yourself, brother. What, I'm just saying my new solo joined a trillion streams in two days on SoundCloud. Trillion? Yeah, it's a smart one, too. It's actually a critique of capitalism.

    革命為什麼,是的嘣,這就是那隻山羊,夥計對不起,我不是對韋斯特博士不敬 但大個子是個從貝德斯坦西來的孩子 他賣出了兩千萬張唱片所以他是個失敗者你最好小心點,兄弟什麼,我只是說我的新單曲 在SoundCloud上兩天內就獲得了一萬億的點擊率一萬億?是啊,這首歌也很聰明實際上是對資本主義的批判 It's actually a critique of capitalism.

  • I think you mean capitalism. Yeah, capitalism, everybody capping all the time, right?


  • I like it. My new joint is called Kling Kling Kling, you know what I'm saying? Buss it.

    我喜歡我的新店叫 "克林克林" 你知道我在說什麼嗎?去吧

  • Kling Kling Kling, man you capping. Ooh, ah, Kling Kling Kling Kling Kling, ooh, you capping.

    Kling Kling Kling,夥計,你在蓋帽。哦,啊,Kling Kling Kling Kling Kling,哦,你蓋帽。

  • Drip, splash, water, drip, splash, splash, drip, water, splash, splash. No, no, no, no. You do not do that, young man. Now sit down.

    水滴、水花、水滴、水花、水花、水滴、水花、水花、水花。不,不,不,不你不能這麼做 年輕人現在坐下

  • You see? Spank your kids, everybody. Thank you, Hip Hop, for 50 years. Here's to 50 more.


  • Hey mom, can you call an Uber? I don't like the Bronx at all.


Hello and welcome to the first ever museum of hip-hop here in the boogie down Bronx. I'm Nunya Business from XXL and it's my honor to welcome our esteemed panel today to celebrate 50 years of the culture we know and love.

大家好,歡迎來到布朗克斯區 有史以來第一個嘻哈博物館我是《XXL》的努尼婭-布斯頓(Nunya Business),今天很榮幸邀請到我們尊敬的專家小組,共同慶祝我們所熟知和熱愛的嘻哈文化誕生 50 週年。

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