Again, it all depends on what exercise that you're doing, but for instance, if you're doing a squat with a 20-pound water bag, odds are you can lift a whole lot more than 20 pounds, so that 20 pounds on the intensity is gonna be nowhere near your 60 to 75% of your one rep max, so you're hitting it for eight to 12 reps, being completely under-stimulated, so you're not gonna be able to gain any hypertrophy there.
再次強調,這完全取決於你在做什麼運動,但舉個例子,如果你用 20 磅的水袋做深蹲,你能舉起的重量很可能遠遠超過 20 磅,所以 20 磅的強度遠遠達不到你最大單次運動量的 60% 到 75%,所以你只能做 8 到 12 次,完全沒有受到足夠的刺激,所以你不可能獲得任何肥大。